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dc.contributor.advisorKutal, Metinen_US
dc.contributor.authorÖzcan, Esra
dc.description.abstractHemen hemen her işyerinde uygulanan fazla çalışma ve fazla çalışmaya verilecek ücret ile ilgili düzenlemeler, işçi ve işveren açısından maliyetleri, iş kazalarını, işçinin verimini ve sosyal ilişkilerini, devletlerin istihdam yaratma politikasını etkileyen önemli bir konu olmuştur.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe regulations about overwork and its payments, which are often used in many work places, have always been an important issue in terms of labour cost, workplace accidents, labour productivity and social relationships and government?s employment policies.In line with globalisation around the world, flexible bills and decrees started appear in Labour Laws in order to maintain the competitiveness of workplaces. Turkish Labour Law recently has been changed to accord with European norms and in order to add flexible decrees. The article 4857 of Turkish Labour Law has extensive changes on overwork at workplaces. This study aims to investigate and explain the terms of overwork and its payments by looking into the new regulations such as, overwork alignment process, spreading working times over the different days of the week, using free time instead of overtime payments. Try to explain the differences between the decrees of Marine Labour Law and Press Labour Law, that regulate seamen?s and pressmen?s overtimes and payments and the general Labour Law have also been the intention if this study.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectFazla Çalışmaen_US
dc.subjectFazla Çalışma Ücretien_US
dc.subjectPayments of overtimeen_US
dc.titleTürk iş hukukunda fazla çalışma ve ücretien_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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