Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah

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Name Variants
Karaoğuz, H. E.
K., Hüseyin Emrah
K., Huseyin Emrah
H. Karaoğuz
K.,Huseyin Emrah
KARAOĞUZ, Hüseyin Emrah
Karaoǧuz E.
Hüseyin Emrah Karaoğuz
Karaoguz,Huseyin Emrah
Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
Hüseyin Emrah KARAOĞUZ
Karaoğuz H.
Karaoguz, Huseyin Emrah
H. E. Karaoğuz
Karaoguz H.
Huseyin Emrah, Karaoguz
Karaoğuz, H.
Emrah Karaoğuz, Hüseyin
Karaoguz, H.E.
Karaoguz, H. Emrah
Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
Job Title
Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
  • Book Review
    Citation Count: 0
    Varieties of Capitalism in Southeast Asia
    (Savez Ekonomista Vojvodine, 2019) Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Doctoral Thesis
    The Structuring and Institutionalizing of Discourses on Climate Change and Security in the United Nations Security Council
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022-06) Çelenk, Bengü; Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    This thesis aims to understand how the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) structured climate change and security discourses and institutionalized them in its practices between 2007-2021. In this regard, Maarten Hajer’s argumentative discourse analysis has been employed to assess how the UNSC structured and institutionalized these discourses. The study additionally formed a multilevel security framework to employ over both the processes of discourse structuring and institutionalizing in order to strengthen Hajer’s analysis and make the discourses on climate change and security more meaningful. Based on the analytical literature review, the multilevel security framework establishes causal chains among climate security, human security, national security, and international security. This research understands the UNSC’s process of structuring discourses on climate change and security to still be in the developmental phase. In the context of a multilevel security framework, the discourses on whether the discourses on climate change as an international security issue or not were observed to have not been structured yet. However, climate change was observed to have been structured as a security problem by establishing causal links between climate security, human security, and national security. The second part focuses on whether or not the UNSC has institutionalized climate change and security discourses in its practices. The findings show the UNSC to have partially institutionalized discourses on climate change and security. Despite the increase in the frequency of the relevant outputs and the number of members defending climate change and the UNSC’s relationship with it, the UNSC was found to have institutionalized the discourses on climate change and security in line with the discourses of the Russian Federation. In the context of the multilevel security framework, climate change was found to have been institutionalized as a security problem by establishing causal links between human security and national security. The answer to the question at the beginning of the thesis of whether the realist security-based nature of the UNSC as problematized has changed with regard to the level of global security is that it has not changed yet.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Interview Method in State Capitalism Literature: Main Issues and Suggestions
    (2022) Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    Interview technique is one of the widely used methods in social sciences. This article examines how the interview method is applied in state capitalism literature. First, using the ISI Web of Science (WoS) database, it identifies 25 articles (among 177) that used the interview method in their analyses on state capitalism. The keyword “state capitalism” is searched in all SSCI articles (titles, abstracts, keywords, etc.) to find contributions on state capitalism (WoS categories of Political Science, Public Administration, Economics, International Relations, and Sociology). Then, the article investigates how the method is applied in these works. It highlights that practitioners of the interview method seldom engage with the related methodological literature. Despite intriguing debates and valuable contributions, how the interview method is drawn on to support analyses and drive main arguments are not generally clear. Thus, more engagement with the methodological literature would be useful in more explicitly and systematically describing (i) the execution of the method (date, length, mode, etc.), (ii) elaboration of saturation, and (iii) how the interview data are analyzed and presented to the readers, including coding, use of software, and use of direct quotations.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 5
    Regionalism in the Middle East: Turkish case in perspective
    (Taylor and Francis, 2020) Kutlay, M.; Karaoguz, H.E.
    [No abstract available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Developmental States in Sub-Saharan Africa: Reflections on State, Development, and Foreign Policy
    (ISTANBUL UNIV, 2020) Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    This article examines discussions on state development in the context of sub-Saharan Africa by concentrating on the nexus of state, development, and foreign policy. First, the article notes ambiguity to still exist on what the essential characteristics of a developmental state are, both in general as well as in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly because developmental state scholars see development as a context-dependent process. Also, scholars often even analyze different aspects of developmental states in the same context (i.e., quality of democracy, developmental outcomes, analysis of what is, and reflections on what should be). Second, even though the developmental state framework endorses a perspective that sharply contradicts the neoliberal orthodoxy, the case may be that the two occasionally converge on some policy proposals. Thus, if the goal is to formulate and implement effective policies in sub-Saharan Africa, it is better not to derive an oversimplified dichotomy between developmental state and orthodoxy. Lastly, the article highlights relatively recent attempts to have occurred investigating developmental states' foreign policy dimension in the context of South Africa, thus offering a novel and timely research agenda.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Conclusion: Talking the Talk, Walking the Walk
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) Kutlay,M.; Karaoğuz,H.E.
    This chapter points out that the uncertain political-economic environment in the international system brings us back to the quality of domestic institutions and the need to establish durable links between the domestic development regime and the foreign policy regime. Based on our regime coherence framework, we argue that weak institutional complementarities constitute Turkey’s main challenge to building a development-oriented foreign policy outlook in an increasingly multipolar order. We conclude the three complementary pillars, economic governance, state-business ties, and financial statecraft could not be systematically incorporated into the Turkish foreign policy framework despite certain improvements. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Master Thesis
    The Role of Women in Aspiring Developmental States: The Case of Turkey's "national Technology Initiative"
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2023) Bozkurt, Melike; Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    Devlet öncülüğünde kalkınma, özellikle 2008 küresel ekonomik krizinden sonra daha fazla dikkat çekmeye başlamıştır. Neoliberalizme duyulan güvenin azalması ve devlet öncülüğünde kalkınma stratejisi izleyen ülkelerin göreli başarısı, devletlerin rolü, sorumlulukları ve kapasiteleri konusunda yeni tartışmalara yol açmış ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin kalkınmaya yönelik farklı bir yaklaşım benimseme olasılıkları daha makul hale gelmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, Türkiye'nin kalkınma hedeflerinin büyük ölçüde devlet tarafından yönlendirildiği ve şekillendirildiği bir örnek olarak ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Yeni yüzyılın değişen küresel bağlamında, gelişmekte olan ekonomilerin kalkınma politikalarını oluştururken dikkate almaları gereken birçok husus ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkiye'nin sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri doğrultusunda başlatılan Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi, beşeri sermayenin gelişimini destekleyen politikalara öncelik vererek kapsayıcı, bütünleştirici ve paydaş odaklı bir yaklaşım benimsemektedir. Bu tez, kalkınma politika ve uygulamalarından tüm toplumun aynı düzeyde etkilenmediği savından hareketle, ilgili kararların toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir yaklaşımla ele alınması gerektiğini savunmaktadır. İlgili stratejik raporların içerik analizine ve 12 derinlemesine yarı yapılandırılmış mülakata dayanarak, Türkiye'nin Milli Teknoloji Girişimi'nde kadınların rolü analiz edilecektir. Bu anlamda, bu çalışmanın sonuçları, kadınları Türkiye'nin teknoloji odaklı kalkınma hedeflerine entegre etmek için tasarlanan özel politika önlemlerinin, kurumsal mekanizmaların ve güçlendirme girişimlerinin neden önemli olacağını ortaya koymaktadır.
  • Master Thesis
    China's Neo-Techno Nationalism and Securitization of Huawei by the Trump Government
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Kahraman, Eda; Emrah Karaoğuz, Hüseyin
    The competition between China and the US that has dramatically increased in the Trump administration constitutes one of the main contested issues in international relations. The race has not only been limited in the economy but also in technology and other various fields. This study provides a critical look at the Sino- American relationship concerning technology which is seen as the backbone of the economy. The resounding success of China, especially in the fields of technology and science, in playing a prominent role in the world has been seen as the product of Chinese governmental ambitions. Owing to a Neo- Techno nationalist look of the Chinese leaders, Beijing seeks to leverage globalization to promote national interests in order to strengthen the nation by using technology as a tool rather than following solely protectionist policies. As a product of the Chinese government's technology policy to catch up with the developed countries, Huawei, one of the national champions, occupied an important place in the latest discussions. In this thesis, the question of how the Trump government securitized Huawei is problematized. Moreover, it is argued that even though Huawei is a private enterprise, thanks to the Trump administration's concerns over identity differences, technological risks, and economic threats, it is starting to be seen as a security matter. The detailed analysis of the discourse of the Trump administration by using the Critical Discourse Analysis method provides significant implications in terms of understanding the securitization of Huawei. This study contends that Huawei, which the dominant discourse of the hegemon power has excluded and suppressed, is discursively constructed and shown as a threat to security, to which extraordinary steps have been taken.
  • Master Thesis
    The Influence of Business on Foreign Economic Policy: The Case of Turkey and Musiad
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) YILMAZ, BAHADIR; Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    With the effect of neo-liberal policies and globalization, especially in the last 40 years, the business world has gradually gained influence both economically and politically. In this research, we have addressed the political side of this effect by making use of the theoretical framework of the trading state and examining the state-business interaction. The main purpose of this research was to see whether the business world could influence the foreign economic policy of the state. We chose Turkey as an example for the state, and MUSIAD, a businessmen's association as an example for the business world, and evaluated the level of this interaction and how much it affected foreign policy through interviews. Focusing on the Covid-19 epidemic period, which greatly affected states and the business world, we investigated how the state-business relationship changed during this period. As a result, we have seen that the active actor in determining the foreign policy for Turkey, in general, is still the state (government, leader, etc.), and we have observed through our interviews that this situation has not changed during the pandemic period.
  • Master Thesis
    The Syrian Migration Crisis And France (2011 – 2019): An Analysis Within The Push And Pull Framework Suriye Göçmen Krizi ve Fransa (2011 – 2019): İtme ve Çekme Kuramı Kapsamında Araştırma
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2020) Ergül, Aybüke; Karaoğuz, Hüseyin Emrah
    The thesis is about the Syrian migration Crisis's effects on France, France's actions and the European Union's actions for this migration crisis during 2011 and 2019. The central research question is "How the Syrian Civil War of 2011 and Its Refugee Crisis have affected France and what are the actions taken by France and the European Union between 2011- 2019?". After the Syrian Civil War, Syrian people's living conditions have gotten poorest and they have to migrate to other countries. Syrian refugees prefer to go to Europe to have a better life. In this thesis our chosen area is; France and during the thesis, the Syrian crisis's migration effect on France and France's and the European Union's actions will be discussed. Besides, the living condition of Syrian migrants, French people's reactions to Syrian refugees, French Media's responses, and the Frech law of migrations will be handled too. The used method for this thesis is the Case Study method. While making analysis, the Push and Pull theory, and the European Union's Immigration Policy will be used so that the issue can be categorized and understood better. At the end of the thesis the question of "How the Syrian Civil War of 2011 and Its Refugee Crisis have affected France and what are the actions taken by France and the European Union between 2011- 2019?", will be answered.