Aktan Erciyes, Aslı

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Name Variants
Aktan Erciyes,A.
A., Aslı
Aslı Aktan Erciyes
Aktan Erciyes, A.
Aktan Erciyes A.
Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
Aktan-Erciyes A.
Aktan Erciyes, Asli
Aktan Erciyes, ASLI
A. Aktan Erciyes
A., Asli
Aktan Erciyes,Asli
Asli, Aktan Erciyes
Aktan-Erciyes, A.
Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı
Aktan-erciyes, Aslı
Ercıyes, Aslı Aktan
Aktan-erciyes, Aslı
Ercıyes, Aslı Aktan
Erciyes, Aslı Aktan
Erciyes, Asli Aktan
Job Title
Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Article
    Longitudinal Effects of Second Language on First Language Narrative Skills and Executive Functions of Preschool Children
    (Selcuk University, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
    The present study investigated the longitudinal effects of early exposure to L2-English on L1-Turkish language competence, narrative skills and executive functioning. We asked whether early immersion-like exposure to L2, starting around 3 years of age, would have reflections on L1 competence, L1 narrative skills and gains in cognitive flexibility. Thirty 4-year-olds attending two types of preschools participated in the study: L1-preschools (N=12) with Turkish instruction and L2-preschools (N=18) where children were exposed only to English (6 hrs) throughout the day. Children were initially tested at time 1 (T1) at age 4 and at time 2 (T2), a year later when they were 5. At T1, results revealed that children attending L2-preschools displayed no differences in executive functions performance compared to children in L1-preschools. Likewise, there were no differences for L1 competence as well as L1 narrative skills. At T2, however, for L1 narrative skills, children attending L1-preschools displayed significantly higher performance compared to peers in L2-preschools. For executive functioning again there were no differences between the participants. The differences in narrative competence at T2 might indicate that children in L2-preschools lack sufficient input in story telling in L1 to support narrative competence. For future consideration how literacy acquisition would interact with the effects of L2 exposure should also be investigated.
  • Master Thesis
    How Are Maternal and Paternal Causal Language Inputs Associated With Children's Causal Language Production and Counterfactual Thinking
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2023) Kandemir, Songül; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Erciyes, Asli Aktan
    Neden-sonuç ilişkisi ürettiğimiz sözlü yapıları kapsayan nedensel dil, günlük yaşamımızda gözlemlediğimiz nedensel olayları ifade etmek için kullandığımız dil yapısıdır. Bu yapıları erken çocukluk döneminden itibaren kullanmaya başlarız ve bu noktada hem anne hem de baba önemli roller oynar. Bir olayın sebep ve sonucunu anlamak, potansiyel olarak diğer olası senaryoları düşünmeyi gerektirebilir ve dolaylı olarak nedensel dilin karşı olgusal düşünceyle ilişkili olmasını sağlayabilir. Karşı olgusal düşünce, gerçekleşmiş veya henüz gerçekleşmemiş bir olayın alternatif sonuçlarını düşünme yeteneğidir. Mevcut çalışmada, (1) annelerin ve babaların nedensel dil girdisindeki farklılıkların, (2) anne ve babanın nedensel dil girdileri ile çocuğun nedensel dil üretimi arasındaki ilişkinin, (3) çocuğun nedensel dil üretimi ile karşı olgusal düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkinin ve (4) annelerin ve babaların nedensel dil girdileri ile çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çevrimiçi yürütülen çalışma, 60 ebeveyn-çocuk çiftinin (Myaş: 56 ay) katılımı ile gerçekleşmiş ve anne-babalar çalışmaya birbirlerinden ayrı katılım göstermiştir. Baba-çocuk ve anne-çocuk ikili oturumları için tangram oyunu ve hikaye anlatma görevleri kullanılmıştır. Çocuk oturumu için hikaye anlatma, karşı olgusal düşünme, nedensel fiil üretimi, inhibisyon kontrolü görevleri ve TIFALDI ifade edici dil alt testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına bakıldığında, babaların annelere kıyasla daha fazla nedensel dil kullandığı görülmektedir. Annenin nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun annesine yönelik kullandığı nedensel dil arasında pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Benzer şekilde, babanın nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun babasına yönelik kullandığı nedensel dili arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Babanın nedensel dil girdisi çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesiyle ilişkili bulunmazken annenin nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesi arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Yalnızca çocuğun annesine yönelik kullandığı nedensel dilin karşı olgusal düşüncesiyle negatif bir ilişki içinde olduğu görülmektedir. Anne veya babanın nedensel dil girdisi çocuğun hikaye anlatma ve nedensel fiil üretimi görevlerinin puanlarıyla ilişkili bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma çocukların nedensel dil ve karşı olgusal düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelerken hem anneleri hem de babaları odak noktasına alarak literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır.
  • Article
    Early Event Understanding Predicts Later Verb Comprehension and Motion Event Lexicalization
    (Amer Psychologıcal Assoc, 2019) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Göksun, Tilbe
    Before infants produce words, they can discriminate changes in motion event components such as manner (how an action is performed) and path (trajectory of an action). Individual differences in nonlinguistic event categorization are related to children's later verb comprehension (Konishi, Stahl, Golinkoff, & Hirsh-Pasek, 2016). We asked: (a) Do infants learning Turkish, a verb-framed language, attend to both manner and path changes in motion events? (b) Is early detection of path and manner related to children's later verb comprehension and (c) how they describe motion events? Thirty-two Turkish-reared children were tested at three time points. At Time 1, infants (M-age = 14.5 months) were tested on their detection of changes in path and manner using the Preferential Looking Paradigm. At Time 2, children were tested on their receptive language skills (M-age = 22.07 months). At Time 3, children performed 3 tasks (M-age = 35.05 months): a verb comprehension task, an event description task depicting motion events with different path and manner combinations, and an expressive language task. The ability to detect changes in event components at Time 1 predicted verb comprehension abilities at Time 3, beyond general receptive and expressive vocabulary skills at Times 2 and 3. Infants who noticed changes in path and manner at Time 1 used fewer manner-only descriptions and more path-any descriptions (i.e., descriptions that included a path component with or without manner) in their speech at Time 3. These findings suggest that early detection of event components is associated not only with verb comprehension, but also with how children lexicalize event components in line with their native language.
  • Article
    Fine Motor Abilities and Parental Input of Spatial Features Predict Object Word Comprehension of Turkish-Learning Children
    (WILEY, 2021-06) Kobas, Mert; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Göksun, Tilbe
    Object word learning can be based on infant-related factors such as their manual actions and socio-linguistic factors such as parental input. Specific input for spatial features (i.e., size, shape, features of objects) can be related to object word comprehension in early vocabulary development. In a longitudinal study, we investigated whether fine motor abilities at 14 months and parental input for spatial features at 19 months predicted object word comprehension at 25 months. Twenty-seven Turkish-learning children were tested at three time points (Time 1: M-age = 14.4 months, Time 2: M-age = 18.6 months, Time 3: M-age = 25 months). We measured word comprehension through the parental report and fine motor abilities with Mullen at Time 1. We used a puzzle play session to assess parental input for spatial features at Time 2 and a standardized receptive vocabulary test at Time 3. We found that fine motor abilities were related to object word comprehension. However, parental input for spatial features at 19 months predicted object word comprehension at 25 months beyond fine motor abilities at 14 months. Early fine motor abilities and using different words for spatial features may foster infants' visual experiences in play and exploration episodes, leading to better object word learning.
  • Article
    Understanding Language Acquisition: Neural Theory of Language
    (Selcuk University, 2021) Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
    This paper aims to discuss old and contemporary perspectives in understanding language acquisition taking into account the neural theory of language. Discussing a recent theory by Kuhl (2010), neural substrates of first language learning will be put forward (Berwick et al., 2013). Neural substrates of phonetic learning, word learning, sentence processing, and syntax development are separately discussed. As a novel window to look into language learning in a greater detail, second language learning in relation to the theories of language acquisition is further discussed. Second language learning and dual vs. single coding structure relating to language acquisition are discussed in relation to the theories that have previously been explained. Finally, a discussion of contemporary issues in understanding both first and second language acquisition in relation to bilingualism is presented. In sum, investigating language acquisition requires a multi-disciplinary approach taking psychology, linguistics, and cognitive neuroscience of language into account is necessary.
  • Article
    Parental Use of Causal Language for Preterm and Full-Term Children: a Longitudinal Study
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Ozdemir, S.C.; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan-Erciyes, A.; Göksun, T.
    Parents are often a good source of information, introducing children to how the world around them is described and explained in terms of cause-and-effect relations. Parents also vary in their speech, and these variations can predict children's later language skills. Being born preterm might be related to such parent-child interactions. The present longitudinal study investigated parental causal language use in Turkish, a language with particular causative morphology, across three time points when preterm and full-term children were 14-, 20-, and 26-months-old. In general, although preterm children heard fewer words overall, there were no differences between preterm and full-term groups in terms of the proportion of causal language input. Parental causal language input increased from 20 to 26 months, while the amount of overall verbal input remained the same. These findings suggest that neonatal status can influence the amount of overall parental talk, but not parental use of causal language. © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press.
  • Article
    Effects of Second Language Acquisition on Narrative Structure and Linguistic Processes in Preschool and School-Aged Children
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019) Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı
    This research examines the effects of second language acquisition in early childhood on the structural and linguistic properties of narrative skills in the child's native language. To investigate these questions, narrative and vocabulary skills in monolingual and bilingual children (Frog story) were evaluated. One hundred and twelve five- and seven-year-old monolingual (Language 1 [L1]: Mother tongue, Turkish) (N = 61) and bilingual (L1, Turkish; Language 2 [L2]: Second language, English) (N = 51) children participated in the study. Narrative skills were evaluated only for Turkish for monolingual children, whereas bilingual children were tested in English as well, the latter test taking place on a separate day. For the structural evaluation of narrative discourse, a schema is used to evaluate the narrative skills of bilingual children. The elements in the schema are: Frog story elements, sequence, perspective / emotion and affect, and finally engagement. In order to evaluate the linguistic complexity simple and complex clauses were coded. The percentage of complex clauses with respect to total clauses was used as an indication of linguistic complexity. There were two age groups in the monolingual and bilingual groups. The findings revealed that in L1: Turkish, bilingual and monolingual children differed for narrative structure components regardless of age group. Monolinguals outperformed their bilingual peers for frog story elements, sequence, perspective affect, and engagement. Age differences indicated that for five-year-olds there were no differences between monolinguals and bilinguals for perspective affect and engagement which were difficult skills to display at that age. Monolingual children were better at incorporating more complex structures into their narratives compared to bilinguals. It was found that bilingual and monolingual children did not differ in L1 vocabulary skills. The results showed that early exposure to L2 might result in negative outcomes for L1 narrative development.
  • Article
    Effects of Second-Language Acquisition on Character Introductions in 5-And 7-Year Bilingual and Monolingual Children's Frog Story Narratives
    (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2021) Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Unlutabak, Burcu; Zengin, Betül Firdevs
    This study investigates the effects of early second-language (L2) acquisition on introduction of characters in narrative discourse by comparing 5- and 7-year-old monolingual (first-language [L1] = Turkish) and bilingual (L1 = Turkish, L2 = English) children. Turkish does not have a grammaticalized article system like English which enables to investigate specific influences. The findings revealed that monolingual and bilingual children used similar forms while introducing characters; however, for the Frog character, bilingual children used more appropriate referencing compared to monolinguals. These findings were discussed within the effects of L2 on L1 in terms of introducing characters as well as the amount of exposure to L2.
  • Article
    A Multidimensional Investigation of Pretend Play and Language Competence: Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations in Preschoolers
    (Elsevier, 2020) Kızıldere, Erim; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Tahiroğlu, Deniz; Göksun, Tilbe
    Play is an important tool for children's social interactions and cognitive skills. The current study examines the links between pretend play and language in 119 Turkish preschoolers at two time points tested one-year apart (Time 1 M-age = 45.82 months and Time 2 M-age = 57.68 months). Preschoolers' language competence (linguistic complexity and receptive vocabulary) was assessed along with several pretend play measures (telephone task, imaginary pantomime task, pretense score from a free play session). Results showed that concurrently the telephone and imaginary pantomime task scores were associated with linguistic complexity at Time 1 and only the telephone score was related to linguistic complexity at Time 2. No concurrent associations were found between receptive vocabulary and pretend play measures. Furthermore, a longitudinal relation was found between language competence and one pretend play measure: Time 1 telephone score predicted Time 2 receptive vocabulary score. These findings are discussed in terms of the two domains potentially sharing the symbolic aspect as an underlying mechanism and social aspect through pretense creating contexts relevant to language development.
  • Master Thesis
    Annenin ve Babanın Nedensel Dil Girdisi Çocuğun Nedensel Dil Üretimi ve Karşı Olgusal Düşünmesi ile Nasıl İlişkilidir?
    (2023) Kandemir, Songül; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Erciyes, Aslı Aktan
    Neden-sonuç ilişkisi ürettiğimiz sözlü yapıları kapsayan nedensel dil, günlük yaşamımızda gözlemlediğimiz nedensel olayları ifade etmek için kullandığımız dil yapısıdır. Bu yapıları erken çocukluk döneminden itibaren kullanmaya başlarız ve bu noktada hem anne hem de baba önemli roller oynar. Bir olayın sebep ve sonucunu anlamak, potansiyel olarak diğer olası senaryoları düşünmeyi gerektirebilir ve dolaylı olarak nedensel dilin karşı olgusal düşünceyle ilişkili olmasını sağlayabilir. Karşı olgusal düşünce, gerçekleşmiş veya henüz gerçekleşmemiş bir olayın alternatif sonuçlarını düşünme yeteneğidir. Mevcut çalışmada, (1) annelerin ve babaların nedensel dil girdisindeki farklılıkların, (2) anne ve babanın nedensel dil girdileri ile çocuğun nedensel dil üretimi arasındaki ilişkinin, (3) çocuğun nedensel dil üretimi ile karşı olgusal düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkinin ve (4) annelerin ve babaların nedensel dil girdileri ile çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çevrimiçi yürütülen çalışma, 60 ebeveyn-çocuk çiftinin (Myaş: 56 ay) katılımı ile gerçekleşmiş ve anne-babalar çalışmaya birbirlerinden ayrı katılım göstermiştir. Baba-çocuk ve anne-çocuk ikili oturumları için tangram oyunu ve hikaye anlatma görevleri kullanılmıştır. Çocuk oturumu için hikaye anlatma, karşı olgusal düşünme, nedensel fiil üretimi, inhibisyon kontrolü görevleri ve TIFALDI ifade edici dil alt testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına bakıldığında, babaların annelere kıyasla daha fazla nedensel dil kullandığı görülmektedir. Annenin nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun annesine yönelik kullandığı nedensel dil arasında pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Benzer şekilde, babanın nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun babasına yönelik kullandığı nedensel dili arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Babanın nedensel dil girdisi çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesiyle ilişkili bulunmazken annenin nedensel dil girdisi ile çocuğun karşı olgusal düşüncesi arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Yalnızca çocuğun annesine yönelik kullandığı nedensel dilin karşı olgusal düşüncesiyle negatif bir ilişki içinde olduğu görülmektedir. Anne veya babanın nedensel dil girdisi çocuğun hikaye anlatma ve nedensel fiil üretimi görevlerinin puanlarıyla ilişkili bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma çocukların nedensel dil ve karşı olgusal düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelerken hem anneleri hem de babaları odak noktasına alarak literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır.