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dc.contributor.advisorAkser, Muraten_US
dc.contributor.authorOzcan, Fethi Feyyaz
dc.description.abstractcagimizin en yaygin kullanilan kitle iletisim araci internettir. 1960 lardaMarshallLuhanin ongorusu olan global village kavrami ve 90 lar Pierre Levy nin ongorusubilgi toplumu ve kollektif zeka kavrami gercege donusmustur. bu ongorulerin gunumuze yansimasi dijital aktivizm olmustur. dijital aktivistlerin gerceklestirdigi dijital aktivist hareketler neticesinde dunyanin cehresi degismistir. toplumlar bu eylemlerle seslerini duyurmustur. hatta wikileaks le baslayip arap bahari ve ofkeliler hareketi olarak devam eden surecte bir cok devletin yapisinin degismesine neden olmuslardir. hemen hemen her ulkede dijital aktivistler sahne almistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe net is the most common and wıdely-used tool in our epoch.Marshall mc Luhan's prevision about global village in 1960 and Pierre Levy's prevision of knowledge socıety and prevision of common ıntellıgence are turned ınto reality.Today these previsions' reflections are digital activism.The movement of digital activists have changed the world.The voieces of societies have been heard by these movements.Wikileaks,Arabian Spring The movement of angers made a change of many governments.The digital activists has shown almost at every country.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectDigital aktivizmen_US
dc.subjectDijital aktivistleren_US
dc.subjectArap baharıen_US
dc.subjectYeni medyaen_US
dc.subjectYeni medya teknolojilerien_US
dc.subjectKollektif zekaen_US
dc.subjectNew mediaen_US
dc.subjectTechonologies of new mediaen_US
dc.subjectArabian springen_US
dc.titleYeni medya ve dijital aktivizmen_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Yeni Medya Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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