Selen, Eser
Name Variants
Selen, Eser
E. Selen
Eser, Selen
Selen, Eser
E. Selen
Eser, Selen
E. Selen
Eser, Selen
Selen, Eser
E. Selen
Eser, Selen
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
18 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
Master Thesis Mediating Eversion :an Analysis of Virtual Reality in Bodily Experience(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Andıç, Atanur; Andıç, Atanur; Selen, Eser; Selen, EserThis study is an analysis of perceptual and behavioral understanding of audio-visual mediations from the subject’s (user/viewer) perspective. The aim is to analyze the processes in the perception of the content and form of the media as well as how their physical mass are received. in the tracked evolvement of media the concept of “eversion” by Marcus Novak is introduced to analyze the Head Mounted Display (HDM) media as they are more adaptable to their subjects. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s understanding of perception and existence are being used in defining the notion of experience. The thesis states that the subjects in experience of the HMD media perceptually are in control of the narrative while being re-embodied through the spatial elements of polysemous content. in the conclusion how spatiality of content become a performative value is reached.Book Part Occupied Experiences: Displays of Alternative Resistance in Works by Palestinian and Jewish Israeli Artists(Taylor & Francis, 2016) Selen, Eser; Selen, Eser[Abstract Not Available]Book Part Occupied Experiences Displays of Alternative Resistance in Works by Palestinian and Jewish Israeli Artists(Routledge, 2017) Selen, Eser; Selen, Eser[Abstract Not Available]Article ‘i Am Here’: Women Workers’ Experiences at the Former Cibali Tekel Tobacco and Cigarette Factory in Istanbul(Routledge, 2017) Selen, Eser; Selen, Eser; O'Neil, Mary Lou; Louıse Şimşek, MaryThis study presents oral history research which investigated the experiences of surviving women workers from the former Cibali Tekel Tobacco and Cigarette Factory in Istanbul Turkey. For most of its history the factory was home to thousands of workers many of who were women and at times outnumbered men two to one. While the site is now known for the university that it houses photographs and archival records from the early twentieth century reveal the centrality of women in the process and production of tobacco and cigarettes until the factory completely shut down in 1995. Using oral history methods we recorded the memories of 17 women who worked in the factory. A multi-faceted analysis reveals the gendered nature of the space at the time as well as the importance of the factory as a place in the lives of these women. © 2017 Informa UK Limited trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Master Thesis Women’s Empowerment Through the Internet(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2014) Karataş, Şule; Selen, Eser; Selen, EserThis thesis aims to investigate the possibility of women’s empowerment through the internet. Examining women’s empowerment in three major topics: health politics and economy this study argues that the internet empowers women by providing them the cyberspace to access information to share their experiences and to communicate about different issues which have impacts on women’s lives. Through analyzing various websites and blogs operated by women around the world the study suggests that women challenge their offline realities by conveying them into the cyberspace. The thesis further explores virtual communities to discuss that the internet is an empowering medium for women in the issue of activism against ignorance discrimination and violence. -- Abstract'tan.Article The Stage: a Space for Queer Subjectification in Contemporary Turkey(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012) Selen, Eser; Selen, EserThis article focuses on the role of the stage in complex modes of gender performativity in the work of three Turkish performers: Zeki Muren (1931-1996) Bulent Ersoy (b. 1952) and Seyfi Dursunoglu (b. 1932) a.k.a. Huysuz Virjin [Cranky Virgin]. These three I suggest are the pioneers of contemporary Turkish queer performance. Their performances - both on-and off-stage - are validated through a reiterative absence of queerness in their everyday lives and stand in the midst of various negotiations between queers and the secular Islamic nation-state in Turkey. In the works of Muren Ersoy and Huysuz the stage is suggestive of a space where queerness can be managed. It is a contested space that does at least allow for the communication of queer ideas to a wider audience. I discuss the works of these three performers as three variations of queerness in Turkey in relation to different eras and different political climates that are directly related to the nation-state's desire to perform modernity. While explicating complicated modes of gender performativity I consider the stage as the primary space for a queer body to exist. Through this discussion I aim to activate debates both within and against the context of secular Islam on gendered political space and on those overlooked sexualized spaces in which the nation-state produces powerful yet unstable values to manage queer subjectivity in contemporary Turkey.Master Thesis Maker Movement’s Effects on the Democratization of Design Process(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Çeliksap, Burcu; Selen, Eser; Selen, EserThis thesis examines how Maker Movement democratizes the design process by focusing on technologies and tools used by Makers. The Maker Movement has formed by people from different social-economic groups gather to create new jobs innovate by accessing the open source tools of production. The discourse of the Maker Movement is on the political spectrum because of its contents such as knowledge exchange manufacturing using technology and tools ushering “the new industrial revolution.” (Anderson 2012) The study explores questions such as how society involves itself in this movement? How people communicate and transfer their knowledge? How do the effects of Makers Movement effects on society engagement change the economic structure within society? Lastly how can the new tools for design process in Maker movement be democratized and the roles of designers in this movement? The context of this study invites us to embrace the humanist implications of interaction with technology in the contexts of production design process content sharing accessibility to the tools of production creating small businesses and access/hack of materials utilized and having a vision towards the future of Maker Movement. Maker Movement and the Maker Community might shine a light on our formal values ethics and communication as this study is an ongoing project since the Maker Movement is happening now and is developing and growing every day.Article “the Public Immoralist”: Discourses of Queer Subjectification in Contemporary Turkey(University of Southern California, 2020) Selen, Eser; Selen, EserThis study examines the forms of queer subjectification that have been molded through regular acts of gender- and sexuality-based violence against LGBTQ+ citizens as encouraged by the dominant religious and secular discourses in Turkey. Within that context, this article explicates the discursive mechanisms at work in the statements that were made by politicians and journalists between 2002 and 2018. In those discourses, the qualities attributed to nonheteronormative sexualities, such as perversion and disease, are perhaps the most widespread means of negating the existence of LGBTQ+ citizens and claiming that their lifestyles are “immoral.” Based on a case study that incorporates the existing historical and sociopolitical background, which props up a heteronormative patriarchal culture, this study critically analyzes the discourses that have emerged in a state of moral panic regarding queer in/visibilities, dis/appearances, and aversions/subversions in the Turkish sociopolitical sphere.Doctoral Thesis Fantasy Setting Narrative Space in the Queer Cinema of the Usa (1990s–2010s)(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Küçük, Ahmet Serdar; Selen, Eser; Selen, EserFantasy Setting Narrative Space in the Queer Cinema of the USA (1990s–2010s) investigates the origins and functioning of particular choices of setting fantasy elements and non-linear narrative structures in the queer cinema of the United States from the 1990s to 2010s. The study aims to identify a comprehensive counter-culture utopianism in queer cinema with selected examples from American and to a lesser degree world cinema. What is common in the selected films is the notion of escape and the creation and utilization of alternative spaces in which queer-identified characters can take refuge. in the context of the study escape and alternative spaces are associated with revolutionary practices in light of arguments that are derived from the work of Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari José Muñoz and to some extent Marc Augé. The selection of films which also includes some queer classics such as The Living End The Watermelon Woman and Shortbus are assessed through a combination of formalist and contextualist approaches. The formal analyses of the films concentrate on various queer film settings ranging from the road and the stage to the prison and the concentration camp as well as several counter-narrative strategies such as parody pastiche and narrative intransitivity along with particular uses of miseen- scène camera movements sounds editing choices characterization and genre. Special attention is given to cultural and historical context and the representation of sexuality race gender and class is taken into consideration. The study reveals the special ways in which queer films give a critique of heteronormativity racism class inequality commodity culture and nuclear family as well as mainstream film production which denies or suppresses the queer existence.Master Thesis An Exploration of Space in Murakami's the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and After Dark(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Tüfekçioğlu, Burcu; Selen, Eser; Selen, EserBu çalışma, Haruki Murakami'nin iki farklı eserinin yakın okumasını yaparak, eserlerdeki mekânlar ve karakterler arasındaki ilişkiyi ve bu karşılıklı ilişkili olma durumunun önemini ortaya koymak amacıyla sunulmuştur. Zemberek Kuşunun Güncesi (1994-95) ve Karanlıktan Sonra (2004) adlı romanlar arasındaki benzerlikler bu amaç doğrultusunda incelenmiştir. Bu tezde Henri Lefebvre'nin mekân teorisi üzerinden eserlerdeki mekânların ve karakterlerin birbirlerini nasıl eş zamanlı olarak ürettikleri karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde ele alınmaktadır. Yıllar boyunca, Murakami kitaplarının kendine özgü bir dünyaya sahip olduğu iddia edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, kitaplardaki karakterlerin ve mekânların birbirleri sayesinde nasıl kendilerini var ettikleri açıklanmaktadır. Karakterlerin ortaya çıkması için mekânın zorunlu olduğunu öne sürmekle birlikte, çalışma, aynı şekilde karakterlerin de mekânın üretilmesi için zorunlu olduğunu savunuyor. Araştırmadan beklenen sonuç, her iki romandaki mekânlar ve karakterler arasında etkileşimin benzeşen yönlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır.