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Yirminci yuzyilin son ceyreginde baslayip bugune kadar sure gelen onceleri ulkemizdeki gibi bolgesel olarak yasanan finansal krizlerin artik kuresellesmenin dogal bir sonucu olarak tum dunya piyasalarina cok kisa bir surede kolaylikla yayildigi ve etkisinin buyuk oldugu gozlemlenmistir. Elde edilen arastirmalar sonucunda finansal krizlerin buyuk olcude risk yonetimindeki yetersizliklerden kaynaklandigi tespit edilmistir. Bu nedenle risk yonetimi konusunda uluslararasi standartlarin olusturulmasinin ve denetim mekanizmalarinin etkinliginin artirilmasinin cok onemli bir ihtiyac oldugu dusunulmustur.
The financial crisis, from the beginning of the last quarter of the twentieth century to today, easily spread to the markets of the whole world in a very short time because of a natural result of globalization. The resulting of the studies shows that the most important reason of financial crises has been that deficiencies in risk management. For this reason, the establishment of international standards and to enhance the effectiveness of control mechanisms have been thought that to be a very important need for the risk management.This is an important pillar of the financial system for the needs of the banks? risk management activities will provide the stability of financial markets, the idea of reaching a certain standard, Built as the capital adequacy regulations for the banking sector.To this end, the beginning of Basel I thought of to be effective, but insufficient, this arrangement was seen in a very short time later, thus bringing the Basel I to Basel II, Basel III Capital Adequacy Regulation by developing higher standards have been released.Given the cooperation of banks in SMEs is inevitable, the Basel II risk-based approach brought by the indirectly affected SMEs clearly foreseeable.On the principles of fundamental changes in banks' lending standards will make this clear, the country of employment and the economy had taken on the lead is also very significant impact on SMEs will be.That is the kind of institutions are usually seriously inadequate equity capital, long-term investment and financing of assets used during the activities as well as meeting the needs of working capital necessitates the establishment of a permanent relationship with bank.Given the economic conditions of developed countries, in terms of credit to hold more capital, credit, perhaps until now they have acquired in terms of users, giving up all the habits of transparency, risk management and includes such elements as recruitment of qualified staff have to leave these decisions to have a whole new form of government, each develop a completely different form of behavior will cause the two sides.In this study, the Basel-II Accord by working in our country's economy, measured in a fixture in the nature of its effects on SMEs, as long as this kind of economic agents of future attempts to find a better warning to prepare.



Basel II, KOBİ, Sermaye Yeterliliği, Derecelendirme, Kobi Kredileri, Capital Adequacy, Rating, SME’s Credit

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