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dc.contributor.advisorMemiş, Tekinen_US
dc.contributor.authorArpaci, Aysegul
dc.description.abstractBir eseri meydana getiren kisi eser sahibi sifatiyla hukukun kendisine tanidigi bazi mali ve manevi nitelikte haklara sahip olmaktadir. Eser sahibinin yasami boyunca bu haklari uzerinde tasarruf edebildigi bilinmektedir. Eser yaraticisi oldugu takdirde ise soz konusu haklarin sona erip ermeyecekleri devam edeceklerse bunlarin kimler tarafindan hangi sartlarda kullanilabilecekleri incelenmesi gereken doktrinde ve yargi uygulamasinda da tartisma konusu olan meselelerdir.en_US
dc.description.abstractA person who creates a work, as an author, holds economic and moral rights that are entitled by the law. It is known that the author exercises these rights through his/her lifetime. Provided that the author dies, the questions of whether these rights expire or survive and if survival is of concern, who will exercise these rights and which terms are required to exercise them, are the points that must be discussed and already analysed in doctrine and jurisprudence.In this study, the subject of transfer by inheritance of author?s economic and moral rights covered by the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works numbered 5846 is analysed in light of the legislation, doctriner discussions and jurisprudence, also our opinions are presented. The thesis is prepared as three chapters. In the first chapter the rights of the author, in the second chapter transfer by inheritance of the moral rights, in the third chapter transfer by inheritance of the economic rights are analysed.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectFikri Mülkiyeten_US
dc.subjectMali Haklaren_US
dc.subjectManevi Haklaren_US
dc.subjectTelif Hakkıen_US
dc.subjectEconomic Rightsen_US
dc.subjectIntellectual Propertyen_US
dc.subjectMoral Rightsen_US
dc.title5846 sayili Fikir ve Sanat eserleri Kanunu kapsaminda eser sahibinin mali ve manevi haklarinin miras yolu ile intikalien_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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