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dc.contributor.advisorCasin, Mesut Hakkıen_US
dc.contributor.authorErbil, Yazgan
dc.description.abstractRusya, özellikle 2000'li yıllarla beraber Putin'in başa geçmesiyle bölgesel bir güç ve hatta eski süper gücüne kavuşmak için enerjiyi ön plana almaktadır. Rusya genelolarak enerji ve özel olarak da doğalgaz alanındaki rezervlerinin avantajlarını da tüm dünyaya göstermek istemektedir. Rusya özellikle yakın çevresi olan Ukrayna, Polonyave Beyaz Rusya üzerinde doğalgaz rezervlerinin de kendisinde bulunmasından dolayı bir hegemonya kurmak istemektedir. Rusya-Ukrayna Doğalgaz Krizi.nde olduğu gibi Rusya, doğalgaz üzerindeki hakimiyetini yeri geldiğinde hem yakın çevresinde bulunan ülkelere hem de Batı dünyasına çarpıcı bir şekilde göstermektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractRussia prioritises energy to regain it?s regional power and even it?s old superpower with the help of Putin taking the lead of Russia in 2000?s. Generally, Russia wants to show in the field of energy and reserved of natural gas advantages to the whole world. Russia, because of own natural gas reserved especially at near abroad of Ukraine, Polond and Belarus it?s wants to establish a great hegemony. ?Russia-Ukraine Gas Crisis? section as well as Russia, sovereignty on natural gas on when appropriate both near and Western world exposes dramaticaly. When Russia encounters political problems with near abroad countries, use to natural gas as a means of punishment. This situation is causing the world energy security is being questioned again and again. The natural gas crisis that took place between Russia and Ukraine of the state of crisis and crisis management issues are highlighted. Preceding this study, the concept of crisis and crisis management gas has been talking about what it means is that Russia imported oil and natural gas policy and energy security is to express what was discussed. Moreover, some political discussions between Russia and Ukraine have been given and are discussed bilateral relations between the two states. Finally, in 2006 and 2009 gas crisis particularly Russia, Ukraine and the reaction of the Western world have been told about this crisis. Accordingly, this study the energy of the state a big advantage time this has the advantage of a state?s economic and political as the increase in how big a weapon or a plus and that?s the reserve and production by the level of energy diplomacy as a tool to use to Russia other to add a great power over the state are expected.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectKriz Yönetimien_US
dc.subjectRusya’nın Doğalgaz Politikasıen_US
dc.subjectRusya-Ukrayna İlişkileri,en_US
dc.subjectEnerji Güvenliğien_US
dc.subjectRusya-Ukrayna Doğalgaz Krizien_US
dc.subjectCrisis Managementen_US
dc.subjectRussia Natural Gas Policyen_US
dc.subjectRussia-Ukraine Relationsen_US
dc.subjectEnergy Securityen_US
dc.subjectRussia-Ukraine Natural Gas Crisisen_US
dc.titleRusya-Ukrayna doğalgaz krizi ve enerji güvenliğien_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Uluslararası İlişkiler Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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