Yfantıs, Konstantınos
Name Variants
Yfantıs, Konstantınos
K. Yfantıs
Konstantınos, Yfantıs
Yfantis, Konstantinos
K. Yfantis
Konstantinos, Yfantis
Ifantis, Kostas
Ifantıs, Kostas
K. Yfantıs
Konstantınos, Yfantıs
Yfantis, Konstantinos
K. Yfantis
Konstantinos, Yfantis
Ifantis, Kostas
Ifantıs, Kostas
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
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Supervised Theses
11 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
Book Review Foreign Policy Under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality?(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, Konstantınos[Abstract Not Available]Book Review By Henry Kissinger New York: the Penguin Press, 2012, 586 Pages, Isbn: 9781594202711(2014) Ifantıs, Kostas; Yfantıs, KonstantınosAccording to Kissinger there are four key elements to understanding the Chinese mind: Confucianism ("a single, universal, generally applicable truth as the standard of individual conduct and social cohesion"); Sun Tzu (outsmartingArticle THE US AND TURKEY IN SEARCH OF REGIONAL STRATEGY: TOWARDS ASYMPTOTIC TRAJECTORIES(Univ Complutense Madrid, Servicio Publicaciones, 2014) Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Galariotis, IoannisSecurity relations with the US have been critical for Turkey. Cold War strategic imperatives dictated typical bandwagoning policies, although disagreements and frictions were present at times. In the 2000s, a combination of domestic developments and rapidly changing regional security patterns has resulted in a more assertive Turkish regional security policy, which for many represents a departure from traditional Kemalist principles. This article attempts to assess the current course of Turkish regional security engagement and the extent to which relations between the USA and Turkey are subject to major change. The analytical context accounts for the impact of domestic, regional and global levels. The empirical focus is on Turkey's involvement in the Syrian sectarian conflict and on the trajectory of the bilateral relations with Israel.Article The Us and Turkey in Search of Regional Strategy: Towards Asymptotic Trajectories(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2014) Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Galariotis, IoannisSecurity relations with the US have been critical for Turkey. Cold War strategic imperatives dictated typical bandwagoning policies although disagreements and frictions were present at times. In the 2000s a combination of domestic developments and rapidly changing regional security patterns has resulted in a more assertive Turkish regional security policy which for many represents a departure from traditional Kemalist principles. This article attempts to assess the current course of Turkish regional security engagement and the extent to which relations between the USA and Turkey are subject to major change. The analytical context accounts for the impact of domestic regional and global levels. The empirical focus is on Turkey’s involvement in the Syrian sectarian conflict and on the trajectory of the bilateral relations with Israel. © UNISCI 2014.Doctoral Thesis The Intentions and Capabilities of Turkey as a Regional Power: a Structural Realist Analysis (2012-2014)(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Çelik, Nihat; Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Yfantis, KonstantinosWith the post-Cold War developments Turkey found a suitable environment to assert itself as a regional leader in the Balkans and Middle East. In this vein mediation became a tool for advancing Turkey's regional role with the Justice and Development Party rule that started in 2002. The aim of this study is to show Turkey's motivations in acting as a mediator while highlighting its capabilities and limits in the aforementioned regions based on case-studies of Turkey's mediation initiatives. It will be argued that Turkey as an emerging middle-power faces important limitations with regards to material capabilities and also resistance from regional and global actors against its regional leadership role.Editorial Introduction: a Note on Populism in Crisis-Ridden Greece(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2018) Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Trıantafyllou, Dımıtrıos[Abstract Not Available]Doctoral Thesis Overlapping Regionalism in East Asia: a Case Study of Financial Cooperation in Apec, Asean and Apt(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) Ermeydan, Burcu; Ermeydan, Burcu; Yfantıs, Konstantınos; Triantafyllou, Dimitrios; Yfantis, KonstantinosThis study's primary objective is to understand the notion of overlapping regionalism, which occurs when one state or more than one state becomes a member of more than one regional organization simultaneously. The evolving literature on overlapping regionalism lacks systematic attention to interactions among geographically overlapping regional groups. It aims to examine inter-institutional interactions among overlapping regional institutions, by revealing their characteristics and relationships and discussing the drivers leading them to overlap. It questions the extent of overlap in terms of the policy mandate, reflection of overlaps on regional cooperation agendas through overlapping regional groups, and motivation behind overlaps and conditions preventing the merging of these regional organizations into one single framework. These questions are answered through the case study of East Asian financial regionalism, in which three different cooperation processes have been carried out under the geographically overlapping ASEAN, APT, and APEC since the 1990s and which has not been studied from the perspective of overlapping regionalism. To meet the research objective, the present research targets the exploration and mapping of the discourse networks among regional organizations/groups in East Asia regarding financial regionalism by focusing on shared views, divergences, and correlations on specific aims/cooperation themes in the form of discourse reflected in documents produced by APEC, ASEAN, and APT. It reaches two major conclusions. First, financial regionalism in East Asia constitutes a segmented overlapping regime complex, shaped by simultaneous relations between three financial cooperation processes carried out under APEC, APT and ASEAN. Accordingly, there is no one core regional organization defining all regional cooperation agendas and norms. As causes of this situation, it highlights the effect of rivalry among the big powers, the hedging strategies of middle and small powers, the loosely institutionalized structure of regional governance, and the different institutional priorities of each regional organization.Editorial Introduction: the Burden of History, Image, Geopolitics and Misperception in the Aegean(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Aydin, Mustafa; Aydın, Mustafa; Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, KonstantınosThis short paper provides an overview of the complex and often turbulent relations between Greece and Turkey, focussing on recent developments and the challenges in their bilateral relationship. It discusses the historical context, including attempts at reconciliation, and examines the role of perceptions, geopolitics, and historical grievances in shaping the current situation. It emphasises the cyclical nature of Greek-Turkish relations, with periods of calm followed by tensions and crises. It highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to resolving the existing disputes between the two countries, including the importance of confidence-building measures and a political settlement. Overall, it underlines the complexity of Greek-Turkish relations and the challenges in achieving lasting peace and stability in the region, calling for a new paradigm in bilateral relations that addresses historical grievances, promotes mutual understanding, and fosters cooperation for the benefit of both countries and the region.Article Post-Hegemonic (dis)order and Regiional Balancing Strategies in the Middle East(Univ Complutense Madrid, 2019) Ifantis, Kostas; Yfantıs, KonstantınosFollowing the so-called Arab Spring, the strategic situation in the Middle East has been one of disorder. A series of critical, complex and interrelated security failures have resulted in chaos and bloodshed unprecedented even for a region with Middle East's history and legacy. The demand for intervention has been high but the response has been very low. In such an unchartered and rapidly deteriorating regional security setting, this paper argues that the conspicuous absence of US hegemonic engagement has allowed for the return to overt regional balance of power strategies and proxy conflicts. Our hypothesis is that a regional balance of power and the resulting order (or disorder) heavily depends on the type of great power regional engagement. In such a context, the "hands off" or non-hegemonic approach that characterizes US strategy since the Arab Spring eruption has heavily contributed to a highly disorderly regional balance of power landscape. In the absence of US hegemonic involvement, revisionist threats emerge and local rivalries intensify.Article Yunanistan’ın Türkiye Stratejisi ve Algısı: Uzlaşmanın Sonu ve Tarihe Dönüş?(2018) Yfantıs, KonstantınosBu makale, Yunan kamuoyunda ortaya çıkan krizin Türkiye’ye yönelik algı ve stratejiler üzerindeki etkisine odaklanmaktadır. Analiz, krizin ortadan kaldırdığı stratejik fikir birliği ve ülkenin güvenlik konularına yönelik tarafsız bakış açısının ortaya konulamamasının yarattığı etkiler üzerinden yapılmıştır. Atina ve Ankara, her ne kadar Ege Denizi konusunda 1999’dan 2016’ya kadar alışılmadık bir şekilde sakin ilişkiler yürütmüş olsalar da, son iki yılda karşılaştığımız saldırgan söylem ve karşılıklı güvensizlik bilindik gelişmelerdir. İkili ilişkiler zarar görmemiş olsa da, her iki tarafa da hâkim olan geleneksel durum, askeri donanımın benzerliği nedeniyle yanlış anlama riskine bağlı olarak kolaylıkla bir gerilime dönüşebilir. Çalışma aynı zamanda bu özel sayının iki misafir editörü tarafında kriz döneminde Yunan elitinin sahip olduğu Türkiye algısını anlamaya yönelik olarak yürütülmüş bir araştırmanın önemli bulgularını da içermektedir.