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dc.contributor.advisorVural, Mustafaen_US
dc.contributor.authorBulut, Gamze
dc.description.abstractMesleki uygulamalari sirasinda alinan kararlar ve yapilan mudahaleler acisindantibbi etik ve tibbi deontolojinin yanisira hukuk acisindan da sorumluluklar tasiyandishekiminin tibbi mudahalelerini dogrudan ya da dolayli olarak duzenleyen bircok kanun tuzuk yonetmelik yonerge ve tebliglerin saglik mevzuatimiz icinde yer almasina ragmen bunlarin hic birinde dishekiminin hukuki sorumluluguna yer veren ozel hukumler bulunmamaktadir.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn terms of the decisions taken and the interventions made during professional practice beside medical ethics and medical deontology there are also many laws, rules, regulations and directives that regulate directly or indirectly dentist's medical intervention.Although there are lots of regulations in the field of responsibility of dentists, there is no specific regulation on that field. The principles of general medical interventions are also accepted for dentist?s. The behaviours against professional ethic are being evaluated through general legal regulations.Recently there is a huge interest in terms of health law in public and in agenda of physicians and lawyers. In the practice mostly the legal responsibility of physicians are being examined, however the legal responsibility of dentists is still being ignored.The legal side of the dentist-patient relationship and the legal liability resulting from the harm given to the patients by the dentists are going to be examined in this thesis.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectDişhekimliğinde tıbbi müdahaleen_US
dc.subjectDişhekiminin yasal sorumluluğuen_US
dc.subjectMedical intervention in dentistryen_US
dc.subjectThe legal responsibility of the dentisten_US
dc.titleDişhekiminin yasal sorumluluğuen_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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