Akkemik, Küçük Ali
Name Variants
Akkemik, Küçük Ali
K. A. Akkemik
Küçük Ali, Akkemik
Akkemik, Kucuk Ali
K. A. Akkemik
Kucuk Ali, Akkemik
Akkemik, K. Ali
Akkemik, K.A.
Akkemik, Ali
Akkemik, K. Ali
K. A. Akkemik
Küçük Ali, Akkemik
Akkemik, Kucuk Ali
K. A. Akkemik
Kucuk Ali, Akkemik
Akkemik, K. Ali
Akkemik, K.A.
Akkemik, Ali
Akkemik, K. Ali
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
22 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
Master Thesis Analysis of the Determinants of Ecological Footprint in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Alemdar, Ali Alper; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik, AliThis paper aims to investigate political economy factors which affect environmental degradation in Turkey. The investigation is based on environmental sociology theories and through assumptions of theories, I test validity of these theories for Turkey. The theories that I test are the environmental Kuznets curve, ecological modernization, treadmill of production and destruction, ecologically unequal exchange, and political economy of urbanization. I use time-series data for Turkey covering the period 1970-2010 and in order to see relationship between the effect of economic development, export density to developed countries, urbanization rate, military expenditure and the ecological footprint per capita of Turkey. I employ Johansen cointegration technique. There is a statistically significant and positive relation between economic development, urbanization with ecological footprint, and there is no evidence for ecologically unequal exchange theory, the environmental Kuznets curve and militarization.Article The Relation Between Worldviews and Intergenerational Altruism in Turkey: an Empirical Approach(Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Catedra de Filosofie Sistematica, 2016) Bulut,M.; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik,K.A.; Göksal,K.Intergenerational altruism is an important area of research to understand the impact of culture on economic outcomes. We hypothesize based on recent research about intergenerational altruism and tough love model that worldviews,religious beliefs,and people’s confidence about their worldviews affect intergenerational altruistic economic behaviour. We extend the research on the impact of worldviews on intergenerational altruism by focusing on Turkey. In the empirical analysis,we run probit regressions using data from a large national survey. We find that worldviews,religiosity,and confidence of individuals about their worldviews impact on intergenerational altruistic economic behaviour in Turkey. © SACRI.Book Part Recent Industrial Policies in Japan(Springer International Publishing, 2015) Akkemik, K. Ali; Akkemik, Küçük AliTraditional Japanese industrial policies have since the 1990s evolved towards knowledge-based industrial policies. In this chapter we first explain the salient features of both the traditional and knowledge-based industrial policies and compare them from the perspective of the role of the government. Knowledge-based industrial policies emphasize the role of the government as a facilitator and coordinator rather than a guide. Accordingly the policy instruments differ as well. The changing global economic environment in the era of the knowledge economy and the emergence of new regional rivals Korea and China also led to significant changes in policy design and corporate governance styles as well. On the other hand we argue that there is still an influence of the developmental state practices in policy-making. To present a full account of the recent industrial policies in Japan we present the recent changes in the policy-making process as well as the economic mindset with reference to the official documents on industrial policies. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.Book Part Recent Industrial Policies in Japan(Springer, 2015) Akkemik, K.A.; Akkemik, Küçük AliTraditional Japanese industrial policies have, since the 1990s, evolved towards knowledge-based industrial policies. In this chapter, we first explain the salient features of both the traditional and knowledge-based industrial policies and compare them from the perspective of the role of the government. Knowledge-based industrial policies emphasize the role of the government as a facilitator and coordinator rather than a guide. Accordingly, the policy instruments differ as well. The changing global economic environment in the era of the knowledge economy and the emergence of new regional rivals, Korea and China, also led to significant changes in policy design and corporate governance styles as well. On the other hand, we argue that there is still an influence of the developmental state practices in policy-making. To present a full account of the recent industrial policies in Japan, we present the recent changes in the policy-making process as well as the economic mindset with reference to the official documents on industrial policies. © 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.Master Thesis Taylor Modelinin Türkiye'ye Uygulanması(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Çimenser, Serdar Can; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik, K. AliÖnemi ekonomiler üzerinde her geçen dönem artan Merkez Bankaları ve uyguladıkları para politikaları akademik çalışmaların vazgeçilmez konularından olmuştur. Para politikası araçlarının daha etkin kullanılması ve ekonomik istikrarı sağlaması için akademik çalışmalar daha da önem taşımaktadır. Son dönemlerde akademik çalışmalarda kurala dayalı ve takdire dayalı para politikası üzerine durulmaktadır. Kurala dayalı para politikası kurallarından biri olan ve John Taylor tarafından 1993 yılında ortaya konan Taylor kuralı bu çalışmada üzerinde durulan modeldir. Amerikan Merkez Bankasının verdiği kararları en iyi şekilde gösteren ekonometrik model olan Taylor modeli, faiz oranları ile çıktı açığı ve enflasyon açığı arasında bir ilişki kurmaktadır. Bu model çalışmamızda Türkiye veriler üzerinde test edilmiştir. İlk olarak gecelik basit faiz oranı verisi üzerinde ADF ve DF birim kök testleri uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra koentegrasyon olup olmadığına bakılmış ve en son olarak da VECM modeli kullanılarak sonuçlara erişilmiştir. Sonuç itibariyle çıktı açığı ve döviz kurundaki değişimin gecelik faiz oranındaki değişimi açıklayabildiği, enflasyon açığının ise çok az bir açıklama gücü olduğu görülmüştür.Article Assessing the Importance of International Tourism for the Turkish Economy: a Social Accounting Matrix Analysis(Elsevier Science, 2012) Akkemik, K. Ali; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik, K. AliThe international tourism sector has grown rapidly in Turkey since the 1980s and Turkey ranks among the top ten countries in terms of tourist arrivals and receipts. Previous studies on international tourism in Turkey are partial equilibrium studies which emphasized the importance of the sector for foreign exchange earnings employment creation and economic growth. The social accounting matrix (SAM) modeling approach is superior to partial equilibrium analysis as it takes into account intersectoral linkages. This paper analyzes the contribution of international tourism to the Turkish economy using two SAMs for 1996 and 2002 respectively. Two analyses are conducted using the SAM impact model: (i) sectoral comparison of GDP elasticities and (ii) SAM impact analysis of international tourism on output value-added and employment. The results show that the GDP elasticity of international tourism is relatively low and the impact of foreign tourist expenditures on domestic production value-added (GDP) and employment in Turkey are modest. The results imply the possibility of leakage of foreign tourist expenditures out of the economy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Toward a Wider Market Definition in Broadband: the Case of Turkey(Elsevier Science, 2015) Oğuz, Fuat; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik, K. Ali; Göksal, KorayAs broadband Internet transforms the way people connect with others the boundaries between different modes of communications become vague. In recent years the scope of voice and broadband markets has become a matter of concern for both policymakers and researchers. Until recently it was thought that DSL and mobile broadband markets were separate markets and therefore they were separately regulated. However recent empirical evidence in some countries shows that fixed and mobile broadband services are likely to be substitutes. If this is true the definition of the relevant market for broadband has to be expanded to include mobile networks. This implies that they should be subject to the same regulatory framework. In order to follow this change we look into the Turkish broadband market as it is one of the fastest growing in Europe. The paper provides empirical evidence on the existence of fixed-mobile substitution in broadband Internet services in Turkey. We show that fixed and mobile broadband are substitutes in Turkey and they have to be included in the same relevant market definition. As differences between them in terms of speed reliability and price diminish customers increasingly see them as substitutes. These changes in the market environment require a reconsideration of the regulatory environment of fixed and mobile broadband markets. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Behavioral Biases of Finance Professionals: Turkish Evidence(Elsevier Science Bv, 2016) Kiymaz, Halil; Kiymaz, Halil; Öztürkkal, Belma; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Akkemik, K. Ali; Öztürkkal, Ayşe BelmaThis study extends the existing literature on the determinants of behavioral biases of Turkish finance sector professionals. It examines the impact of various personal and objective attributes of finance sector professionals on their risk choices derived from their portfolio allocation and personal wealth data. Utilizing survey data from 206 professionals we find that these professionals take higher risk in the form of investment in equities when investing in home country firms (geographic bias) and investing in firms headquartered in their home towns (home bias). Those relying on their own predictions when making investment decisions and those with emotional biases invest less in equities. Findings further show that younger professionals professional with less education with lower risk aversion and with single broker accounts are more likely to invest in equities. We also find that those with higher expected returns invest more in equities showing overconfidence. Subsample analysis results for finance professionals suggest that portfolio managers and brokerage company professionals display differing risk taking behavior. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Article Rapid Economic Growth and Its Sustainability in China(T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2015) Akkemik, K. Ali; Akkemik, Küçük AliChina has recorded remarkable growth rates for three and a half decades. Recently, the annual growth rate has slowed down and is projected to decline gradually to 5 % by 2030. This article examines how high economic growth was realized in the past and whether it can be sustained in the future. In doing this, the paper takes into consideration the projections about future growth rates. The article emphasizes that the main reason for the reduction in the future growth rates is the unsustainability of the currently high investment rates in the long run. In addition, the diversification of financial instruments for the already high savings is important. Necessary improvements in the financial sector are discussed in conjunction with the long term sustainability of economic growth rates.Article Re-Considering the Linkage Between the Antecedents and Consequences of Happiness(Elsevier Science Bv, 2016) Yeniaras, Volkan; Yeniaras, Volkan; Akkemik, K. Ali; Akkemik, Küçük Ali; Yücel, ErayA growing number of studies examine the antecedents of happiness but only a handful of them appear to undertake an analysis of its consequences. Employing a unique cross-sectional data set of 413 adults we examine the relationship of the antecedents of happiness on its outcomes via mediation analysis. We show that the web of relations in this domain is more complicated than it is commonly understood. We provide empirical evidence that income enhances individuals' life satisfaction. We also find a non-linearity in the relation of age to frugality and to attitude towards debt. Whereas a positive relationship exists between employment and frugality income negatively affects frugality. We find strong evidence to suggest that life satisfaction reverses the relationships of employment and income to frugality. Additionally we obtained empirical evidence to suggest that employment income and sex positively affect attitude towards debt. Furthermore we provide empirical evidence that the relationships of age and. income to attitude towards debt are complementarily mediated by frugality while frugality competitively mediates the relationship of employment to attitude towards debt. Finally the results reveal that there exists an indirect-only effect of life satisfaction to attitudes towards debt through frugality. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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