Yıldırım, Yağmur
Name Variants
Yildirim Y.
Yıldırım, Yağmur
Y. Yıldırım
Y., Yağmur
Yıldırım, YAĞMUR
Y., Yagmur
Yagmur, Yildirim
Akin Yildirim Y.
Yıldırım, Y.
Yildirim, Yagmur
Yağmur Yıldırım
Yildirim Y.
Yıldırım, Yağmur
Y. Yıldırım
Y., Yağmur
Yıldırım, YAĞMUR
Y., Yagmur
Yagmur, Yildirim
Akin Yildirim Y.
Yıldırım, Y.
Yildirim, Yagmur
Yağmur Yıldırım
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Öğr. Gör.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
4 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Master Thesis Charting spatial practices of feminisms in Turkey: Sensitivities, tools, and tactics(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Yıldırım, Yağmur; Kılıçkıran, Didem; Kılıçkıran, DidemFeminism has recently become a widely debated issue in political struggles and popular culture on a global scale. Some interpret these days as 'fourth wave feminism', fostered by concerted activities in both physical and cyberspace, such as The Women's March and #MeToo. At the same time, the emergent proactive actions by movements like Black Lives Matter, The Arab Spring and Occupy movements, and School Strike 4 Climate have initiated a fresh dialogue in academia, where many scholars have argued for a greater role for feminism, and its bid for a more democratic and sustainable world, in our times marked by divisive politics, human catastrophes, and increasing austerity and precariousness on a planet that is seriously damaged. Discussions on the spatial implications of all these phenomena have found a particular transdisciplinary niche as well, with contributions from scholars like Judith Butler, Nikolaus Hirsch, Jane Rendell and Markus Miessen, leading, in turn, to the emergence of a number of autonomous groups around the world who adopt a feminist approach as 'a critical modality of spatial practice'. These groups seek to alter dialogues, behaviors, processes, and methods of producing knowledge and space in order to build the foundations of a more livable world. They generate new perspectives that transgress conventional boundaries in our understanding of space and spatial production. This thesis is written in the belief that this critical modality of spatial practice inspired by a feminist understanding of the world deserves a closer inspection if we are to construct a better future and a more peaceful and sustainable way of living on earth. My aim, in particular, is to seek local correspondences of the global agenda briefly described above, i.e. to follow the traces of a feminist understanding of spatial production in Turkey, where no feminist – or women's – organizations in architecture and built environment have come into existence yet. To do so, I draw attention to the practices of a number of groups and individuals working in various fields, including art, architecture, and urban activism, and try to unveil their 'site-specific' tools, tactics, and relationalities, which I interpret as exhibiting a feminist approach to spatial practice. I survey the distinctive social, political, cultural, and urban contexts in which these practices have settled in and to which they have reacted, in order to discuss ways of doing 'otherwise' and 'otherhow' from a feminist standpoint. I try to show how these practices both challenge marginalizations, dissolutions, and exclusions by power structures embodied in urban space, and resist the dominant orders through particular tactics such as subversion, appropriation, dissemination, and empowerment. Methodologically, the study follows Jane Rendell's (2007) concept of 'critical spatial practice'. I focus on the practices of Aslıhan Demirtaş, Atılkunst, Başka Bir Atölye / Another Kind of Workshop, Canan, Cins Adımlar / The Curious Steps, düşhane, Esra Ersen, Gülçin Aksoy, Hale Tenger, Istanbul Walkabouts, Kültür, Mutfak / Matbakh, Oda Projesi / The 'Room Project', Şükran Moral, and The 'Purple Studio' and discuss them through a set of particular features that I call 'feminist sensitivities' to interpret what Jane Rendell frames as a specifically feminist approach – that is, 'alterity', 'collectivity', 'subjectivity', 'performativity', and 'materiality'. The groups and individuals whose practices I discuss under these titles are (and are formed by) women specifically, since, in addition to helping initiate a new discussion in Turkey, I also hope that this thesis will contribute to the empowerment of women practitioners. Keywords: Feminism, Spatial Practice, Gender, Turkey, Architecture, SpaceBook Başka Kayda Rastlanmadı(Salt/Garanti Kültür A.Ş., 2023) Yıldırım, YağmurTarihçi ve romancı Reşad Ekrem Koçu (1905-1975), 1944'te fasiküller hâlinde yayımlamaya başladığı ansiklopedisinde, kendi ifadesiyle İstanbul'un "muazzam kütüğü"nü oluşturur. Şehri kişi, yer, yapı, olay, âdet ve efsaneleri başta olmak üzere birçok yönüyle kayda geçirir. "Bundan sonra, üzerinde belki de ömrümü yıpratacağım" dediği İstanbul Ansiklopedisi için hayatının sonuna kadar çalışmaya devam eder. Başka Kayda Rastlanmadı, adını ansiklopedideki bazı maddelerin sonunda yer alan "hakkında başka kayda rastlanmadı" ibaresinden alıyor. Koçu'nun rehberliğinde İstanbul'a dair türlü anlatının peşine düşüp başka yerde kaydı olmayanların "tuhaf" ve "münasebetsiz" şehrine bakan aynı adlı serginin ardından, yayın ile bu kapsamlı arşivin farklı açılardan yorumlanması ve değerlendirmeye açılması amaçlanıyor. Edebiyat ile tarih, özel ile kamusal arasındaki ayrımları bulanıklaştıran Koçu külliyatı gibi, bu derlemedeki yazılar da İstanbul Ansiklopedisi'nin gündeme getirdiği tarihî, coğrafi, mimari, edebî ve kültürel birçok konuyu disipliner sınırların ötesinde ele alıyor. Farklı alanlardan yazarların katkılarıyla hazırlanan yayın, hem tarihsel hem de kişisel perspektiflerle Koçu'nun çalışma yöntemlerine, arşivin oluşum sürecine ve içeriğine çok yönlü bir bakış sunuyor.Book Review Citation Count: 0Feminist International: How to Change Everything(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Yıldırım, Yağmur[Abstract Not Available]Book Part Citation Count: 0The Fourth Istanbul Design Biennial: A School of Schools(INTELLECT LTD, 2020) Yıldırım, Yağmur[Abstract Not Available]