Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
Name Variants
A. Yücekaya
Yücekaya, A.
Yucekaya A.
Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
Ahmet Deniz, Yucekaya
Ahmet Deniz YÜCEKAYA
Yücekaya, A. D.
Yucekaya,Ahmet Deniz
A. D. Yücekaya
Ahmet Deniz Yücekaya
Yucekaya, Ahmet Deniz
YÜCEKAYA, Ahmet Deniz
Y.,Ahmet Deniz
Y., Ahmet Deniz
Yücekaya, Ahmet Çelebi
Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
Yucekaya, Ahmet
Yücekaya, Ahmet
Yücekaya, A.
Yucekaya A.
Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
Ahmet Deniz, Yucekaya
Ahmet Deniz YÜCEKAYA
Yücekaya, A. D.
Yucekaya,Ahmet Deniz
A. D. Yücekaya
Ahmet Deniz Yücekaya
Yucekaya, Ahmet Deniz
YÜCEKAYA, Ahmet Deniz
Y.,Ahmet Deniz
Y., Ahmet Deniz
Yücekaya, Ahmet Çelebi
Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
Yucekaya, Ahmet
Yücekaya, Ahmet
Job Title
Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
34 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 34
Review Citation Count: 11Bidding of Price Taker Power Generators in the Deregulated Turkish Power Market(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2013) Yücekaya, Ahmet; Yücekaya, AhmetIn deregulated power markets power firms bid into the day-ahead power market either with buy offers or sell offers. The auction mechanism and competition determine the equilibrium price and quantity for each hour. If the bid price of a company is below the market clearing price then the offer of the company is accepted and rewarded with the market price. A company can be a price maker or price taker depending on the capacity it offers to the market. A price-taker unit must determine the right offer that will maximize their profit given price uncertainty and blind auction rules. This paper first examines power supply in the Turkish electricity market and bidding process. Then a marginal cost-based Monte Carlo method is developed to determine hourly and block bidding strategies of price taker units. Historical market prices are then implemented in a normal distribution to generate hourly price scenarios. A solution methodology is developed that maximizes the expected profit of each hourly and block bidding strategy over price scenarios. The generator is able to both evaluate the hourly bidding and block bidding strategies and find the best bidding strategy that will be submitted to the market using the proposed methodology. The model is illustrated for two coal units in Turkish power market and the results are presented. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Doctoral Thesis Trend Forecast and Collection Management in Apparel Retail(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) Arkan, Ramazan; Agca Aktunc, Esra; Yücekaya, Ahmet DenizThis study addresses the new methods and some existing methods with a different approach for trend forecasting and using new trends in the collections in apparel retail industry. There are several approaches to determine the potential of fashion trends. This study describes several approaches for trend forecasting and develops methods for measuring the potential of new fashion trends with unknown potential and without sales data. Firstly, merchandise testing focuses on the process of testing products with new trends. It describes the test store selection, forecasting methods and analyze the accuracy of forecasting with real data. Secondly, Sales-Based Store Network of Stores model is presented to examine cross-store sales similarity and establishes a store network using Collaborative Filtering method as in recommendation systems. A clustering method like K-means is studied to cluster the stores using store network data. Moreover, Distribution of Collection into Store method focuses on distributing the main collection made for a category into each stores using some constraints such as capacity of stores, rates of product attributes in the main collection. Integer programming is used to distribute the collection. The sales potential of the new planned products is crucial. It is necessary to choose the products with highest potential among the hundreds of products. Prediction of products’ demand based on stores addresses a prediction model using sales data containing store features and product attributes with different forecasting methods with different parameters. Furthermore, store-based forecasts are used in Distribution of collection into stores method while selecting the best products for the stores.Article Citation Count: 4Managing Fuel Coal Supply Chains With Multiple Objectives and Multimode Transportation(AMER SOC ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 2013) Yücekaya, Ahmet; Yücekaya, AhmetPower companies require sophisticated tools to manage fuel-coal supply chains which include multiple suppliers coal contracts and multimode transportation routes. In this article a multi-objective model which is integrated with multi-attribute decision-making for the selection of suppliers transportation routes and coal orders is developed. The model simultaneously optimizes multiple objectives such as minimizing purchase costs transportation costs and ash output and it also presents a decision framework on the selection of suppliers transportation routes and coal products that will achieve these objectives. The network and capacity constraints of suppliers and transportation routes are included in the model. The study utilizes multi-objective linear programming and well-known decision rules such as minimax maximin and compromise programming and Analytic Hierarchy Process is employed to determine preferred solutions. The methodology for the solution is illustrated via a case study and an alternative evaluation process is presented. The study demonstrates that the model can be used by power companies to find desired solutions as it provides an opportunity for the inclusion of the preferences of decision-makers and adjustments of the weights for each objective.Conference Object Citation Count: 1The Implementation of Smart Contract via Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management: A Case Study from The Automotive Industry in Turkey(IEEE, 2021) Yuksel, Hasan Basri; Bolat, Serdar; Bozkurt, Hayreddin; Yucekaya, Ahmet; Hekimoglu, MustafaBlockchain Technology, underlined as the most revolutionizing innovation after the internet, is still in the growth phase and waits for the practitioners to enlighten its productivity promises. In the current environment, volatile profits require a more digitalized work experience and competitive advantages to get ahead in such a highly competitive automotive industry and innovative applications that lead to more simplified operation management. Accordingly, this paper aims to present a case study via use cases in which Blockchain has been used and smart contract as the sought-out innovation and its application for the digitized spare parts disposal legal process. Blockchain Technology in the automotive sector is discussed by focusing on the supply management process of an automotive company's processes in Turkey. Blockchain technology is expected to develop and simplify spare parts-related transactions in the automotive industry, which deals with more than 500K stock keeping units per company. Paper presents the current, future, and ideal states of spare parts transactions with Blockchain adoption. The implemented application enables the development of an enterprise-level blockchain platform with hyper-ledger fabric as an open-source. The distributed ledger technology provides a smart contract system between actors of the existed supply chain process. The study aims to show the potential of Blockchain Technology in delivering a high degree of competitive advantage especially for automotive service providers with regards to its features related to providing security, transparency, traceability, cost reduction, more efficient data storage in dense supply based industries.Article Citation Count: 12Electricity trading for coal-fired power plants in Turkish power market considering uncertainty in spot, derivatives and bilateral contract market(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Yucekaya, AhmetIn deregulated power markets, electricity suppliers have the option to trade in the spot market, derivatives market, and bilateral contract market. The spot market is always available and open to competition, but the variability and risk incurred need to be carefully handled. The suppliers might allocate their capacity in the derivatives and bilateral contract market if these alternatives are more viable. The strike price, bilateral contract price, and spot market prices need to be used to decide the capacity allocation problem considering the generation cost of the supplier. This paper first examines the market design and electricity trading in the Turkish electricity market. Then three problems were proposed for a coal-fired coal unit that aims to allocate its capacity to spot, derivative, and bilateral contract markets to maximize its expected profit. A Monte Carlo method is used for allocated electricity capacities, spot market, strike, and bilateral contract price scenarios. A simulation methodology is then proposed that includes capacities allocated to each market and price scenarios. The best capacity allocation strategy is determined that return the highest expected profits for all market price samples. The model is illustrated for a coal unit in the Turkish electricity market. The results are presented for the case, including 100 spot price samples, 100 capacity scenarios, 3 scenarios for the strike, and bilateral contract prices. The sensitivity analysis for spot price volatility on the profit is also presented with 20% volatility increase. It is shown that allocating the capacity to more than one market can increase the total expected profit for a power supplier and the rate of increase varies depending on the scenario set.Master Thesis Sceheduling Pumped Hydro- Power Resources Under Price and Flow Uncertainty(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2012) Metin, Seda Sibel; Yücekaya, Ahmet DenizHydroelectric power plants should be preferred since they are environmentally friendly and they have low level of potential risks. Hydroelectric power plants are local resources that are environmentally compatible unpolluted capable of dealing with peak hour requirements highly efficient cost-free of fuel and playing a role as the insurance of energy prices. -- Abstract'dan.Master Thesis An Evaluation of Energy and Electricity in Pakistan(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Humaiyun, Muhammad Jasim; Yücekaya, Ahmet DenizPakistan is a developing country and it can only move forward once the energy sector is secure and self sufficient. Right from the beginning the country has constantly faced energy shortages in all sectors due to incompetent policies and governence. This study frames the analysis of the current energy situation with main focus on electricity. All the factors which are hampering the growth of the energy sector are identified and potential solutions are discussed. Matching the electricity supply and demand is the ultimate goal therefore a forecast analysis (multiple regression model) based on seasonal variation in temperature is performed in order to predict the future electric consumption and help authorities take necessary actions for fulfilment. Finally a comprehensive detail is provided on the causes and problems of the energy crisis and potential solutions and reforms are provided.Master Thesis An Analysis of Development Indicators for Turkey Based on the Historical Development of 500 Largest Industrial Organizations(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Otnar, Ferhan; Yücekaya, Ahmet DenizEconomies live rapid changes in terms of size direction and intention due to globalization population increase of countries and technological developments. These changes seemed clearer in developing countries because of fast progress and demand increases. Especially in last 10 year period Turkey gained economical acceleration along with growth and development. Parallel to these developments diversification in industrial areas and evolvement in remained areas used as an answer. in this aspect istanbul Chamber of industry announced Turkey's top 500 industrial enterprises each year. in this study Turkey's developing economy was analyzed with iSO Top 500 List for 2002-2012 periods in order to identify vector sectors and economical variance. According to analysis changes in industrial effects on Turkey's economy were investigated.Master Thesis Türkiye Elektrik Piyasası için Arz ve Talep Değerlendirmesi ve Projeksiyonları: 2010 – 2016 Dönemi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Önay, Selim; Yücekaya, Ahmet DenizBu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'nin elektrik arzı ve talebini incelemek ve ilerleyen yıllarda bu dengenin nasıl değişebileceğine dair değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktır. Elektrik üretimi ve tüketimine ait veriler Enerji Piyasaları İşletme Anonim Şirketi tarafından kullanıma sunulan şeffaflık platformu üzerinden elde edilmiştir. İlk aşamada Türkiye'nin kurulu gücü, kişi başına düşen elektrik kullanımı ve elektrik tüketimi verileri incelenip değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur. İkinci aşamada Türkiye'nin elektrik arzının santraller bazında incelemeleri gerçekleştirilip Türkiye elektrik üretiminin ağırlıklı olarak hangi santraller üzerinden yapıldığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye'nin elektrik üretiminin santral tiplerine göre dağılımı ve bu santraller arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Oluşturulan elektrik enerjisi talep projeksiyonları ile Türkiye'nin gelecek yıllardaki olası elektrik enerjisi tabi değerlendirilmiştir. Bu elektrik talebine karşılık arz yaratabilmek adına hangi santral tiplerindeki üretimlerin ilerleyen dönemlerde nasıl şekillenebileceğine dair bulgular değerlendirilmiştir.Master Thesis A Probabilistic Model To Maximize Cross-Selling Revenues in Financial Institutions(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Altun, Yasin; Yucekaya, AhmetAlongside earns transaction volume and transaction number goals banks also have cross selling rate aims in recent years. Also again many banks of our day have studies on transaction cost and calculate costs for every single transaction without missing any and take this information into account while calculating the actual profitability of customer. We searched which product could be sold to customer in this process. While doing this we took the cost of offer into consideration and try to maximize yield/cost ratio. This is calculated by taking the owning ratio of customers in every segment for this specific product and average profit for every customer. The results are believed to be in a level to apply. The results show that decision support system works well.