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dc.contributor.advisorGönenç, Fulya İlçinen_US
dc.contributor.authorAteş, Zeynep
dc.description.abstractÇocukluk doneminde yasanan saglik sorunlari insanlarin gelecek yasam surecleri ile yakindan ilgilidir. Bu sebeple tibbi mudahalelerde cocuklarin rizasinin alinmasi ayri bir oneme sahiptir. Buyume ve gelisim sureci icerisinde olan cocuklar eriskinlerden farkli yapilara sahiptir. Bu calismamizda amacimiz hastanin kucuk olmasi halinde rizanin nasil alinmasi gerektigini tespit etmek kucugun rizasinin alinmasi hususunda ulusal ve uluslar arasi belgelerde yer alan duzenlemeler hakkinda bilgi vermek ve ne zaman kadar veli veya vasi tarafindan rizanin verilebilecegini tespit etmektir. Temyiz kudretine sahip oldugu halde kucugun tibbi mudahaleye riza konusundaki tasarruf hakkinin tamamen yasal temsilciye birakilmasi kisinin kendi gelecegini belirleme hakkinin goz ardi edildigi anlamina gelmektedir. Kendi goruslerini olusturma kapasitesine sahip cocuklar kendilerini ilgilendiren konularda dusuncelerini ozgurce ifade etme hakkina sahip olmalidir. Her somut olay kendi icerisinde degerlendirilmelidir. Hekim tarafindan uygulanacak basit nitelikteki tibbi mudahalelerde ayirtim gucune sahip kucugun tek basina rizasi yeterli sayilmalidir. Tibbi mudahalenin agriligina gore de veli veya vasinin rizasi ile birlikte cocugunda rizasi mutlaka alinmalidir.en_US
dc.description.abstractHealth problems, incurred during childhood, are closely related to the future life cycles of human beings. Therefore, in case of medical operations, taking the child?s consent has a crucial importance. Children being in the growing and development process, have a different kind of structure from that of the grow up people. In this study, we are trying to determine that in case our patient is a little child, then how the consent of the child will be taken and giving information regarding the regulations stated in the national and international documents regarding taking the consent of a child, and determining until when the consent will be given by its parents or its custodian. Although it has the power of appeal, leaving the right of alienation with regard to the medical operation of the little child totally to its legal representative, means that the right of determining your own future has been ignored. Children who has the capacity of making their own opinions, must have the right to freely express their thoughts about the matters relating to them. Every concrete event should be assessed in itself. The sole consent of little ones, who has the strength of disjunction in the medical operations to be applied by the physician which are of a simple nature, should be deemed sufficient. And in accordance with the heaviness of the medical operation, along with the consent of its parent or its custodian, the consent of the child should be definitely taken as wellen_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectTıbbi Müdahaleen_US
dc.subjectMedical interventionen_US
dc.titleKüçüklerin tıbbi müdahaleye rızasıen_US
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalıen_US

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