Yanardağoğlu, Eylem
Name Variants
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem
E. Yanardağoğlu
Eylem, Yanardağoğlu
Yanardagoglu, Eylem
E. Yanardagoglu
Eylem, Yanardagoglu
Yanardağoğlu, E.
Yanardagoglu, E.
E. Yanardağoğlu
Eylem, Yanardağoğlu
Yanardagoglu, Eylem
E. Yanardagoglu
Eylem, Yanardagoglu
Yanardağoğlu, E.
Yanardagoglu, E.
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
43 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Book Part New Media and Politics of Communicative Citizenship(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Yanardağoğlu, EylemIn this chapter, the aim is to consider the impact of technological and economic convergence in the media system in 2010s. The Internet emerged as a new area of limitation and censorship, which intensified during the 2007–2011 period that corresponded to Justice and Development Party’s second term in power (Yes?il et al., 2017). Since 2011, there have already been major civil protests such as ‘Do Not Touch my Internet’ taking place in various parts of Turkey, and internet users had already begun to rely on online alternative media for news provision. During the Gezi protests, social media held a crucial role in news-making and news-gathering, as ‘regular’ citizens turned into citizen journalists (İnceoğlu and Çoban, 2014). In this chapter, the focus is on the emergence of citizen journalism networks, new content producers that blur the line between news and video-activism/documentary forms. The chapter mainly draws on data that were gathered through two different independent research projects conducted by the author between 2014 and 2015 in Istanbul. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Book Part Conclusion(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Yanardağoğlu, E.; Yanardağoğlu, EylemThe birth of the so called Justice and Development Party proponent media and increased media capture leading to an eventual collapse of what was known as mainstream news media, catalysed the emergence of native digital and platform-based news media in which new players emerged. These new players emphasised ‘do it yourself’ and ‘self-actualizing citizenship’ (Kligler-Vilenchik, New Media & Society 19:1887–1903, 2017) because their main emphasis was on maintaining democratic standards and independence in media and communication. New media convergence afford entrepreneurial journalists; media professionals and content producers to fill a gap in the news media that was previously filled with the mainstream. However, this potential may be overshadowed by a number of internal and external factors related to contemporary journalism’s global vulnerability; these include sustainability of revenue models, precarisation of journalism and political polarisation. This chapter offers a general summary of the preceding work and offers concluding reflections. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Book Review The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2020) Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem[Abstract Not Available]Book Part Citizenship, Media and Activism in Turkey During Gezi Park Protests(Routledge, 2024) Yanardagoglu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem[No Abstract Available]Book Part Nation, Media and Communicative Space(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Yanardağoğlu, E.; Yanardağoğlu, EylemMedia are implicated in the exercise and formation of citizenship in a number of ways. The nation-state, as the main ‘communicative space’, was a valuable analytical tool to evaluate the era in which communications and media systems stayed within the national borders. Since 1980s, growing ethnic and cultural diversity in societies and cultural expansion of citizenship that critiqued the definitions of a national culture made an ‘intervention’ in the public sphere at the local, national, and global levels. The chapter considers the relationship between media and nation in the European context at a time when a common communicative space was contested by several factors such as immigration, regionalization, advances in new technologies and the growing impact of the EU and UN institutions within global governance. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Book Part Cultural Identity in 'fragile Communities: Greek Orthodox Minority Media in Turkey(Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014) Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem[Abstract Not Available]Article Vacillation in Turkey's Popular Global Tv Exports: Toward a More Complex Understanding of Distribution(USC Annenberg Press, 2016) Alankuş, Sevda; Alankuş, Sevda; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, EylemAudience demand for Turkey's TV series has increased their strength in the regional market and beyond. By mid-2014 more than 70 Turkish TV dramas reached audiences in 75 countries. Some experts have characterized this as neo-Ottoman cool, referring to Turkey's growing "soft power" role in successfully combining Islam with democracy. However, survey data from 16 Arab countries, previous audience studies, and our in-depth interviews with Istanbul-based producers and distributors refute this. Neo-Ottoman cool does not register the full dynamics of contingent relations between economy, politics, ideology, and media flows. Our research underscores the region's glocal flexibility and the market articulations overarching Turkey's soft power ambitions, how the drama genre attracts women cross-culturally, and the limits of notions of cultural proximity.Master Thesis ' Media Tools in the ' Museums the Study Case of Istanbul Modern(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2014) Bayrak, Ayça; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, EylemTechnology and the individual have a reciprocal and transformative relation and the area, which is affected by this relation, is more sophisticated than the idea that technology is shaping the society. To understand the sophistication of the relation between technology and the society; historical, cultural, economic and sociologic dimensions should be considered rather than "techno-deterministic" descriptions for the topic. In order to express the developments in the area of media; the concept "new media", of which its definition and its specifications are still debated for its aspects such as interactivity and empowering the democracy, should be considered in a critical way. The museums are an important part of the cultural life; and the restructuring of the museums in parallel to technological developments should be evaluated in the axis of "New Museology" with the above critical perspective. In this research, it is aimed to understand the effects and the contributions of the "New Media" tools to the user experience in "New Museums", where the main focal point is shifted from the exhibited objects to the visitors. For this, the case study of the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art was examined; a survey about the awareness and the use of "New Media" tools among the visitors of the museum was done. The "New Media" tools in Istanbul Museum of Modern Art have been reevaluated in the axis of "New Museology" according to the visitor surveys.Master Thesis Türkiye'deki Üniversite Kütüphanelerinin Mobil Geleceği(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2014) Kubat, Gülçin; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, EylemMobil telefonlar konuşmanın çok ötesinde işlevlere sahip mobil bilgisayarlar haline geldiklerinden eğitim, ticaret başta olmak üzere pek çok sektör mobil teknolojilere uyum sağlamak için yeni yapılanmalara gitmektedir. Cisco‟ya göre 2015 yılı sonunda kablosuz internet sabit geniş bant interneti geride bırakacaktır. Küresel mobil veri trafiği her sene ikiye katlanmaktadır. Bilgi toplumunda bilginin değerli bir meta haline gelmesi üniversitelerin bir şirket gibi maddi değer üreten kurumlar şeklinde algılanması sonucunu doğurmuştur. Bugün rutininde ağ üzerinde veri üretip paylaşan akademinin ihtiyaç duyduğu araştırma desteğinin de ağ üzerinde olması önemlidir. Üniversite kütüphanelerinin varlık nedenlerinden biri olan araştırma desteğinin mobil teknolojilere adaptasyonu 2007‟de Iphone cihazının piyasaya sunulmasıyla yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Dünyada üniversite kütüphanelerinin önemli bir kısmı internet siteleri kadar mükemmel mobil web siteleri sunmaktadır. Ayrı mobil web sitesi veya site uygulaması, mobil katalog, mobil uyumlu veritabanları, QR kodlar, Arttırılmış Gerçeklik (AR) uygulamaları, SMS referans hizmeti üniversite kütüphanelerinde sunulan yaygın mobil hizmetlerdir. Temel kütüphane hizmetlerinin mobilden verilebiliyor olması geleceğin üniversite kütüphanesi modelinin mobil kütüphane olacağı görüşünü doğrular niteliktedir. Dünyada yaygın bir eğilim olan mobil bilgi hizmetlerinin Türkiye‟deki üniversite kütüphanelerinde varlığını araştırmak, uygulamalarını ortaya koymak amacıyla rastgele 7 bölgeyi temsilen vakıf ve devlet üniversitesi kütüphanelerinden oluşan 30 merkez kütüphane örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Veri toplamak için 28 sorudan oluşan elektronik bir anket kütüphane yöneticilerine e-posta ile yöneltilmiştir. Sorular dünyada üniversite kütüphanelerinde sunulmakta olan mobil hizmetlere dayanarak hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Türkiye‟de üniversite kütüphanelerinde mobil teknolojilere yönelik hizmetler veya konuya gösterilen önemin dünyayla yakın bir seviyede olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Ayrıca ilk kez bu çalışmada bugüne değin literatürde sadece bina, bütçe, personel, koleksiyon, kullanıcı şeklinde 5 öğe olarak ifade edilen kütüphane öğelerine, teknoloji ve internetin etkisiyle hizmetlerde yaşanan dönüşüm nedeniyle, „Bilgi ve iletişim Teknolojileri(BĠT Altyapı) Altyapı‟ maddesinin bir öğe olarak eklenmesinin zorunluluğu vurgulanmıştır.Book Part Cultural identity in ‘fragile’ communities: Greek orthodox minority media in Turkey(Taylor and Francis, 2016) Yanardağoğlu, EylemThe appropriation of community media by ethno-religious minorities raises questions about the relationship between media, ethnicity, identity and citizenship. Scholars consider minority media institutions instrumental for the transmission of memory and traditions and the survival of language and culture against the homogenizing effects of national or global cultures, especially in the case of ‘fragile’ diasporic communities (Dayan 1998).1 This is of particular relevance to Greek community media in Istanbul,2 which constitute the focus of this chapter. The non-Muslim minority communities in Turkey, namely the Armenians, Jews and Istanbul Greeks are the legacy of the Ottoman Empire’s demographic make-up, which has dwindled dramatically over the 20th century. They were administered by one of the oldest system of governance of minorities, known as the millet system3 in the Ottoman Empire (Preece 1997). Due to their historical entitlement to certain cultural rights, these communities boast an uninterrupted and diverse media and publishing tradition since the Ottoman period. Thus, compared with ethnic media practices, which emerged in Europe as a result of contemporary skilled and nonskilled labour migration, the non-Muslim minority media in Turkey have a longer history making them one of the oldest ethnic/minority media examples in Europe.4. © 2014 Vally Lytra.