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Book Part Citation Count: 0Editorial Citation Count: 7The Act of Killing An Interview with Joshua Oppenheimer(CINEASTE, 2013) Behlil, Melis; Oppenheimer, Joshua[Abstract Not Available]Conference Object Citation Count: 0Assessing changes in Turkish public opinion: Current trends and future prospects(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2017) Baybars Hawks, BanuIt would be unfair underestimating the accumulated knowledge and efforts which target to assess public opinion on certain issues and put forward effective plans. However many of the research aiming to analyze public opinion handle the issue mostly during political election periods and they do not have much idea about the different actors and factors that would be effective in the formation of public opinion. There is only a few research done in Turkey that measures public opinion regularly. Therefore this study aims to bring together different variables who address different aspects of the issue. This research will reveal what the public thinks about current issues in Turkey and whether the recent trends have any reflections on social political and cultural structure of the country. The data collected with this research may not only provide important insights into public's opinion regarding current and potential issues in Turkey but could also guide policymakers in shaping the public policies. By doing this study regularly the author intents to contribute to social sciences literature and argues that increasing the frequency and quality of academic exchange on public opinion research would be a vital part of wider actions that could be taken on different policy measures. The outputs of this study may also encourage scholars and researchers from different fields and backgrounds to study and discuss public opinion with its complex dynamics and milieu of dimensions.Article Citation Count: 1Bankacılık Hizmetlerinde İletişim Süreci: Bankalarda Reklam Faaliyetleri(Marmara Üniversitesi, Sos. Bil. Enst., 2008) Meral Seden, PınarÜlkelerin kalkınmasında önemli bir rol üstlenen bankalar, hedef kitlelerinde marka bağımlılığını yaratabilmek, piyasadaki paylarını arttırabilmek amacıyla pazarlama iletişiminden yararlanmaktadırlar. Bankalar bu amaçları gerçekleştirebilmek için iletişim sürecini kullanırken, halkla ilişkiler, kişisel satış ve reklam iletişiminden faydalanmaktadırlar. Özellikle reklam iletişimi, bankaların hedef kitleye kendilerini ve ürünlerini ifade etmede, müşterilerin o bankanın hizmetlerini tercih etmesinde önemli bir role sahiptir. İşletmeler, ürün reklamları ile ürettikleri mal ve hizmetlerinin satışını artırmak ve kar sağlamayı hedeflerken, satışlar üzerinde dolaylı yoldan etkisi olan kurumsal reklamlar ile de kurumun iletişim amacını gerçekleştirmektedirler. Kurumsal banka reklamlarında müşteriye ,bankanın faaliyetleri, çalışmalarının iktisadi sonuçları, gelecek dönemde uygulanması planlanan çalışma programı, yeni hizmetler, pazarın durumu, devletçe alınan kararlar, dış alım ve satım konusundaki görüş ve tahminler, bankanın ürünleri gibi bilgiler iletilmektedir. Diğer reklam kampanyalarında olduğu gibi, banka reklamlarının hazırlık süreci de, araştırma ve amaçların belirlenmesi, hedef kitlenin tespiti ve reklam mesajının oluşturulması, reklam bütçesi ve reklam ortamlarının tespiti gibi başlıca üç aşamadan meydana gelmektedir.Article Citation Count: 0BİR ANA MENDİETA VARMIŞ, BİR ANA MENDİETA YOKMUŞ(Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2018) Balkır Kuru, Nur8 Eylül 1985’te New York’taki Soho polis departmanı bir acil durum çağrısı aldı. Ünlü minimalist sanatçı Carl Andre, karısı Ana’nın, yaşadıkları apartmanın 34’üncü kat penceresinden düştüğünü söyleyerek yardım istiyordu. Yardım ekipleri ulaştığında Ana Mendieta’nın cansız bedenini New York Performans Sanatları Okulu’nun çaprazında buldu. Komşuları kısa süre önce onların dairesinden kavga sesleri duyduklarını söylüyorlardı. Mendieta’nın vücudundaki izlerden ve pencerenin konumundan yola çıkan polis, cinayetten şüphelenerek Andre’yi zanlı olarak gözaltına aldı. Davada, Andre’nin avukatları, sanatı ve hayat hikayesinden yola çıkarak Mendieta’nın intihara meyilli bir kişilik yapısı sergilediğini iddia ettiler. Mahkeme, Mendieta’nın intihar ettiğine, sanatına bakarak karar verdi. İronik biçimde, Mendieta’nın toprağı kazarak varlığa dönüştürdüğü “kendi”nden kalan boşluğu “intihara meyilli beden” ile doldurup kapattı. Sanatçının ölümü ve fiziki yokluğu, sanatının temel soruları olan zaman, mekan, beden, kimlik gibi kavramlar etrafından yorumlanarak ünlü “Silueta” serisinin altına, tabiri caizse serinin son işi olarak eklendi. Küba kökenli Amerikalı performans sanatçısı, heykeltraş, ressam ve video sanatçısı Ana Mendieta’nın yarattığı imgeler yeryüzü ve ruh arasında ilişkileri sorgularken, sevgi, ölüm ve yeniden doğuş ile ilgili hayati sorularla yüzleşir. İlk başlardaki yenilikçi ve provokatif performanslarının yerini sonraları sembolik ve geçici işlere bırakmış olsa da, Mendieta beden, zaman, boşluk, doğa ve onların arasındaki ilişkisel bağları her zaman sanatının ana malzemesi yapmıştır. Bu yazı, Mendieta’nın fiziki ve ruhsal varlığını ortaya çıkarmak için kullandığı metotları kavramsal açıdan inceleyecektir. Mendieta’nın doğuştan gelen ırk ve cinsel kimliğini ayrıştırıp varoluşsal açıdan sorgulaması, Heidegger’in varoluşsal uzam ve Merleau Ponty’nin yaşayan beden kavramları üzerinden değerlendirilecektir. Yanı sıra, Marcel Duchamp, Frida Kahlo, Rachel Whiteread gibi, benzer sorunsalları irdeleyen sanatçıların çalışmalarıyla kıyaslama yapılacaktır.Conference Object Citation Count: 0BLENDING SCIENCE AND ART: AN EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE(Iated-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2019) Şaher, Konca; Şaher, Konca; Mıhçı, Gürkanrt and design education enable students to find creative and logical solutions to various design problems. The use of materials, constructive analysis, craftmanship, and originality are some key criteria in the process. Size and dimensionality, the proportion analysis, expression integrity, substantiality, and presentability can vary depending on the project and the context. As one of the methods used to provide targeted experience and learning in art and design education, interdisciplinary work presents a right ground for complex design issues. The workshop we carried out together with the Tubitak National Metrology Institution (UME) named "Art's Metrology, Metrology's Art" aimed to transform art, design, and science together into a product. As rational, natural, and appropriate connections can be established between art and science, students were asked to develop a method to meet the objectives and criteria of both around a certain conceptual focus. An important inclusive of the workshop was to have students observe, get informed, and engage in dialogue and ultimately increase their curiosity about a certain mechanism outside of their studies. The group dynamic in the process of creating three-dimensional and displayable works within a scheduled time was supported by a scientist from the metrology department, three art and design instructors, Konca Saher, Nur Balkir, and Gurkan Mihci from Kadir Has University. The finished works were then exhibited in the Tubitak-UME in Gebze compound. This study, which blends science and art, provided students with the opportunity to experiment with a science field, and to develop their predictions about their own disciplines. The paper will present the development and the outcome of the workshop.Book Part Citation Count: 25Branding cities in the age of social media: A comparative assessment of local government performance(Springer International Publishing, 2015) Sevin, EfeThis chapter is a comparative study of how three local governments- Cape Town (South Africa) Philadelphia (Pennsylvania USA) and Myrtle Beach (South Carolina USA)-use social media platforms in their city branding attempts. Theoretical arguments in the fi elds of corporate and city branding point out the potential of these new communication platforms to change how brand-related content is created and shared with target audiences. However the practice is understudied. The study fi rst explains the potential of social media in branding through media ecology city brand communication and brand co-creation theories. Second the performance of the aforementioned three cities on social media is evaluated by analyzing their Twitter and Facebook presence. The fi ndings suggest that there is room for improvement for local governments in their employment of social media for city branding campaigns. The chapter concludes with recommendations for practitioners. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All rights are reserved.Article Citation Count: 0Changing practices in international broadcasting the BBC world service example(Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, 2014) Yanardağoğlu, EylemLooking at the history of international broadcasting, one can observe that governments utilised international media as an element of public diplomacy as early as 1930s. Some of the first examples are seen at the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) World Service, which runs a Turkish Service since 1939. This research examines the factors that impact on international broadcasting and takes the BBC World Service as an example. It focuses on its Turkish Section in order to consider the changing practices at its language services and explore the influence of the issues such as public diplomacy, technological advances and economic policies on these language services. The BBC World Service and the Turkish section are chosen because they constitute one of the first examples of international broadcasting efforts. The findings are based on data that were collected via in-depth interviews conducted with editors and producers in 2011 at the World Service Central Newsroom and the Turkish Service. This research was funded by TÜBİTAK (the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey) post-doctoral study abroad bursary, at the Communication and Media Research Institute, University of Westminster in London, where the researcher was based as a visiting scholar.Article Citation Count: 3The collector's world(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2020) Diken, Bülent; Laustsen, Carsten BaggeThe article discusses the figure of the collector. We start with positioning the collector in relation to a lack, emphasizing that collecting is not about aesthetic beauty, pleasure or even perfectness, but primarily about filling a gap. The collection itself is merely a by-product of the desire to collect. Discussing how this desire is socially mediated, we move on to contextualizing the collector in relation to the distinction between the useful and the useless. We stress, in this context, that collecting is an inoperative praxis. This is followed by a discussion of the collector's psychopathology in terms of affects and interpassivity. Finally, we turn to the history of the collector and to collecting as a field in sociological terms, and end with articulating a typology of the collector.Book Review Citation Count: 0Book Part Citation Count: 3Corporations as Diplomatic Actors: Conceptualizing International Communication Tools(IGI Global, 2016) Sevin, Efe; Karaca, Hazal SenaThis chapter presents a theoretical look on the available international communication tools that can be used by multinational corporations (MNCs) to engage in diplomatic relations. Specifically, the chapter will provide details about three concepts: lobbying, nation brands, and commercial diplomacy. The research objective is to propose a conceptual framework that (i) explains when and how a specific tool should be used and (ii) demonstrates the inherent connection between the tools. The main assumption in this research is that communication is an essential aspect of conducting international businesses. There are two different categories at the center of these communication attempts. First, MNCs address politicians and other key decision-makers within the local political systems in order to start their businesses. Second, local populations should be persuaded to consume their goods and services. The focus in this chapter is the interplay between the three communication tools that are used to address these two audiences. It is argued that even though there are differences between the needs and expectations of decision-makers and consumers, the communication campaigns used to address one audience affects the other.Conference Object Citation Count: 0A Country Under Siege: Reflection of Identity Crisis on the Formation of Public Opinion in Turkey(Int Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2016) Baybars Hawks, BanuTo date academic attention in social sciences remains inadequate with regard to research and analysis of public opinion in Turkey. Most of the existing research has assessed the public opinion during political election periods. Therefore it is of great interest to find out what the public thinks about current issues in the country and how to interpret the results to be able to reveal whether they may have any reflections on social political and cultural structure of the country. The current study aims to fill this gap. The research on political and social trends in Turkish public opinion has been conducted since 2010 by Kadir Has University Turkey Research Center. The survey's objective is to reveal public opinion on the most important current issues in the country the economy terror the Kurdish Issue domestic and foreign policies the judicial system democracy and the media and social relations/life in Turkey. The data was collected via face to face interviews. The sample included 1000 respondents representative of the country's population aged 18 and above residing in the city centers of 26 cities in Turkey.Article Citation Count: 0Covering Turkey: The Dilemmas of Foreign Correspondents between the Desk and the Field(Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, 2014) Yanardağoğlu, EylemIn the last decade, Turkey’s appeal for international news organizations has risen dramatically. In 1991, there were 85 accredited foreign reporters based in Turkey, the number was recorded as 145 in 2000, 200 in 2005. At the end of 2013, there were 317 accredited members of the foreign media, working for 284 different media organizations. This study accounts for the noticeable increase in the number of foreign correspondents in Turkey. By analyzing data collected via 20 in-depth interviews and online questionnaires, it offers insight on the personal and professional characteristics and practices of foreign journalists covering Turkey. The findings suggest that correspondents “feel responsible” for explaining the complexities in Turkey for their audiences, highlighting the dilemmas between the “desk” and the “field”. They also indicate that Istanbul as an emerging global city does in its own right attracts new media connections.Book Part Citation Count: 1Cultural identity in 'fragile' communities: Greek Orthodox minority media in Turkey(Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014) Yanardağoğlu, Eylem[Abstract Not Available]Conference Object Citation Count: 0Deepening Polarization in Turkish Society: The Impact of Political Actors on Public Opinion(Int Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2017) Hawks, Banu BaybarsRecent research shows that polarization trends are on the rise in Turkey (Konda 2010; BILGESAM 2014: Erdogan 2016: Kadir Has University Turkey Research Center 2017). There are different patterns of polarization in Turkish social and political structure, while its consequences reveal themselves in the political rhetoric, media discourse and voting behavior. There is not much research done in social sciences with regard to the research of polarization and its underlying factors in Turkey. To be able to assess the impact of polarization on the lives of Turkish citizens, the research community may need to focus on the role of different variables influencing the public opinion on this issue. Accordingly, the current study seeks to fill the gap in the social sciences literature in English on social and political trends in Turkey which may be perceived to be very different by other nations. Research on political and social trends in Turkish public opinion has been conducted since 2010 by Kadir Has University Turkey Research Center. The survey's objective is to reveal public opinion on the most important current issues in the country; politics, economics; foreign policy; Kurdish issue; terror; 156 July Coup Attempt; identities and social Relations; change in Turkey, and voter preferences. The data was collected via face to face interviews. The sample included 1000 respondents, representative of the country's population, aged 18 and above, residing in the city centers of 26 cities in Turkey.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Digital Citizenship from Below: Turkish State versus Youtube(Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, MuratThis study aims to give a historically situated analysis of the YouTube ban as seen by Turkish internet users during the first YouTube ban period between 2007-10. The content is used from online Turkish anonymous user platform, eksi sozluk, (sour dictionary). The aim is to test whether there is a civil society response to the ban which political elites and ordinary citizens contest the necessity of access to global social media networks. The main focus of this research paper is the kinds of discourse the Turkish online community used to protest the ban during the first YouTube ban. Through a combination content analysis and discourse analysis the bloggers reactions are coded and indexed to decipher the discourse produced as an active resistance/criticism against the YouTube. The response to YouTube ban that come from Turkish internet users (from below) and was critical in times of global events effecting the usage of internet and was not silenced between these events. As long as they remained anonymous (not organized action) Turkish bloggers utilized their rights for online expression. Frequency of critical blog entries increase in times of events critical of government's YouTube ban. The response to the ban is either based on condemning it or offering ways around the ban; but not calling for united action. Anonymity of the user increases the level of criticism and participation. Finally, both the government authorities and NGOs expect individual action but demand organized corporate actionConference Object Citation Count: 0Digital crime and punishment: Turkish online journalism under siege(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2012) Baybars Hawks, BanuTurkish mass media since its beginnings in late 19th century has aimed to gain its role as the fourth estate in Turkish political scene. The freedom of press has been at the paramount of discussions since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Between 1980 and 2000 Turkish media grew more and more liberal and was able to express discontent publicly exercising its checks and balances function. On the other hand the conservative majority of AKP government the governing party in Turkey brought back pressures on the Turkish media since the 2000s. Digital media as the new developing platform in Turkey for expressing rights and freedoms is under siege by government as well. The government's definition of digital crime and punishment is mostly unnoticed by the average citizen but despised by the young population. This paper intends to show the invalidity of disproportionate use of punishment and illegitimate definition of cybercrime in contemporary democratic systems that target online media professionals and outline how Turkish authorities can reverse the process by adopting alternative strategies of prevention. Under this perspective it also assesses the compliance of Internet legislation and practices in Turkey with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.Article Citation Count: 0Dijital-Siber-Sosyal; Yeni Bir Medyadan Yeni Bir Yaşam Alanına Dönüşüm(2016) Polat, İsmail HakkıDijital-Siber-Sosyal; Yeni Bir Medyadan Yeni Bir Yaşam Alanına DönüşümBook Review Citation Count: 0Documentary Film: A Very Short Introduction(CINEASTE, 2008) Behlil, Melis; Spence, Louıse[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 0DOMESTİK ETNOGRAFİ ÖRNEĞİ OLARAK BEN UÇTUM SEN KALDIN(Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, 2015) Koçer Çamurdan, SuncemIn what ways does documentary camera with its unique capacity to disentangle reality penetrate and reconstruct history? At the intersections of history and memory and of family and self, how do documentary narratives crafted through the pursuit of personal life stories, longed family members, and childhood recollections contest hegemonic ideologies about identity? This article focuses on I Flew You Stayed (2012) by Mizgin Müjde Arslan as a reflexive narrative of tracing longed family members and occult life stories. As Arslan searches for her family history to fill out painful gaps in her life journey through documentary practice, she ends up uncovering a restless history construed by ideologies that silence counter-hegemonic voices in unique ways.