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Article A 1-kW wireless power transfer system for electric vehicle charging with hexagonal flat spiral coil(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2021) Aydin, Emrullah; AydemIr, M. TimurWireless power transfer (WPT) technology is getting more attention in these days as a clean, safe, and easy alternative to charging batteries in several power levels. Different coil types and system structures have been proposed in the literature. Hexagonal coils, which have a common usage for low power applications, have not been well studied for high and mid power applications such as in electric vehicle (EV) battery charging. In order to fill this knowledge gap, the self and mutual inductance equations of a hexagonal coil are obtained, and these equations have been used to design a 1 kW WPT system with hexagonal coils for a mid-power stage EV charging. The theoretical and simulation results have been validated with an implementation in the laboratory and a DC-to-DC power efficiency of 85% is achieved across a 10 cm air gap between the perfect aligned coils. The misalignment performance of the system was observed for different positioning of the secondary coil, and the output power variation is given. In addition, the effect of shielding on magnetic field exposition of a driver sitting in an EV was obtained, and these simulation results were compared in order to check the compliance with international health standards.Conference Object 11 Beta-Hsd Type 1 Is Responsible for Low Plasma Hdl-Cholesterol and Abdominal Obesity in Metabolic Syndrome Patients(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006) Atalar, Fatmahan; Vural, Burçak; Ciftci, C.; Demirkan, A.; Susleyici Duman, Belgin; Çağatay, Penbe; Günay, Demet; Sagbas, E.; Akpinar, Belhhan; Ozbek, Ugur; Buyukdevrim, Ahmet Sevim[Abstract Not Available]Article 2d Materials (ws2, Mos2, Mose2) Enhanced Polyacrylamide Gels for Multifunctional Applications(Mdpi, 2022) Uysal, Bengu Ozugur; Nayir, Seyma; Acba, Melike; Citir, Betul; Durmaz, Sumeyye; Kocoglu, Sevval; Yildiz, EkremMultifunctional polymer composite gels have attracted attention because of their high thermal stability, conductivity, mechanical properties, and fast optical response. To enable the simultaneous incorporation of all these different functions into composite gels, the best doping material alternatives are two-dimensional (2D) materials, especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD), which have been used in so many applications recently, such as energy storage units, opto-electronic devices and catalysis. They have the capacity to regulate optical, electronic and mechanical properties of basic molecular hydrogels when incorporated into them. In this study, 2D materials (WS2, MoS2 and MoSe2)-doped polyacrylamide (PAAm) gels were prepared via the free radical crosslinking copolymerization technique at room temperature. The gelation process and amount of the gels were investigated depending on the optical properties and band gap energies. Band gap energies of composite gels containing different amounts of TMD were calculated and found to be in the range of 2.48-2.84 eV, which is the characteristic band gap energy range of promising semiconductors. Our results revealed that the microgel growth mechanism and gel point of PAAm composite incorporated with 2D materials can be significantly tailored by the amount of 2D materials. Furthermore, tunable band gap energies of these composite gels are crucial for many applications such as biosensors, cartilage repair, drug delivery, tissue regeneration, wound dressing. Therefore, our study will contribute to the understanding of the correlation between the optical and electronic properties of such composite gels and will help to increase the usage areas so as to obtain multifunctional composite gels.Article 3d Printer Selection for the Sustainable Manufacturing Industry Using an Integrated Decision-Making Model Based on Dombi Operators in the Fermatean Fuzzy Environment(Mdpi, 2024) Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Zolfani, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani; Kucukonder, Hande; Antucheviciene, Jurgita; Pavlovskis, MiroslavasThree-dimensional printers (3DPs), as critical parts of additive manufacturing (AM), are state-of-the-art technologies that can help practitioners with digital transformation in production processes. Three-dimensional printer performance mostly depends on good integration with artificial intelligence (AI) to outperform humans in overcoming complex tasks using 3DPs equipped with AI technology, particularly in producing an object with no smooth surface and a standard geometric shape. Hence, 3DPs also provide an opportunity to improve engineering applications in manufacturing processes. As a result, AM can create more sustainable production systems, protect the environment, and reduce external costs arising from industries' production activities. Nonetheless, practitioners do not have sufficient willingness since this kind of transformation in production processes is a crucial and irrevocable decision requiring vast knowledge and experience. Thus, presenting a methodological frame and a roadmap may help decision-makers take more responsibility for accelerating the digital transformation of production processes. The current study aims to fill the literature's critical theoretical and managerial gaps. Therefore, it suggests a powerful and efficient decision model for solving 3DP selection problems for industries. The suggested hybrid FF model combines the Fermatean Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (FF-SWARA) and the Fermatean Ranking of Alternatives through Functional mapping of criterion sub-intervals into a Single Interval (FF-RAFSI) approaches. The novel FF framework is employed to solve a critical problem encountered in the automobile manufacturing industry with the help of two related case studies. In addition, the criteria are identified and categorized regarding their influence degrees using a group decision approach based on an extended form of the Delphi with the aid of the Fermatean fuzzy sets. According to the conclusions of the analysis, the criteria "Accuracy" and "Quality" are the most effective measures. Also, the suggested hybrid model and its outcomes were tested by executing robustness and validation checks. The results of the analyses prove that the suggested integrated framework is a robust and practical decision-making tool.Article 3D self-assemble formation of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-doped polyacrylamide (PAAm) composite hydrogels(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Durmaz, Sumeyye; Yildiz, Ekrem; Uysal, Bengu Ozugur; Pekcan, OnderPolyacrylamide (PAAm), a renowned member of the hydrogel class, has many uses throughout a wide range of industrial processes, including water absorbed diapers, contact lenses, wastewater treatment, biomedical applications such as drug delivery vehicles and tissue engineering because of its physical stability, durability, flexibility easier shaping, and so on. PAAm also provides new functionalities after the incorporation of inorganic structures such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). During the copolymerization process, the transmittance of all samples reduced significantly after a particular time, referred to as the gel point. Microgels form a tree above the gel point as projected by Flory-Stockmayer classical theory. Because of microgels positioned at the junction points of the Cayley tree, the addition of MoS2 results in strong intramolecular crosslinking and looser composites. Moreover, fractal geometry provides a quantitative measure of randomness and thus permits characterization of random systems such as polymers. Fractal dimension of these polymer composites is calculated from power-law-dependent scattered intensity. It was also confirmed that a hydrogel rapidly formed within a few seconds, indicating a 3D network formation inside the gel. These materials may have a great potential for application in wearable and implantable electronics due to this highly desired 3D self-assemble feature.Article 5403 Sayılı Kanun Çerçevesinde Terekedeki Tarım Arazilerinin Devredilmesi Karşısında Muris Muvazaası(Istanbul Univ, 2020) Senol, A. Nilay; Kazmacı, Özge UzunThe Law on Protection of Soil and Land Use, numbered 5403, aims to protect the unity of agricultural lands, and to prevent the division of the soil with inheritance. This law stipulates first, the possibility regarding the giving over of the agricultural land in succession to one or more heirs, to a family partnership, to a limited liability company or to a third person with the consensus of the heirs and second, in case of disagreement, the judge shall decide whether to leave the agricultural land to a competent heir or to sell the land. Furthermore, according to this law, the competent heir to whom the agricultural land will be left can be determined by means of testamentary disposition. It is possible and also valid within the legal constraints that the testator can also transfer the agricultural land to one of the heirs while he is alive. It is arguable whether this transaction can be considered as the testator’s simulation or not, if this transaction has also been made with a simulated transaction. Some principles are set out by the Supreme Court in terms of the simulation of the testator, and although these principles and decisions are criticized by the doctrine, such cases are held by these principles. The purpose and the regulations of the Law numbered 5403 shall be taken into consideration in determining testator’s simulationArticle Ab Hukuk Düzeni ve Emca’da Anonim Ortaklıklarda Çoğunluğun Kötüye Kullanımının Etkilerinin Azaltılması: İzole ve Halka Kapalı Türk Anonim Ortaklıklarında Azınlığın Korunması İçin Esinlenmek Mümkün Mü?(Istanbul Univ, Fac Law, 2024) Görmez, OnurAB mevzuatında, çoğunluğun kötüye kullanılması hususunu düzenleyen genel bir hüküm bulunmamaktadır. Üye devletlerde ise konuya dair iki ayrı yaklaşım bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan Fransa’da kabul gören çift eşikli yaklaşım olarak adlandırılabilecek ilki hem azınlığın hem de ortaklığın çıkarının zedelenmesini aramaktadır. Almanya ve İskandinav ülkeleri gibi bazı ülkelerde kabul gören tek aşamalı yaklaşım olarak adlandırılabilecek diğer yaklaşımda yalnızca azınlığın çıkarının zedelenmesi yeterli görülmektedir. AB düzenlemeleri de dikkate alınarak akademisyenler tarafından hazırlanan bir model yasa çalışması olan EMCA’da da kendisine yer bulan ikinci yaklaşım azınlık pay sahipleri için daha iyi bir koruma sunmaktadır; özellikle izole ve halka kapalı anonim ortaklıkların azınlık pay sahipleri yönünden. Adalet Divanı’nın Audiolux kararıyla da ortaya konduğu üzere AB Hukuku’nda pay sahipleri yönünden uygulama alanı bulacak genel geçer bir eşit işlem ilkesi söz konusu değildir. EMCA’da olduğuna benzer şekilde TTK m.357’de ise eşit şartlardaki pay sahiplerinin eşit işleme tabi tutulması gerekliliğini öngören hüküm uyarınca, Türk hukukunda da ortaklıkta çoğunluğun kötüye kullanılmasının tartışma konusu olduğu hallerde, kötüye kullanmayı tespit için tek eşikli yaklaşım yeterli olmalıdır. İzole ve halka açık olmayan anonim ortaklıklarda azınlık pay sahiplerinin etkin bir şekilde korunması için uygulanabilecek yöntemler bakımından ise, sınır aşan tür değiştirme, birleşme ve bölünmeler yönünden 2017/1132 sayılı Yönerge seviyesinde de öngörülen azınlığa ortaklıktan çıkma hakkı tanıyan bir düzenlemenin getirilmesi yerinde olacaktır. Haklı nedenle feshi düzenleyen TTK m.531’in değiştirilmesi suretiyle azınlık pay sahiplerine, paylarını satarak ortaklıktan çıkmayı doğrudan mahkemeden talep edebilecekleri bir düzenleme getirilmesi de düşünülmelidir. EMCA Bölüm 11.35 ve Bölüm 11.37’deki pay sahiplerinin paylarını satarak ortaklıktan çıkması ile payların satın alınmasını talep etme veya paylarını satmaya zorlama hususlarında öngörülen hükümlerden TTK için de esinlenilebilir.Article Absolute Configuration and Biological Profile of Pyrazoline Enantiomers as Mao Inhibitory Activity(Wiley, 2019) Goksen, Umut Salgin; Sarıgül, Sevgi; Bultinck, Patrick; Herrebout, Wouter; Doğan, İlknur; Yelekçi, Kemal; Uçar, Gülberk; Kelekçi, Nesrin GökhanA new racemic pyrazoline derivative was synthesized and resolved to its enantiomers using analytic and semipreparative high-pressure liquid chromatography. The absolute configuration of both fractions was established using vibrational circular dichroism. The in vitro monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory profiles were evaluated for the racemate and both enantiomers separately for the two isoforms of the enzyme. The racemic compound and both enantiomers were found to inhibit hMAO-A selectively and competitively. In particular the R enantiomer was detected as an exceptionally potent and a selective MAO-A inhibitor (K-i = 0.85 x 10(-3) +/- 0.05 x 10(-3) mu M and SI: 2.35 x 10(-5)) whereas S was determined as poorer compound than R in terms of K-i and SI (0.184 +/- 0.007 and 0.001). The selectivity of the enantiomers was explained by molecular modeling docking studies based on the PDB enzymatic models of MAO isoforms.Conference Object Abstraction in Fpga Implementation of Neural Networks(World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2008) Öğrenci, Arif SelçukA model for FPGA implementation of multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented. The model tries to incorporate object oriented design principles in the analysis training and design of components using hardware description languages. The synthesis will be based on the tools supplied by the FPGA vendors. The results indicate that the method can be utilized and it can be further improved to create a general methodology that bridges the gap between hardware and software in embedded system design.Conference Object Accelerating Brain Simulations on Graphical Processing Units(IEEE, 2015) Kayraklıoğlu, Engin; El-Ghazawi, Tarek A.; Bozkuş, ZekiNEural Simulation Tool(NEST) is a large scale spiking neuronal network simulator of the brain. In this work we present a CUDA(R) implementation of NEST. We were able to gain a speedup of factor 20 for the computational parts of NEST execution using a different data structure than NEST's default. Our partial implementation shows the potential gains and limitations of such possible port. We discuss possible novel approaches to be able to adapt generic spiking neural network simulators such as NEST to run on commodity or high-end GPGPUs.Article Accented Essays: Documentary as Artistic Practice in Contemporary Audiovisual Works From Turkey(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2019) Akçalı Kuyucu, ElifThis article looks at the use of documentary filmmaking in contemporary artistic practices in Turkey, specifically focusing on three works that adopt a first-person, subjective viewpoint: Didem Pekun's Of Dice and Men (2016), Sener ozmen's How to Tell of Peace to a Living Dove? (2015), and Aykan Safoglu's Off-White Tulips (2013). Made by artists in transition, these films tackle themes of belonging and identity through stylistic choices proper to essayistic filmmaking, which allow these works to be regarded as accented essays. The personal questions raised through the aesthetics they employ become relevant to collective issues of culture, history, and memory, offering an alternative understanding of the social context, which was largely affected by the political events during the period in which they were made.Article Acceptable 'expats Versus Unwanted 'arabs Tracing Hierarchies Through Everyday Urban Practices of Skilled Migrant Women in Istanbul(Wiley, 2024) Tuncer, EzgiThis article focuses on ethnic hierarchies found within highly educated migrant women working in Istanbul traced through their everyday urban practices. It introduces the stratified and comparative results of migration and resettlement of those from the Global North and the Global South through a comprehensive analysis on their urban lives, including their social positionings, preferences of neighbourhoods and daily patterns of their use of the city. Contrary to the common conception that skilled migrants are privileged, our research reveals inequalities and discriminatory practices they face that intersect with gender, nationality and ethnicity. Our research, based on qualitative analyses of in-depth interviews along with online subjective mapping representing use of the city, also reveals that regardless of their origin and identity, almost all our participants experience verbal/physical sexual harassment or discrimination in public space in Istanbul, which forces women to produce spatial tactics of everyday life.Article Accretion Flows in Nonmagnetic White Dwarf Binaries as Observed in X-Rays By:balman, S (balman, Solen)[ 1 ](Elsevıer Scı Ltd, 2020) Balman, ŞölenCataclysmic Variables (CVs) are compact binaries with white dwarf (WD) primaries. CVs and other accreting WD binaries (AWBs) are useful laboratories for studying accretion flows, gas dynamics, outflows, transient outbursts, and explosive nuclear burning under different astrophysical plasma conditions. They have been studied over decades and are important for population studies of galactic X-ray sources. Recent space-and ground-based high resolution spectral and timing studies, along with recent surveys indicate that we still have observational and theoretical complexities yet to answer. I review accretion in nonmagnetic AWBs in the light of X-ray observations. I present X-ray diagnostics of accretion in dwarf novae and the disk outbursts, the nova-like systems, and the state of the research on the disk winds and outflows in the nonmagnetic CVs together with comparisons and relations to classical and recurrent nova systems, AM CVns and Symbiotic systems. I discuss how the advective hot accretion flows (ADAF-like) in the inner regions of accretion disks (merged with boundary layer zones) in nonmagnetic CVs explain most of the discrepancies and complexities that have been encountered in the X-ray observations. I stress how flickering variability studies from optical to X-rays can be probes to determine accretion history and disk structure together with how the temporal and spectral variability of CVs are related to that of LMXBs and AGNs. Finally, I discuss the nature of accretion in nonmagnetic WDs in terms of ADAF-like accretion flows, and elaborate on the solu-tions it brings and its complications, constructing an observational framework to motivate new theoretical calculations that introduce this flow-type in disks, outflow and wind models together with disk-instability models of outbursts and nova outbursts in AWBs and WD physics, in general. (C) 2020 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. KeywordsArticle Acculturation Attitudes and Social Adjustment in British South Asian Children: a Longitudinal Study(Sage Publications Inc, 2013) Brown, Rupert; Baysu, Gülseli; Cameron, Lindsey; Nigbur, Dennis; Rutland, Adam; Watters, Charles; Hossain, Rosa; LeTouze, Dominique; Landau, AnickA 1-year longitudinal study with three testing points was conducted with 215 British Asian children aged 5 to 11 years to test hypotheses from Berry's acculturation framework. Using age-appropriate measures of acculturation attitudes and psychosocial outcomes it was found that (a) children generally favored an integrationist attitude and this was more pronounced among older (8-10 years) than in younger (5-7 years) children and (b) temporal changes in social self-esteem and peer acceptance were associated with different acculturation attitudes held initially as shown by latent growth curve analyses. However a supplementary time-lagged regression analysis revealed that children's earlier integrationist attitudes may be associated with more emotional symptoms (based on teachers' ratings) 6 months later. The implications of these different outcomes of children's acculturation attitudes are discussed.Article Accurate Indoor Positioning With Ultra-Wide Band Sensors(Tubitak, 2020) Arsan, TanerUltra-wide band is one of the emerging indoor positioning technologies. In the application phase, accuracy and interference are important criteria of indoor positioning systems. Not only the method used in positioning, but also the algorithms used in improving the accuracy is a key factor. In this paper, we tried to eliminate the effects of off-set and noise in the data of the ultra-wide band sensor-based indoor positioning system. For this purpose, optimization algorithms and filters have been applied to the raw data, and the accuracy has been improved. A test bed with the dimensions of 7.35 m x 5.41 m and 50 cm x 50 cm grids has been selected, and a total of 27,000 measurements have been collected from 180 test points. The average positioning error of this test bed is calculated as 16.34 cm. Then, several combinations of algorithms are applied to raw data. The combination of Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm for optimization, and then the Kalman Filter have yielded the most accurate results. Briefly, the average positioning error has been reduced from 16.34 cm to 7.43 cm.Conference Object Achievable Performance of Bayesian Compressive Sensing Based Spectrum Sensing(IEEE, 2014) Başaran, Mehmet; Erküçük, Serhat; Çırpan, Hakan AliIn wideband spectrum sensing compressive sensing approaches have been used at the receiver side to decrease the sampling rate if the wideband signal can be represented as sparse in a given domain. While most studies consider the reconstruction of primary user's signal accurately it is indeed more important to analyze the presence or absence of the signal correctly. Furthermore these studies do not consider the achievable lower bounds of reconstruction error and how well the selected method performs correspondingly. Motivated by these issues we investigate in detail the primary user detection performance of Bayesian compressive sensing (BCS) approach in this paper. Accordingly we (i) determine the BCS signal reconstruction performance in terms of mean-square error (MSE) compression ratio and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and compare it with the conventionally used basis pursuit approach (ii) determine how well BCS performs compared with the Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower bound (BCRLB) of the signal reconstruction error and (iii) assess the probability of detection performance of BCS for various SNR and compression ratio values. The results of this study are important for determining the achievable performance of BCS based spectrum sensing.Article Achieving Sustainability in Solar Energy Firms in Turkey Through Adopting Lean Principles(Mdpi, 2022) Aldewachi, Bilal; Ayag, ZekiLean principles and sustainability are considered important terms in business. Solar firms are witnessing great competition to fulfill energy requirements, suffering from a huge amount of waste, negatively affecting the sustainability dimensions. Thus, the aim of the study is to build a framework for solar energy firms to achieve sustainability through adopting lean principles, which will help to fix many problems as waste and costs. The method included reviewing the literature to explore the founding of the relation between the two terms, and using a questionnaire that was directed to the responsible people in Turkish solar energy firms. The results of the survey were analyzed to: (1) Find out what the responsible people think about the two terms lean and sustainability; (2) Measure the probable relationship between lean principles and sustainability dimensions by applying a linear regression test; (3) Use the results of point number two to build the framework. The result showed there was a high level of relative importance about the two terms from the point of view of managers and experts in solar firms. In addition, the study found a relationship between adopting pull and flow principles of lean, and achieving economic and social dimensions of sustainability, this finding is represented in a framework.Correction The Acquisition and Use of Relative Clauses in Turkish-Learning Children's Conversational Interactions: a Cross-Linguistic Approach (vol 46, Pg 1142, 2019)(Cambridge Univ Press, 2022) Uzundag, Berna A.; Kuntay, Aylin C.[Abstract Not Available]Article Across Dimensions: Two- and Three-Dimensional Phase Transitions From the Iterative Renormalization-Group Theory of Chains(2020) Keçoğlu, İbrahim; Berker, A. NihatSharp two- and three-dimensional phase transitional magnetization curves are obtained by an iterative renormalization-group coupling of Ising chains, which are solved exactly. The chains by themselves do not have a phase transition or nonzero magnetization, but the method reflects crossover from temperaturelike to fieldlike renormalization-group flows as the mechanism for the higher-dimensional phase transitions. The magnetization of each chain acts, via the interaction constant, as a magnetic field on its neighboring chains, thus entering its renormalization-group calculation. The method is highly flexible for wide application.Conference Object Action Recognition Using Random Forest Prediction With Combined Pose-Based and Motion-Based Features(IEEE, 2013) Ar, İlktan; Akgül, Yusuf SinanIn this paper we propose a novel human action recognition system that uses random forest prediction with statistically combined pose-based and motion-based features. Given a set of training and test image sequences (videos) we first adopt recent techniques that extract low-level features: motion and pose features. Motion-based features which represent motion patterns in the consecutive images are formed by 3D Haar-like features. Pose-based features are obtained by the calculation of scale invariant contour-based features. Then using statistical methods we combine these low-level features to a novel compact representation which describes the global motion and the global pose information in the whole image sequence. Finally Random Forest classification is employed to recognize actions in the test sequences by using this novel representation. Our experimental results on KTH and Weizmann datasets have shown that the combination of pose-based and motion-based features increased the system recognition accuracy. The proposed system also achieved classification rates comparable to the state-of-the-art approaches.