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dc.contributor.advisorYıldırım, Cananen_US
dc.contributor.authorErtugrul, Aysegul
dc.description.abstractSon yillarda artan rekabet ortaminda isletmelerin finansman yapilari buyuk onem kazanmistir. Finansman konusunda oldukca sikinti ceken Yenilikci Kucuk İsletmelerin (YKÝ) finansman yapilarini ortaya koymak ve bu isletmelerin yasamis olduklari finansman sikintilarini gorebilmek bu calismanin amacini olusturmaktadir. Bu amac dogrultusunda teknoparklarda faaliyet gosteren YKÝ.ler calismanin orneklemini olusturmustur. YKÝ'lerin finansman yapisini sikintilarini ve isletmelerin finansman yapilarini nelerin etkiledigini anlayabilmek icin anket calismasi yapilmis ve 54 tane isletmeden alinan veriler incelenmis bu sekilde YKÝ.lerin finansman yapisi belirlenmeye calisilmistir. İsletmelerin finansman yapisini yonetici egitim seviyesinin finansal karar alicinin konusunda uzman kisi olup olmadiginin ve dis finansmana ulasmada yasanan sorunlarin etkiledigi isletmenin olcegi sektorde bulunma suresi gibi nedenlerin ise finansman yapisini etkilemedigi bulunmustur.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, the financial structures of companies have become exceedingly important in the increasingly competitive business environment. The object of this study is to reveal the financial structures of Innovative Small Firms (ISF) suffering financial difficulties and observing the nature of the financial difficulties they are experiencing. The sampling of the study consists of ISF?s operating at technoparks in Turkey. A survey has been performed to comprehend the financial structures and problems of ISF?s and to find out the factors which influence their financial structures. Data acquired from 54 companies has been carefully studied in order to be able to determine the financial structures of ISFs. The study reveals that while the education levels and managing skills of the managers, presence of an expert in financial decision making and the problems in accessing foreign finance, influence financial structures of the companies, the scale of the company or time of presence in the market does not have effect on their financial structures.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectYenilikçi Küçük İşletmeler (YKİ)en_US
dc.subjectFinansman Yapısıen_US
dc.subjectFinansman Sorunlarıen_US
dc.subjectInnovative Small Firm (ISF)en_US
dc.subjectFinancial Structureen_US
dc.subjectFinancial Problemsen_US
dc.titleYenilikci kucuk isletmelerin finansmani:Turkiye uygulamasien_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Finans ve Bankacılık Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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