Türk Ticaret Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı'na Göre Ticaret Şirketlerinin Birleşmesi

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1980'li yıllardan itibaren dünya ekonomisi giderek hızlanan bir küreselleşme sürecine girmiştir. 19. yüzyıldan sonra şirket birleşmeleri giderek yaygınlaşmayabaşlamış, 21. yüzyılda ise adeta bir şirket varoluş tipi haline gelmiştir. Şirket birleşmelerine ilişkin olarak Ticaret Kanunu dışında birçok kanunda düzenlemeler bulunmaktadır. Çalışmamızda Türk Ticaret Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarı'sı açısından şirket birleşmeleri ele alınmakla beraber, mevzuatımızdaki diğer düzenlemelere de zaman zaman atıflarda bulunulmuştur.
As from the 1980?ies the world?s economy has been entered into an ever increasing globalization process. After the 19th century, the corporate combinations started to become prevalent, and in the 21st century it becomes almost a corporate-existence type. There are diverse regulations in various laws other then the Turkish Commercial Code. In our study, we handled the corporate combinations in terms of the Turkish Commercial Code and the Turkish Commercial Code Draft however, time to time the other regulations in our legislation have also been referred. The corporate combinations are not only affecting the corporations which have been combined; but also the shareholders of the combined corporations, their creditors, debtors, employees, investors and other similar groups. In our study, we give place primarily to the establishment of the combination, and then the conditions of the combination, the primary matters, combinations procedures, its phases and affects of the combination have been investigated with all the details under separate headlines



Ticaret Şirketleri, Şirket Birleşmeleri, Trading Companies, Corporate Combinations

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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