Orta Asya enerji kaynakları üzerinde güç mücadeleleri

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Devletler tarihin hemen her doneminde ekonomik siyasal ve kulturel alanda guc mucadelesine girmislerdir. Ulusal cikarlari korumak ve uluslararasi alanda soz sahibi olabilmek adina yapilan bu mucadelelerin aktorleri ve konusu surekli degismektedir. Genellikle askeri ve siyasi seyir izleyen bu mucadeleler son yillarda yerini ekonomiye ve bu baglamda da enerji kaynaklari uzerindeki rekabete birakmistir. ozellikle 1990 sonrasi surcte Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinin bagimsizliklarini kazanmalari ve sahip olduklari enerji kaynaklarinin zenginligi nedeni ile bu bolgede onemli guc mucadeleleri yasanmaya baslamistir. Bu mucadelenin iki temel aktoru ise Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ve Rusya'dir. Orta Asya Cografyasindaki ABD ve Rusya mucadelesinin degerlendirilecegi bu calismada olaylara realizm ekseninden bakilmaya calisilacaktir.
Nations through whole known time periods, always had conflicts about politics and cultural influence. In the name of protecting national interests and international recognition countless efforts have been made and remained virtually the same, though their actors and themes have always changed. Generally this conflicts followed paths of military and political solutions, but recent times has seen new ways of dealing with these issues, such as economical power and domination of energy sources. Especially the period after 1990, many Central Asian countries regained their independence and their wealth in natural resources lead to a new era of power domination on this landscape. Main rivals of this new conflict are naturally United States of America and Russian Federation. This work is based on an axis of realism to interpret the new conflict between these two giants.



Enerji, Realizm, Güvenlik, Güç Dengesi, ABD, Rusya, Orta Asya, Energy, Realism, Safety, Balance of Power, USA, Russia, Central Asia

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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