Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos
Name Variants
Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos
D. Trıantafyllou
Dımıtrıos, Trıantafyllou
Triantafyllou, Dimitrios
D. Triantafyllou
Dimitrios, Triantafyllou
Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios
Triantaphyllou, D.
Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios
D. Trıantafyllou
Dımıtrıos, Trıantafyllou
Triantafyllou, Dimitrios
D. Triantafyllou
Dimitrios, Triantafyllou
Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios
Triantaphyllou, D.
Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios
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Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
17 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Doctoral Thesis National İdentities, Regional Fragmentation And The Prospect Of Building A Security Community İn The South Caucasus Güney Kafkasya'da Ulusal Kimlikler, Bölgesel Çözülme ve Güvenlik Topluluğu Kurma Perspektifi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Gadımova, Nazrın; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantafyllou, DimitriosDespite sharing geographical borders and a common historical legacy, the South Caucasus remains a divided region in political terms, as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia do not share a common regional identity and have different visions of the future. This thesis aims to find the correlation between national identities and the current regional fragmentation of the South Caucasus, as well as to define the elements necessary for the formation of a security community in the region. In this regard, the thesis comprises two discussions in analysis of the factors that are interrelated with the national identities of the three states. The first discussion introduces the role of domestic factors in the current situation in the South Caucasus and analyzes the influence of societies and national identities in regional relations. The second discussion analyzes to what extent their foreign policy orientations are defined by national identities, including linguistic and cultural affinities and memory of the past, or the existing global order and pragmatic calculations. The methodology of the study includes analysis of the recent history of the South Caucasus and the theoretical basis of security communities, explaining different aspects necessary for successful regional cooperation. Interviews with local and international experts contribute to the study by presenting different visions of the origins of regional fragmentation and different solutions to the existing situation. While the establishment of cooperation at the level of a security community requires both domestic transformation and favorable international conditions, this thesis aims to show that proper policies of the states of the South Caucasus can significantly contribute to the transformation of the national self-images and the attitudes of the nations toward their immediate neighbors.Book Part Mistrust dies hard: Elite perceptions and Greek-Turkish relations(Peter Lang AG, 2018) Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, D.This chapter deals with the repercussions of the financial crisis on Greek elites with a focus on foreign policy. It is based on a quantitative research study conducted in 2014 by the authors in an effort to arrive at an understanding of, among other things, Greek elites’ views and perceptions on Turkey and Greek-Turkish relations at a time of extensive political, economic, and societal crisis. It then introduces foreign policy analysis (FPA) and role theory as analytical tools for understanding the national role conception of the elites. The study has followed the usual pattern of studies that examine role perceptions and adopted a case study research approach. However, unlike the common practice in the field, the authors followed a different path for data collection. Instead of relying on public statements and speeches, they carried out a structured questionnaire survey using the summated rating (or Likert) scale with representative members of the foreign policy, military, academic, business, and media elite in Greece. They then analysed the responses with particular focus on those by politicians and diplomats, and found that although significant progress has been made in the improvement of bilateral relations since 1999, there is still a high degree of mistrust among Greek elites regarding Turkish intentions as most key divisive issues between the two countries - including Cyprus, bilateral ties, Turkey’s relations with the European Union - remain fundamentally contentious…. © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 2018.Master Thesis Turkey's Evolving Relations With the Kurdistan Regional Government (krg): From 2002 To 2011(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Çakır, Faruk; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, DimitriosThe aim of this thesis is to analyze Turkey’s evolving relations with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) under the Justice and Development Party (JDP) (2002 – 2011). In contrast to the security-oriented policy during the 1990s, Turkey has developed relations with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to the level of a ‘strategic partnership,' following the invasion of Iraq in 2003. In particular, the relations between the KRG and the Turkish government have increased rapidly politically, economically, and as well as in terms of security since late 2007. This thesis attempts to explain this evolving foreign policy behavior of Turkey towards the KRG from a theoretical perspective. It tries to examine these evolving relations between both two actors in terms of a combination of various events at international, regional and domestic level. Therefore, it uses a neoclassical realist framework to account for central dynamics and reasons behind the foreign policy conduct of Turkey towards the KRG, as neoclassical realism explains a state’s foreign policy behavior by looking at factors at systemic, regional and domestic levels. Thus, this study argues that the new systemic, regional and local conditions brought about by the post-2003 invasion of Iraq required Turkey to reassess its previous foreign policy approach towards the KRG.Doctoral Thesis Ontological Insecurity on the European Union's Periphery: the Case of Greece-Turkey Bilateral Relations(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) SOFUOGLU, Nasuh; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantafyllou, DimitriosGreece-Turkey bilateral relations have been complex and tense for centuries. Accordingly, Greek and Turkish nationalisms have evolved interrelated to and in contrast with one another. Since Greece and Turkey are located on Europe’s periphery, the European Union has been the persistent and pivotal third party in their bilateral relations. This thesis argues that the strained bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey are not the result of material disputes but the repercussion of the ontological insecurity in Ankara and Athens. Accordingly, the thesis delves into the historical background, i.e., the contradictory accounts of Greece and Turkey’s common and connected history and the European Union’s non-normative involvement in Greece-Turkey bilateral relations. Greece and Turkey have developed a biased narrative of their “chosen glories” and “chosen traumas” by forgetting and remembering practices, whilst the EU cannot serve as an ontological security provider and has transformed into an ontological insecurity trigger. As the EU fails to serve as a moral compass for both sides, the conflicting narratives lead to ontological insecurity in Greece and Turkey. The thesis analyses their emotionalised bilateral relations in the context of Ontological Security Studies. In order to put forward and illustrate the thesis’ arguments, data on the Hagia Sophia debate and Turkey’s EU bid between 1999 and 2020 have been collected and analysed.Master Thesis The Impacts of the Securitization of Migration: The Case of Mexican Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Since 1986(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Suarez, Grıcelıa Llorente; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, DimitriosIn the discipline of International Relations, security used to refer exclusively to the field of military power. However, with the end of the Cold War, the orthodox concept has considerably broadened to include non-military areas such as environmental issues and migration. The century-long U.S-Mexico migration system is an outstanding example of the widening of the security agenda in IR studies. Prior to 1986, the United States welcomed with open arms the Mexican immigrants that arrived to work in the U.S. farms during periods of crisis. However, since 1986 with the enactment of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, the United States has established strong limits and barriers to Mexican undocumented migration, classifying the issue as a threat to their national security. This process of the securitization of migration has comprised two main factors: the mechanism by which certain actors such as government representatives present through their discourses, the existence of a national security threat; and the practical results of these discourses such as a dramatic increase in the number of agents and budget to enforce the U.S.-Mexico border, the construction of physical fences and walls, the use of advanced technologies to control the movement of people, the enactment of restrictive immigration laws, massive deportations, the development of a complex network or agencies in charge of managing the issue of migration, among others. These indicators of the securitization of the Mexican undocumented migration in the United States, have had several unintended consequences, for both, the migrants and the receiving country. In this regard, the main question that this research tries to answer is what are the impacts of the securitization of migration on undocumented Mexican immigrants and in the United States? Among these impacts are: (1) a geographic diversification of Mexican migration and the disruption of longstanding border-crossing patterns; (2) a shift from circularity towards settlement; (3) an increase in coyote use rates; (4) an escalation of migrants´ deaths; (5) human rights violations; (6) worsened labor conditions; and (7) alterations of the migrant´s cost-benefit balance.Article A 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region: the Commission on the Black Sea Proposes(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010) Aydın, Mustafa; Aydın, Mustafa; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Trıantafyllou, DımıtrıosThe Black Sea region is coming into its own although it is at times a contested and dangerous neighbourhood. Despite heightened interest in the region its real priorities and needs are still being largely ignored by insiders and outsiders alike. What is needed are regional solutions for regional problems. The authors present the key findings and recommendations of the Commission on the Black Sea a civil society initiative comprising a number of current and former policy-makers scholars and practitioners both from within the region and from outside with the purpose of contributing to a joint vision and a common strategy for the Black Sea region by developing new knowledge in areas of key concern.Master Thesis Is International Trade an Indispensable Instrument of Foreign Policy the Case of the Governmentalization of Deik, the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Aykut, Itır Sinem; Aykut, Itır Sinem; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, DimitriosThe dissertation is based on the proposition that international trade is an indispensable instrument of foreign policy and the case of DEIK's governmentalization is the epitome of this instrumentalization. DEIK's governmentalization, is problematized specifically, because it ascertains a unique incident in which a state goes so far as to appropriate an NGO whose penultimate mission is international trade. The research question consequently enquires about the validity of the assumption of the indispensability of trade in foreign policy and that of foreign policy in trade. History and theory are researched in an effort to substantiate relevant explanations. An in-depth interview methodology is assumed to configure the motives as to why DEIK indeed was governmentalized in the interest of establishing the grounds for the indispensable instrumentalization of trade in foreign policy. The hypothesis is developed to argue that if the indispensability of international trade and especially its institutionalized version as an instrument of foreign policy is true, then this extreme case of direct state intervention by way of appropriation of a business NGO is suggestive of the degree of importance international trade has vis à vis foreign policy and by the same token foreign policy vis-à-vis international trade. The underlying causes are to be investigated; nevertheless, no matter what the specific foundations, the resulting condition recalls one essential inference: this act of governmentalization of a business NGO, by the unique way it has been effectuated, as well as the new status created as a consequence, seems to render all underlying causes other than the significance given to institutionalized trade as an instrument of foreign policy, rather marginal. The resultant phenomenon is heavily indicative of not only a de facto but also a de jure instrumentalization by the state of an NGO in international trade, for the purposes of foreign policy.Editorial The Black Sea Region: The Neighbourhood Too Close To Yet Still Far From the European Union(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Acikmese Akgul, Sinem; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Akgül Açıkmeşe, Sinem[Abstract Not Available]Article The Nato-Eu Trilogy: the Impact of the Cyprus Conundrum(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012) Acikmese Akgul, Sinem; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Akgül Açıkmeşe, SinemThe Cyprus conundrum presents a major challenge to western security structures and relationships in particular with regard to Turkey's European Union (EU) accession process and the stalled Berlin plus arrangements between NATO and the EU. This article argues that the Cyprus question is neither the sole reason for blocking the progress nor is its resolution the panacea for unblocking the interwoven stalemate in the NATO-EU and the EU-Turkey relationships. In this context this article will first provide a brief synopsis of the history of relations between Turkey and the EU as well as between the EU and NATOEditorial Introduction: a Note on Populism in Crisis-Ridden Greece(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2018) Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos[Abstract Not Available]