Ucal, Meltem
Name Variants
Meltem, Ucal
Ucal, M.
M. Ucal
U., Meltem
UCAL, Meltem
Ucal, Meltem
Ucal M.
Meltem UCAL
Meltem Ucal
Ucal, Meltem Şengün
Şengül Ucal, Meltem
Ucal, Meltem Şengün
Şengün Ucal, Meltem
Ucal, M.
M. Ucal
U., Meltem
UCAL, Meltem
Ucal, Meltem
Ucal M.
Meltem UCAL
Meltem Ucal
Ucal, Meltem Şengün
Şengül Ucal, Meltem
Ucal, Meltem Şengün
Şengün Ucal, Meltem
Job Title
Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
32 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 11Female Employment Status: a Survey Analysis of Selected Member States of the Arab League(Springer Heidelberg, 2019) Ucal, Meltem Şengün; Günay, SimgeLow female labor force participation is a conspicuous issue in the literature. Based on this information, women's perspectives of the determinants of female labor force participation in 13 member states of the Arab League in relation to the region's patriarchal culture and conservative social norms are discussed in this paper. Probit modelling is applied to the sixth wave of the World Values Survey data (2010-2014), in order to examine the relationship between female labor force participation and socio-cultural variables, such as women's perceptions about the importance of religion, the priority of religion compared with science, the importance of traditions for women, the priority of men concerning the right to a job and the importance of a job for women's independence, and personal characteristics, such as women's social class, marital status, number of children, educational level and age. The results indicate that the number of children and the importance given to tradition and religion by women are obstacles to increasing their labor force participation.Article Citation Count: 1Effects of Gender on Credit Card Usage Among University Students in Turkey(Academic Journals, 2011) Ucal, Meltem Şengün; O'Neil, Mary Lou; Cankaya, SerkanIn recent years much has been written about credit card usage among university students. Despite a vast number of studies little has been written about credit card usage among university students in developing countries. This research surveyed university students in Turkey in an attempt to understand their uses of credit cards. In particular we examined the impact of gender on credit card use. The literature on the impact of gender on credit card usage is a bit unsettled and this study seeks to add another dimension to the research in this area. Using both parametric and nonparametric measures we sought to isolate gender and tested whether or not it affects the ways that young people in Turkey use credit cards. The importance of this research centers on the portrait it provides of credit card usage among young people in a developing country as well as to pointing the factors that may influence future credit card use.Master Thesis The Relationship Between Happiness and Perceived Income Inequality as Well as Some Social Indicators: a Comparative Analysis on Turkey and Selected European Countries(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Günay, Simge; Ucal, Meltemin recent years the relationship between happiness and income distribution has become an important issue in the economics literature. Underlying reason of this situation is the widening income gap between the rich and the poor since 1980s. Several studies have traced the link between happiness and income inequality especially since the last two decades. it is also very important to study “perceived” income distribution and inequality because they may show different approaches to income distribution and inequality from many individuals. The aim of this study will be to explore the relationship between perceived happiness level and perceived income inequality in Turkey and the other selected OECD countries using the World Values Survey data. The main question will be whether and to what extent perceived income inequality affects happiness level of individuals who live in those countries. in addition some social characterictics and socio-demographic variables will be used to learn whether they affect people’s happiness or not in Turkey and other selected countries more or less than their perceptions to income inequality. Generalized ordered logit model analysis will be used in the study because it fits to the nature of our data. This study is expected to contribute to the literature in the sense that it will give relevant people a point of view about the relationship between perceived happiness of people who live in selected countries and perceived income inequality as well as selected variables because a similar comprehensive and comparative study has not been found in the literature which especially addresses Turkey yet. At the end of the empirical analysis it is seen that perceptions to income inequality impact on happiness level positively however its impact is weaker than other social and demographic variables in the analysis.Article Citation Count: 1Food to Grid: Developing a Multi-Value renewable energy investment ecosystem(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Xydis, George A.; Efthimiadou, Aspasia; Ucal, MeltemThe paper is focused on building a multi-source small-scale facility that shall be focused on increasing the Renewable Energy Sources share into the grid and at the same time meet the energy, and fresh food needs of the small community that shall operate. The developed facility that shall be utilised is introducing, in practice, a sustainable Energy-Food nexus plan that can be implemented and put into action by the independent power producers and municipalities, meeting also the goal of supporting the grid (a Food to Grid approach). A case study was tested, and it was found that a scheme that couples the curtailed power with a potential mass deployment of vertical farms is beyond sustainable and even with very low marginal price-earnings and the minimum price offered for vertical farms, under specific scenarios can have a full payback in 14 years as an investment. However, in the average optimal case, the investors can get their investments back in 7 years, with an internal rate of return of 17%.Article Citation Count: 13Gender and the Wage Gap in Turkish Academia(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Ucal, Meltem Şengün; O'Neil, Mary Lou; Toktaş, ŞuleTurkey maintains one of the lowest female labour force participation rates in Europe but also boasts an above average number of female professors. Turkey is well above the European average (15 per cent) with approximately 28 per cent of full professorships being occupied by women. Despite these seemingly positive indications do men and women in Turkish academia earn the same wages? This study explores whether or not there exists a gendered pay gap in Turkish academia. Using data collected from a survey of more than 700 Turkish academics we observed that there is a gendered wage gap that disadvantages women but only at the highest pay levels found at private universities indicating the existence of intra-class inequality where men and women despite occupying the same class position are compensated differently.Article Citation Count: 42The Personality and Leadership Style of Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011) Görener, Aylin; Ucal, Meltem ŞengünRecep Tayyip Erdog. an is clearly the most controversial figure in recent Turkish political history. His preponderance in political life is remarkable even by Turkish standards. Because Erdog. an is so powerful and has effectively weakened most internal checks on his power any attempt to explain Turkey's recent foreign policy outcomes will be seriously lacking without considering his leadership impact. The purpose of this study is to investigate Erdog. an's worldview and leadership style and evaluate their impact on his government's policy processes and outputs. To do that we employ the Leadership Trait Analysis technique to construct the leadership profile of Erdog. an through content analysis of his verbal records while in office. We contend here that our understanding of AKP-era Turkey is enhanced if we offer a systematic and rigorous account of Erdogan's personality and that he presents a clear example of the importance of taking individual-level variables seriously in foreign policy analysis.Article Citation Count: 5Is Fiscal Policy Sustainable in Turkey?(M.E Sharpe Inc., 2010) Ucal, Meltem Şengün; Alici, AsliThe issue of the budget deficit has become one of the main themes of the economic policy implemented in Turkey and backed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) following the economic crisis of 2001. The main motivation for this study is the question of whether or not the government's financial policy is sustainable and satisfies the government's long-term budget constraint. The empirical analysis is based on tests of whether government expenditure and revenue are cointegrated considering the economic liberalization period of 1989-2008. The stability of fiscal policy is examined using the Johansen multivariate cointegration method. The findings of the sustainability tests indicate that fiscal policy from the liberalization of the economy up until the 2001 economic crisis was not sustainable.Article Citation Count: 7Household Happiness and Fuel Poverty: a Cross-Sectional Analysis on Turkey(SPRINGER, 2021-01) Ucal, Meltem Şengün; Günay, SimgeIn recent years, self-reported happiness and fuel poverty have both become hotly-debated topics in the literature. Since both of them affect people's quality of life, they are certainly worth serious consideration. Therefore, this paper aims to conduct a household-level analysis on the association between happiness and fuel poverty taking advantage of other housing characteristics. We used ordered logit model utilizing Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT)'s 2014-2018 Life Satisfaction Survey (LSS) data for the analysis. Our dependent variable is household happiness. The results show that household fuel poverty is negatively associated with household happiness in Turkey. A positive association exists between becoming home-owner and household happiness in the country; however, it becomes mostly negative after considering odds ratios. On the other hand, there is a positive association between climbing income ladder and household happiness in the country. Also, the presence of men in households is found to be negatively associated with household happiness in Turkey. Our results imply a U-shaped association between age groups in households and household happiness in the country. Finally, we found that the association between an increase in household size and household happiness varies across each category of the independent variable. This is also the case for the association between number of rooms and household happiness as well as for the association between dwelling area and household happiness in Turkey.Master Thesis Türkiye'de İşsizlik Sorununun Çözümlenmesinde Uygulanan Ekonomi Politikalarının Analizi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2010) Bekiroğlu, Cemil; Ucal, Meltem Şengünİşsizlik sorunu Türkiye'de de giderek büyüyen bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle Türkiye'nin uyguladığı genel ekonomi politikaları içerisinde, istihdam veişsizlik sorununun çözümlenmesinde daha dikkatli ve etraflıca politikaların üretilmesive uygulanması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. Ekonomikbüyüme rakamlarındaki iyileşmelerin, işsizlik oranlarına olumlu yansıması görülmemiştir. Bu olumsuzluklardan yola çıkarak, Türkiye'deki işgücü piyasasının ve işsizliğin özellikleri çeşitli göstergeleryardımıyla belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Daha sonra işsizlik sorununun çözümlenmesinde Cumhuriyet'in kuruluş yıllarından bugüne kadar uygulanan ekonomi politikalarının analizi yapılmıştır.Master Thesis The Network Economics: Case Studies(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Demiroluk, Nazlı Tuğçe; Ucal, MeltemThis thesis basically explores the definition of networks different types of networks such as social economic information technological and the positive and negative externalities which occur as the result of the interaction of the networks with the environment. By emphasizing the positive relationship of technology social networks and network economics this paper gives current example from ecommerce sector in the world and tries to be critical to the network economics which may lead to interests for further discussions by those doing research in the same area. This paper also contains the case analyses as the examples of e commerce that is the top point of the economic networks today. The cases Ebay and Alibaba.com show the potential of the network economy and Harley Davidson case focuses on the social effects of the networks. -- Abstract'tan.