Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem

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Name Variants
Burcu Cigdem, Yilmaz
B. Ç. Yılmaz
Burcu Çiğdem YILMAZ
Y., Burcu Çiğdem
YILMAZ, Burcu Çiğdem
Yılmaz, B. Ç.
B. Yılmaz
Burcu Çiğdem Yılmaz
Yılmaz, B.
Yılmaz B.
Yilmaz B.
Yilmaz,Burcu Cigdem
Y.,Burcu Cigdem
Burcu Ciğdem Yılmaz
Yilmaz, Burcu Cigdem
Yılmaz, Burcu Ciğdem
Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem
Y., Burcu Cigdem
Yilmaz, Burcu cigdem
Yılmaz, B.Ç.
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Conference Object
    Energy Performance Optimisation of a Single Dwelling Archetype Targeted To Zeb in the Earthquake Zone
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Yılmaz,Y.; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yılmaz,B.Ç.
    A single dwelling archetype design subjected to be constructed in Gaziantep City to provide accommodation for the earthquake victims was researched in this paper. It is aimed to find out the optimum building orientation, window-to-wall ratio, and aspect ratio as design variables to achieve Zero Emission Building target. In this regard, the GenOpt Optimisation tool was coupled with the EnergyPlus simulation tool to run the simulations and optimise proposed design scenarios. A threshold value for primary energy use based on the EPBD recommendation document as a guide was improved to determine ZEB design scenarios. It is evident from the 56.43% primary energy use difference between the lowest and highest energy performance among design scenarios that optimum design variables are highly effective in terms of energy efficiency. Besides, 82 design scenarios achieving the ZEB threshold were elaborated from the design variables’ point of view that rectangular forms and low WWRs are optimal for the selected region. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.
  • Article
    A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for Thermal Insulation Material Selection in Nzeb Level Questioned Affordable Multifamily Housings
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2024) Yilmaz, Burcu cigdem; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Ozguenler, Seden Acun; Yilmaz, Yigit
    An affordable multifamily housing building archetype project was researched to improve the building envelope's thermo-physical performance based on thermal insulation configurations to optimize the energy use, life-cycle cost, environmental impact, and thermal comfort with questioning nZEB concept. Five thermal insulation materials as extruded polystyrene (XPS), expanded polystyrene (EPS), rockwool (RW), glass wool (GW), and cellular glass (CG), were studied with four> attribute variations (thermal comfort, density, embodied carbon, and embodied energy) and five thickness variations (0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.20 m). A total of 100 alternative scenarios> were obtained for the decision-making process, with four performance criteria to be evaluated in terms of energy, cost, thermal comfort, and environmental impact. Equal weights method (EWM), weighted sum method (WSM), and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were examined for the multi-criteria decision-making among 46 scenariosvel. The analysis beyond the cost-optimal energy efficiency level, which varies between 64.89 and 72.62 kWh/m(2)a for primary energy use with a potential 10% further reduction, ensures the European Commission's recommendations that target 50-70 kWh/m(2)a of primary energy use for housings in the continental climate to achieve nZEB. The best scenarios cover significantly the XPS at the head due to lover investment costs, where RW, GW, and EPS are followed among the best 10 scenarios, respectively. Besides, AHP provides a more effective distribution of weighting factors than the WSM where the best scenarios of the AHP covers 12 cm thermal insulation alternatives by balancing the investment costs and energy efficiency levels. The paper provides insight into thermal insulation material selection while searching for the advantages and priorities of thermal insulation materials' attributes beyond the cost-optimal energy efficiency level to reach the nZEB range.
  • Conference Object
    Decision Support Model for Pv Integrated Shading System: Office Building Case
    (Elsevier, 2023) Yilmaz, Burcu Cigdem; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yilmaz, Yigit
    Office buildings have a high amount of internal heat, solar gain, daytime energy consumption and occupancy schedules. Therefore, the increment in the cooling energy demand highlights the shading systems to provide efficient energy retrofit for office buildings. Shading surfaces, to prevent the high amount of solar radiation, are suitable for the collection of solar energy and the integration of photovoltaic systems onto the building envelope. However, the impact of the shading surface on the cooling, heating, and lighting energy consumption and the amount of energy produced by the PV system is a great task as a decision-making problem with multiple independent and dependent variables. This study searches for the installation of a PV integrated shading system to an office building through a decision support methodology. Independent variables such as the shading surface area, and angle and the dependent variables such as the energy, embodied carbon, and cost indicators are analysed within the decision support methodology. The results provide a definitive structure for such decision-making problems. Moreover, findings highlight that although Mono-Si PV options are more efficient in terms of energy generation, Poly-Si PV options are found to be the ideal solutions, due to the lower cost and embodied carbon. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under theCCBYlicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
  • Article
    Re-Considering the Energy Efficient Retrofitting Approach To Question Cost-Optimality and Nzeb Under Covid-19 Measures
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Yilmaz, Burcu Cigdem; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yilmaz, Yigit
    The building energy performance has been highly studied in the last decades considering the indoor environmental quality, and sustainability indicators to examine energy-efficient cost-optimal, and nZEB building levels for different building typologies. However, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the usage and operation of public spaces and buildings have evolved according to COVID-19 measures produced by the authorities. Social distancing measures and HVAC system measures affecting energy performance and indoor environmental quality of the public buildings are consequently necessary for building energy performance studies. Thereby, it is aimed at re-considering an energy-efficient cost-optimal retrofitting approach for a primary school building case, under the COVID-19 measures to recast an energy-efficient cost-optimal level and apply a cost-efficiency criterion to search for the measures adapted nZEB scenarios. COVID-19 measures affecting building energy performance, such as social distancing and IEQ requirements, were analysed. Then, probable ventilation rates were controlled by the infection probability method to satisfy the limit number for infection. Thus, pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 variables regarding occupancy density and HVAC operation were determined for the calculation process. Besides, retrofit scenarios were shaped to improve optic and thermophysical properties of the facade, lighting, and HVAC systems performance. Then, energy, LCC, thermal comfort and IEQ performance of retrofit scenarios were calculated with a calibrated model. Results were evaluated by applying the cost-efficiency criterion to find out nZEB scenarios. It can be stated that distinct LCC and energy use increments occurred in the cost-optimal range and nZEB level.
  • Article
    Decision Support Model for Pv Integrated Shading System: Office Building Case
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2023) Yılmaz, B.Ç.; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yılmaz, Y.
    Office buildings have a high amount of internal heat, solar gain, daytime energy consumption and occupancy schedules. Therefore, the increment in the cooling energy demand highlights the shading systems to provide efficient energy retrofit for office buildings. Shading surfaces, to prevent the high amount of solar radiation, are suitable for the collection of solar energy and the integration of photovoltaic systems onto the building envelope. However, the impact of the shading surface on the cooling, heating, and lighting energy consumption and the amount of energy produced by the PV system is a great task as a decision-making problem with multiple independent and dependent variables. This study searches for the installation of a PV integrated shading system to an office building through a decision support methodology. Independent variables such as the shading surface area, and angle and the dependent variables such as the energy, embodied carbon, and cost indicators are analysed within the decision support methodology. The results provide a definitive structure for such decision-making problems. Moreover, findings highlight that although Mono-Si PV options are more efficient in terms of energy generation, Poly-Si PV options are found to be the ideal solutions, due to the lower cost and embodied carbon. © 2023 The Author(s)