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dc.contributor.advisorMemiş, Tekinen_US
dc.contributor.authorSür, Pınar
dc.description.abstractÇalismamiz bir giris uc bolum ve bir de sonuç kisimdan olusmaktadir. İlk bolumunde sinema sanatinin Dünya'da ortaya çikisi ve Turkiye'ye girisine iliskin genel bilgiler verilmis sinemayi olusturan unsurlar tanitilmistir. Ardindan Turk Hukukunda sinema eseri kavrami ile sinema eserinin korunma şartlari mevzuattaki kimi degisiklikler ele alinarak anlatilmaya calisilmis hukuki niteligi tartismali bazi yaratimlar ornek verilerek konu detaylandirilmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractAs a form of artistic expression that emerged in 1895, cinema has spread across the globe and become one of the most effective tools of communication in a short time. Concordantly, in the domain of law, cinema has acquired a legal status in the domain of intellectual property law and continued to develop as a form of work of art. In this thesis, the emergence and key elements of cinema are briefly explored. Also, the notion of cinema work in Turkish Law and other issues regarding conditions of protection of cinema work, creations that polemically qualify as a work of art in cinema, the notion of authorship in cinema have been discussed. By studying the main topics regarding authorship in the field of cinema, this thesis presents moral and financial rights arising from the authorship, legal qualification of these rights, and legislative amendments depending on cinema works.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectSinema Eserien_US
dc.subjectEser Sahipliğien_US
dc.subjectSinema Eseri Sahipliğien_US
dc.subjectEser Sahipliğinden Doğan Haklaren_US
dc.subjectCinema Worken_US
dc.subjectAuthorship in cinemaen_US
dc.subjectRights Arising From The Authorshipen_US
dc.titleSinema eserleri ve sinema eser sahipliğinde doğan haklaren_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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