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dc.contributor.advisorAybar, Sedaten_US
dc.contributor.authorOzdogan, Elif
dc.description.abstractAltin tarihler boyunca hep talep edilen bir kiymetli maden olmakla beraber yatirim amacli urunler icinde finans piyasalarinin genc aktorlerindendir. Altin Borsasi ve altina dayali finansal urunlerin henuz gelismekte olan piyasalar olmasi sebebiyle yatirimcilara ulasilmasi konusunda daha fazla faaliyet gosterilmesi gerekmektedir. Yatirim kararlari verilirken yatirimci profilleri de gozonune alinarak yonlendirme yapilmalidir.Bu durumda yatirima yonlendirilecek portfoylerin buyuklukleri onem kazanmaktadir. Bu calismada da altin ile ilgili temel bilgilerin yani sira altin piyasasi ve finans sektorundeki gelisimi ile altina dayali yatirim enstrumanlarindan olan altin yatirim fonlari anlatilarak getiri ve fiyat karsilastirmalari yapilip yatirimcilara fikir vermek hedeflenmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractGold, being the most-wanted precious metal in history; it's now one of the youngest investment instruments of the financial markets. As known; the Gold Exchange Market and the financial instruments based on gold are newly developping, so It is necessary to make much more effort to attract the investors' interest. While making investment decisions, it is important to guide the portfolio by it's investor profile becuase in this process the portfolio - size gains importance. By this work , we are aiming to give the basic information about gold and its development process throughout the history in financial markets. Our purpose is to give a clue to the investors regarding this relatively new financial instruments by explaining the financial instruments based on gold - specifically the gold investment funds - and by comparing the price - yield scaleen_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.titleAltin ve altin fonlarien_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US

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