Şenol, Habib

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Şenol, Habib
H. Şenol
Habib, Şenol
Senol, Habib
H. Senol
Habib, Senol
Senol, H.
Senol, H
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 46
  • Article
    Bayesian Estimation of Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Network Coefficients
    (TUBITAK Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2017) Özer, Hakan Metin; Şenol, Habib; Özmen, Atilla; Özmen, Atilla; Şenol, Habib
    A new method for finding the network coefficients of a discrete-time cellular neural network (DTCNN) is proposed. This new method uses a probabilistic approach that itself uses Bayesian learning to estimate the network coefficients. A posterior probability density function (PDF) is composed using the likelihood and prior PDFs derived from the system model and prior information respectively. This posterior PDF is used to draw samples with the help of the Metropolis algorithm a special case of the Metropolis--Hastings algorithm where the proposal distribution function is symmetric and resulting samples are then averaged to find the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimate of the network coefficients. A couple of image processing applications are performed using these estimated parameters and the results are compared with those of some well-known methods.
  • Article
    Sparse Channel Estimation and Equalization for Ofdm-Based Underwater Cooperative Systemsw With Amplify-And Relaying
    (IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2016) Panayırcı, Erdal; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Panayırcı, Erdal; Uysal, Murat; Poor, H. Vincent
    This paper is concerned with a challenging problem of channel estimation and equalization for amplify-and-forward cooperative relay based orthogonal frequency division multi-plexing (OFDM) systems in sparse underwater acoustic (UWA) channels. The sparseness of the channel impulse response and prior information for the non-Gaussian channel gains modeled by an exact continuous Gaussian mixture (CGM) are exploited to improve the performance of the channel estimation algorithm. The resulting novel algorithm initially estimates the overall sparse complex-valued channel taps from the source to the destination as well as their locations using the matching pursuit (MP) approach. The effective time-domain non-Gaussian noise is approximated well as a Gaussian noise in the frequency-domain where the estimation takes place. An efficient and low complexity algorithm is developed based on a combination of the MP and the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) based space-alternating generalized expectation-maximization technique to improve the estimates of the channel taps and their locations in an iterative manner. Computer simulations show that the UWA channel is estimated very effectively and the proposed algorithm exhibits excellent symbol error rate and channel estimation performance.
  • Conference Object
    Pilot-Aided Bayesian Mmse Channel Estimation for Ofdm Systems: Algorithm and Performance Analysis
    (2004) Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Cirpan, Hakan Ali; Panayırcı, Erdal; Panayırcı, Erdal
    This paper proposes a computationally efficient pilot-aided minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation algorithm for OFDM systems. The proposed approach employs a convenient representation of the discrete multipath fading channel based on the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) orthogonal expansion and estimates uncorrelated series expansion coefficients. Moreover optimal rank reduction is achieved in the proposed approach by exploiting the optimal truncation property of the KL expansion resulting in a smaller computational load on the estimation algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is studied through analytical and experimental results. We first consider the stochastic Cramer-Rao bound and derive the closed-form expression for the random KL coefficients. We then exploit the performance of the MMSE channel estimator based on the evaluation of minimum Bayesian MSE. © 2004 IEEE.
  • Article
    Channel Estimation for TDS-OFDM Systems in Rapidly Time-Varying Mobile Channels
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Şenol, Habib; Erküçük, Serhat; Erküçük,S.; Çirpan,H.A.
    This paper explores the performance of time-domain synchronous orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) systems operated under rapidly time-varying mobile channels. Since a rapidly time-varying channel contains more unknown channel coefficients than the number of observations, the mobile channel can conveniently be modeled with the discrete Legendre polynomial basis expansion model to reduce the number of unknowns. The linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimate can be exploited for channel estimation on inter-block-interference-free received signal samples owing to transmitting pseudo-noise (PN) sequences. In conventional TDS-OFDM systems, the channel estimation performance is limited due to estimating channel responses only from the beginning part of the channel. Therefore, a new system model named "partitioned TDS-OFDM system" is proposed to improve the system performance by inserting multiple PN sequences to the middle and end parts of the channel as well. In addition to providing the reconstruction error performance, Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower bound is derived analytically. Also, the LMMSE-based symbol detection is employed. To alleviate the negative effects of inter-carrier-interference (ICI) occuring in mobile channels, ICI cancellation is applied to enhance the detection performance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed TDS-OFDM system is superior to the conventional system and its corresponding performance is able to approach the achievable lower performance bound. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Pilot-Aided Bayesian Mmse Channel Estimation for Ofdm Systems
    (Ieee, 2004) Senol, H; Şenol, Habib; Çirpan, HA; Panayirci, E
    This paper proposes a computationally efficient, pilot-aided minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation algorithm for OFDM systems. The proposed approach employs a convenient representation of the discrete multipath fading channel based on the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) orthogonal expansion and estimates uncorrelated series expansion coefficients. Moreover, optimal rank reduction is achieved in the proposed approach by exploiting the optimal truncation property of the KL expansion resulting in a smaller computational load on the estimation algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is studied through analytical and experimental results. We first consider the stochastic Cramer-Rao hound and derive the closed-form expression for the random KL coefficients. We then exploit the performance of the MMSE channel estimator based on the evaluation of minimum Bayesian MSE.
  • Conference Object
    Mp-Sage Based Channel Estimation for Underwater Cooperative Ofdm Systems
    (IEEE, 2013) Erdoğan, Mustafa; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Panayırcı, Erdal; Panayırcı, Erdal; Uysal, Murat
    In this paper an efficient channel estimation algorithm is proposed for amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system in the presence of sparse underwater acoustic channels and of the correlative non-Gaussian noise The algorithm is based on the combinations of the matching pursuit (MP) and the space-alternating generalized expectation-maximization (SAGE) technique to improve the estimates of the channel taps and their location as well as the Gaussian mixture noise distribution parameters in an iterative way Computer simulations show that underwater acoustic channel is estimated very effectively and the proposed algorithm has excellent symbol error rate (SER) and channel estimation performance as compared to the existing ones
  • Conference Object
    Effect of Inter-Block Region on Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation in Tds-Ofdm Systems
    (IEEE, 2016) Başaran, Mehmet; Erküçük, Serhat; Erküçük, Serhat; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Cirpan, Hakan Ali
    Time domain synchronous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) is the basis technology for digital television standard (DTV) employed in some countries thanks to its high spectral efficiency when compared to traditional cyclic prefix OFDM. Moreover it does not require pilot usage in frequency domain channel estimation. Instead of data usage as cyclic prefix pseudo-noise (PN) sequences are transmitted in guard intervals. Due to interference from the previous OFDM data symbol the received signal in guard interval can be decomposed into a small-sized signal that contains only PN sequences utilizing the inter-block-interference (IBI)-free region in the convolution matrix. Due to sparsity multipath fading channel can be obtained by the application of compressed sensing (CS) technique to reconstruct the high-dimensional sparse channel from the decreased-size of received signal through the known PN sequence matrix. In this study the effect of the size of IBI-free region on CS and Bayesian CS (BCS) based channel estimation is investigated. Accordingly reconstruction error performances of basis pursuit (BP) and BCS are compared. Simulation results show that the channel estimation can be improved by trading-off the length of the IBI-free region. However an increase in IBI-free region leads to decreased energy efficiency at both the transmitter and receiver side.
  • Article
    Outage Scaling Laws and Diversity for Distributed Estimation Over Parallel Fading Channels
    (IEEE, 2009) Bai, Kai; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Tepedelenlioğlu, Cihan
    We consider scaling laws of the outage for distributed estimation problems over fading channels with respect to the total power and the number of sensors. Using a definition of diversity which involves a fixed number of sensors we find tight upper and lower bounds on diversity which are shown to depend on the sensing (measurement) signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the sensors. Our results indicate that the diversity order can be smaller than the number of sensors and adding new sensors might not add to the diversity order depending on the sensing SNR of the added sensor. We treat a large class of envelope distributions for the wireless channel including those appropriate for line of sight scenarios. Finally we consider fixed power per sensor with an asymptotically large number of sensors and show that the outage decays faster than exponentially in the number of sensors.
  • Article
    Performance of Distributed Estimation Over Unknown Parallel Fading Channels
    (IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2008) Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Tepedelenlioglu, Cihan
    We consider distributed estimation of a source in additive Gaussian noise observed by sensors that are connected to a fusion center with unknown orthogonal (parallel) flat Rayleigh fading channels. We adopt a two-phase approach of i) channel estimation with training and ii) source estimation given the channel estimates and transmitted sensor observations where the total power is fixed. In the second phase we consider both an equal power scheduling among sensors and an optimized choice of powers. We also optimize the percentage of total power that should be allotted for training. We prove that 50% training is optimal for equal power scheduling and at least 50% is needed for optimized power scheduling. For both equal and optimized cases a power penalty of at least 6 dB is incurred compared to the perfect channel case to get the same mean squared error performance for the source estimator. However the diversity order is shown to be unchanged in the presence of channel estimation error. In addition we show that unlike the perfect channel case increasing the number of sensors will lead to an eventual degradation in performance. We approximate the optimum number of sensors as a function of the total power and noise statistics. Simulations corroborate our analytical findings.
  • Conference Object
    Performance Investigation of Ieee 802.11af Systems Under Realistic Channel Conditions
    (IEEE, 2015) Macit, Mustafa Can; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Erküçük, Serhat; Erküçük, Serhat
    As the analog TV broadcasting channels have become less frequently used in the last decade there has been a great interest in these frequency bands for the deployment of metropolitan local and personal area networks. Among them the local area network standard IEEE 802.11af defines PHY and MAC layer implementation of such networks in these unused frequency bands also named television white space (TVWS). According to the standard the systems may use contiguous or non-contiguous channels during their operation depending on the channel availability. In this paper we investigate in detail the performance of different operation modes of these systems under realistic channel conditions. While the perfect knowledge of channel would result in similar system performances as the number of in-between-bands occupying the non-contiguous modes is increased the channel estimation performance degrades drastically which is quantified in this study. In addition it is shown that determining the true locations of multipaths heavily relies on the selected channel resolution and has a significant effect on the system performance. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effects of both the non-contiguous operation modes and the selected channel resolution.