Aydın, Mustafa
Name Variants
Aydın, M.
Mustafa AYDIN
AYDIN, Mustafa
Mustafa Aydın
Aydin M.
Aydın M.
M. Aydın
Mustafa, Aydin
Aydın, Mustafa
Aydin, Mustafa
A., Mustafa
Mustafa AYDIN
AYDIN, Mustafa
Mustafa Aydın
Aydin M.
Aydın M.
M. Aydın
Mustafa, Aydin
Aydın, Mustafa
Aydin, Mustafa
A., Mustafa
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Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
41 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 1TURKEY'S CAUCASUS POLICIES(Univ Complutense Madrid, Servicio Publicaciones, 2010) Aydin, MustafaThe emergence of newly independent states in the Caucasus at the end of the Cold War presented challenges to Turkey, while enlarging its role. The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the century-old Soviet/Russian threat, while at the same time created a power vacuum on Turkey's borders. In this environment, Turkey became an important actor in the region as a result of its strong historical connections. While Turkey had traditionally avoided involvement in regional politics, it has since been drawn into the volatile new politics of the region. After twenty years, Turkey has become one of the important players in a region where its involvement has particularly increased since August 2008 with its suggestion to establish a Caucasus Cooperation and Stability Platform. Although its attempt to further engage Armenia is halted now and, economic and political conditions in the region are unlikely to stabilize for some years, it is without doubt that Turkey will continue to create new networks of interdependency between Ankara and the regional capitals.Article Citation Count: 0Türkiye'de Güvenlik: Algı, Politika, Yapı(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2014) Aydın, Mustafa; Ereker, FulyaBu çalışmada, toplumunun tarihsel olarak kendine özgü bir güvenlik tanımlaması çerçevesinde inşa edildiğini söyleyebileceğimiz Türkiye’de güvenlik ve strateji kültürünün temel dayanakları, gelişimi ve uygulanışı ele alınacaktır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle Türkiye’nin güvenlik algılamalarının tarihi ve jeopolitik alt yapısına bakılacak, ardından, Türkiye’deki güvenlik kavramsallaştırması ile bu süreci etkileyen unsurlardan birisi olarak TSK’nın oynadığı rol ve Soğuk Savaş’ın sona ermesinin ardından yaşanan sistemsel dönüşümün etkileri analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’deki kurumsal güvenlik yapılanması ile bu yapılanmanın akademik alandaki güvenlik kavramsallaştırması üzerindeki etkileri de incelenecektir. Son olarak, Soğuk Savaş’ın ardından değişmeye başlayan güvenlik anlayışı, uygulanan güvenlik politikalarıyla birlikte analiz edilecektir.Article Citation Count: 2Revisiting the Mainstream Approaches of the Theories of International Relations(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2015) Aydın, Mustafa; Acikmese Akgul, SinemThe view that we have reached the end of the "grand debates" in International Relations (IR) is widespread among the majority of IR scholars. Today, we observe that the references to the great theoretical debates in the prominent journals of IR have significantly diminished and that the most relevant debates have been among the scholars belonging to the same school specifically over empirical studies rather than between theories/paradigms. 'this paper, by revealing the challenges generated by the "grand debates" and the discussions on whether or not there will a return to the "grand debates", incorporates some ideas on the current status as well as the future of IR in Turkey and the world. Taking from this point, this paper has been prepared as an introductory article to this special issue which has been compiled in order to remind the readers on the mainstream theories of IR that have been subject to the "grand debates" and that will shape the future discussions on the state of the IR theory.Article Citation Count: 9Survey of international relations faculty in Turkey: Research, teaching and views on the discipline - 2009;(International Relations Council of Turkey, 2010) Aydin,M.; Yazgan,K.One of the major weaknesses of the studies on the development of International Relations (IR) curricula in Turkey is the lack of systematic data on the characteristics, history, development and current status of the IR academia. In order to reveal research practices of academicians, and how international relations is taught and how IR scholars perceive the discipline, an online survey was conducted among the faculty members of the IR Departments in Turkey in June-July 2009. Scholars were asked to answer 55 questions about the IR curriculum, courses, research subjects, and major theoretical approaches, political attitudes, funds, language and types of publication, academic journals, universities, the involvement of academy in policy-making process and nonacademic intellectual activities. The results of the survey indicates that IR studies in Turkey seems to be foreign policy oriented, focus on Turkey and the big power policies and the discipline is under the influence of Realism.Article Citation Count: 8Levantine Challenges on Turkish Foreign Policy(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2018) Aydın, Mustafa; Dizdaroğlu, CihanTurkey's perception of the Levant has been hazy in modern times and the country has not constructed a holistic approach towards the region until recently despite the fact that Turkey has sought closer cooperation with the Levantine countries since the late 1990s. In addition to Turkey's willingness to open up to the region recent international developments such as the discovery of hydrocarbons off the coast of Israel Egypt and Cyprus the outbreak of the Arab Spring and changes in the regional balance of power have provided momentum for Turkey's engagement with the region. This paper argues that although these factors have provided space for Turkey to play a more assertive role in the region the country has thus far failed to present a successful region-wide strategy or carve up an influence zone.Article Citation Count: 11Survey of International Relations Faculty in Turkey: Research Teaching and Views on the Discipline-2009(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2010) Aydın, Mustafa; Yazgan, KorhanOne of the major weaknesses of the studies on the development of International Relations (IR) curricula in Turkey is the lack of systematic data on the characteristics history development and current status of the IR academia. In order to reveal research practices of academicians and how international relations is taught and how IR scholars perceive the discipline an online survey was conducted among the faculty members of the IR Departments in Turkey in June-July 2009. Scholars were asked to answer 55 questions about the IR curriculum courses research subjects and major theoretical approaches political attitudes funds language and types of publication academic journals universities the involvement of academy in policy-making process and non-academic intellectual activities. The results of the survey indicates that IR studies in Turkey seems to be foreign policy oriented focus on Turkey and the big power policies and the discipline is under the influence of Realism.Editorial Citation Count: 3Roundtable Discussion on Homegrown Theorizing(Center Foreign Policy & Peace Research, 2018) Aydinli, Ersel; Aydın, Mustafa; Baran, Emre; Makarychev, Andrey; Smith, Karen; Gozen, Ramazan; Ipek, Pinar; Kuru, Deniz; Ozdemir, Haluk; Shih, Chih-Yu; Mallavarapu, Siddharth; Chen, Ching-Chang; Kostem, Seckin; Ersoy, Eyup; Jorgensen, Knud Erik; Esen, Berk[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 9Survey International Relations Faculty in Turkey: Teaching Research and International Politics-2011(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2013) Aydın, Mustafa; Yazgan, KorhanFollowing the surveys which were conducted in 2007 and 2009 by the International Relations Council of Turkey Teaching Research and International Politics Survey 2011 was implemented in 2011 in cooperation with the Teaching Research and International Politics TRIP Survey. which has been carried out by the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William and Mary in the United States since 2004. The survey aims to explain and understand the development current status and major characteristics of the International Relations (IR) studies in Turkey its place in the global IR discipline and the views of IR scholars on major issues on the global regional and national agenda. This report aims to present the results of the survey comparatively at the global and national scale. The findings were organized in such a way to also test the argument that there is a functional core/periphery division in the world of IR according to which the Western core countries undertake theoretical knowledge production and other countries provide local expertise and data.Article Citation Count: 3Roundtable Discussion on Homegrown Theorizing(Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, Ihsan Dogramaci Peace Foundation, 2018) Aydınlı,E.; Aydın,M.; Baran,E.; Makarychev,A.; Smith,K.; Gözen,R.; Esen,B.[No abstract available]Article Citation Count: 0Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler: TRIP 2018 Sonuçları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme(2019) Dizdaroğlu, Cihan; Aydın, MustafaDünya genelinde Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplinine yönelik çalışmalara paralel olarak Türkiye’de de disiplinin geçirdiği dönüşüm ve Türkiye’nin bilgi üretimine katkılarına yönelik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Özellikle bu konulardaki çalışmalara veri sağlamak amacıyla 2007 ve 2009’da doğrudan Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi (UİK) tarafından, 2011, 2014 ve 2018 yıllarında ise Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William and Mary’nin yürüttüğü Teaching, Research and International Policy (TRIP) araştırması ortaklığı yoluyla yine UİK tarafından Türkiye’de Uİ alanında çalışan akademisyenlere yönelik anketler düzenlenmiştir. Temelinde epistemolojik ve ontolojik anlamda Uİ disiplininin sınırları, özgün karakteri ile Uİ akademisyenlerinin eğitim ve araştırmalarında hangi teorileri, yöntemleri ve pedagojik yaklaşımları kullandıklarını anlamayı hedefleyen TRIP araştırması, Türkiye’deki Uİ çalışmalarının küresel Uİ disiplini içerisindeki konumunu anlamaya da yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu makale, Şubat-Temmuz 2018 tarihlerinde eş zamanlı olarak 35 ülkede yürütülen son anket çerçevesinde ortaya çıkan sonuçları, Türkiye’yi merkeze alarak sunmaktadır.