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dc.contributor.advisorSarıkartal, Çetinen_US
dc.contributor.authorSancak, Ayşe
dc.description.abstractBatili manadaki gercekci tiyatro eserlerinin ulkemizdeki ilk ornekleri Cumhuriyet yillarinda verilmistir. Yurtdisina egitim icin gonderilen aydinlar gercekci eserlerle orada karsilasmislar ve yurda donduklerinde Batidakine benzer eserler vermeye calismislardir. Necip Fazil Kisakurek de bu yazarlarimizdan birisidir. Onun idealist dunya gorusu Batili normlara bagli kalarak yazdigi gercekci eserlerini hem teknik hem icerik anlaminda etkilemistir. Batinin gercekcilik anlayisi ile Necip Fazil'in idealist dunya gorusu uyusmadigi icin Necip Fazil'in tiyatro eserlerinde bazi sorunlar ortaya cikmistir. Karakterlerinin sonunu kendilerine birakan Bati tiyatrosu ile karakterlerinin sonunu kadere birakan Necip Fazil gercekcilik konusunda tezat dusmustur. -- onsoz'den.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe first examples of the realistic works of theatre in our country, in the Western sense, were given in Republic years. The intellectuals sent abroad for education encountered the realistic works there and tried to make works similar to those in the West when they returned to the country. Necip Fazıl Kısakürek is one of these writers. His idealistic world view affected his realistic works he had written depending on Western norms in terms of both technique and content. Since West's understanding of realism and Necip Fazıl's idealistic world view do not comply with each other, some problems emerged in Necip Fazıl's theatrical works. Western theatres which let only itself to decide on the endings of its characters and Necip Fazıl who let fate decide on the endings of his characters contradict with each other on the issue of realism. This situation, which is thought that Necip Fazıl did not adopt, was tried to be overcome by writing a new realistic play on this work. The realistic aspect of the written play and the Necip Fazıl's understanding of realism were compared.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.titleNecip Fazıl Kısakürek'in tiyatro oyunlarında gerçekçi ögelerin saptanması ve gerçekçi bir tiyatro eserinin yazılmasıen_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Film ve Drama Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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