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dc.contributor.advisorErkan Kösebay, Yoncaen_US
dc.contributor.authorÇağıran, Ergün
dc.description.abstractGecmisten gunumuze ulasabilmis gerek tasinabilir gerekse tasinmaz kultur varliklarinin korunabilmeleri onarilabilmeleri icin bilimsel bir yontemle yapi malzemelerinin incelenmesi bir zorunluluktur. Boyle bir inceleme kuskusuz ki gunumuz teknolojisinin olanaklarini kullanarak ve projelendirilerek kurgulanan bir arastirma zemininde yapilmalidir. Bu tez calismasinda tarihsel surecte medreselerin gelisimi islevi yapilanmasi ve Osmanli Ýmparatorlugu icinde medreselerin tasidigi onem genel hatlariyla incelenmistir. uzerinde calisma yapilan Nisanci Mehmet Bey Medresesi'nin tarihcesi banisi konumu yapisal ve mimari ozellikleri degerlendirilmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractIt's a necessity to examine construction materials in order to conserve and restore the movable and nonmovable cultural assets which have survived from the past.No doubt that an examination like this should be undertaken with modern technologic methods.In this paper Nişancı Mehmet Bey Madrasah's history, location, constructive and architectural characteristics are being researched and evaluated in terms of development of madrasahs, their function, settlement and the significance in the Ottoman Period.It's intended to illuminate the conservation and restoration processes from the point of laboratory analyses of the construction material of Nişancı Mehmet Bey Madrasah.Before the anaylses, the samples of the plaster-mortar, bricks and dirt were taken from the building then documented.The systematic goals aimed in this research are as below;By the process of construction material analysis:Binder / aggregate / additive properties and ratios,Types and nature of sealant and additive materials,Their values of physical competence,Origin of the construction material were aimed to be determined.By evaluating the results of the analysis:The deterioration of the construction material and the reasons,Detection of earlier damage and repairs,Determination of the compatible materials which will be used in conservation-restoration process,Designation of the proper conservation methods,Suggestions for conservation-restoration under universal principles were brought forward.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.titleNişancı Mehmet Bey Medresesi koruma sorunları ve önerileren_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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