Aykut, Itır Sinem

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Aykut, Itır Sinem
I. S. Aykut
Itır Sinem, Aykut
Aykut, Itir Sinem
I. S. Aykut
Itir Sinem, Aykut
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Master Thesis
    Is International Trade an Indispensable Instrument of Foreign Policy the Case of the Governmentalization of Deik, the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Aykut, Itır Sinem; Aykut, Itır Sinem; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios
    The dissertation is based on the proposition that international trade is an indispensable instrument of foreign policy and the case of DEIK's governmentalization is the epitome of this instrumentalization. DEIK's governmentalization, is problematized specifically, because it ascertains a unique incident in which a state goes so far as to appropriate an NGO whose penultimate mission is international trade. The research question consequently enquires about the validity of the assumption of the indispensability of trade in foreign policy and that of foreign policy in trade. History and theory are researched in an effort to substantiate relevant explanations. An in-depth interview methodology is assumed to configure the motives as to why DEIK indeed was governmentalized in the interest of establishing the grounds for the indispensable instrumentalization of trade in foreign policy. The hypothesis is developed to argue that if the indispensability of international trade and especially its institutionalized version as an instrument of foreign policy is true, then this extreme case of direct state intervention by way of appropriation of a business NGO is suggestive of the degree of importance international trade has vis à vis foreign policy and by the same token foreign policy vis-à-vis international trade. The underlying causes are to be investigated; nevertheless, no matter what the specific foundations, the resulting condition recalls one essential inference: this act of governmentalization of a business NGO, by the unique way it has been effectuated, as well as the new status created as a consequence, seems to render all underlying causes other than the significance given to institutionalized trade as an instrument of foreign policy, rather marginal. The resultant phenomenon is heavily indicative of not only a de facto but also a de jure instrumentalization by the state of an NGO in international trade, for the purposes of foreign policy.