Stroppa, Fabıo
Name Variants
Fabio, Stroppa
S., Fabıo
Stroppa, F.
F. Stroppa
Stroppa, Fabio
Fabıo Stroppa
Stroppa, Fabıo
S., Fabio
Stroppa F.
Stroppa, FABIO
S., Fabıo
Stroppa, F.
F. Stroppa
Stroppa, Fabio
Fabıo Stroppa
Stroppa, Fabıo
S., Fabio
Stroppa F.
Stroppa, FABIO
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
11 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
Conference Object Task-Specific Design Optimization and Fabrication for Inflated-Beam Soft Robots with Growable Discrete Joints(Ieee, 2022) Stroppa, Fabıo; Wang, Karen; Do, Brian H.; Stroppa, Fabio; Coad, Margaret M.; Okamura, Allison M.; Liu, C. KarenSoft robot serial chain manipulators with the capability for growth, stiffness control, and discrete joints have the potential to approach the dexterity of traditional robot arms, while improving safety, lowering cost, and providing an increased workspace, with potential application in home environments. This paper presents an approach for design optimization of such robots to reach specified targets while minimizing the number of discrete joints and thus construction and actuation costs. We define a maximum number of allowable joints, as well as hardware constraints imposed by the materials and actuation available for soft growing robots, and we formulate and solve an optimization problem to output a planar robot design, i.e., the total number of potential joints and their locations along the robot body, which reaches all the desired targets, avoids known obstacles, and maximizes the workspace. We demonstrate a process to rapidly construct the resulting soft growing robot design. Finally, we use our algorithm to evaluate the ability of this design to reach new targets and demonstrate the algorithm's utility as a design tool to explore robot capabilities given various constraints and objectives.Article A Motion Planner for Growing Reconfigurable Inflated Beam Manipulators in Static Environments(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2025) Stroppa, Fabıo; Zaghloul, Omar H. A.; Do, Brian H.; Stroppa, FabioSoft growing robots have the potential to be useful for complex manipulation tasks and navigation for inspection or search and rescue. They are designed with plant-like properties, allowing them to evert and steer multiple links and explore cluttered environments. However, this variety of operations results in multiple paths, which is one of the biggest challenges faced by classic pathfinders. In this letter, we propose a motion planner based on A$<^>*$ search specifically designed for soft growing manipulators operating on predetermined static tasks. Furthermore, we implemented a stochastic data structure to reduce the algorithm's complexity as it explores alternative paths. This allows the planner to retrieve optimal solutions over different tasks. We ran demonstrations on a set of three tasks, observing that this stochastic process does not compromise path optimality.Conference Object Task-Specific Design Optimization and Fabrication for Inflated-Beam Soft Robots With Growable Discrete Joints(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Exarchos, I.; Stroppa, Fabıo; Wang, K.; Do, B.H.; Stroppa, F.; Coad, M.M.; Okamura, A.M.; Liu, C.K.Soft robot serial chain manipulators with the capability for growth, stiffness control, and discrete joints have the potential to approach the dexterity of traditional robot arms, while improving safety, lowering cost, and providing an increased workspace, with potential application in home environments. This paper presents an approach for design optimization of such robots to reach specified targets while minimizing the number of discrete joints and thus construction and actuation costs. We define a maximum number of allowable joints, as well as hardware constraints imposed by the materials and actuation available for soft growing robots, and we formulate and solve an optimization problem to output a planar robot design, i.e., the total number of potential joints and their locations along the robot body, which reaches all the desired targets, avoids known obstacles, and maximizes the workspace. We demonstrate a process to rapidly construct the resulting soft growing robot design. Finally, we use our algorithm to evaluate the ability of this design to reach new targets and demonstrate the algorithm's utility as a design tool to explore robot capabilities given various constraints and objectives. © 2022 IEEE.Article Design optimizer for planar soft-growing robot manipulators(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Stroppa, FabıoSoft-growing robots are innovative devices that feature plant-inspired growth to navigate environments. Thanks to their embodied intelligence of adapting to their surroundings and the latest innovations in actuation and manufacturing, it is possible to employ them for specific manipulation tasks. The applications of these devices include exploration of delicate/dangerous environments, manipulation of items, or assistance in domestic environments. This work presents a novel approach for design optimization of soft-growing robots, which will be used prior to manufacturing to suggest to engineers - or robot designer enthusiasts - the optimal size of the robot to be built for solving a specific task. The design process is modeled as a multi-objective optimization problem, optimizing the kinematic chain of a soft manipulator to reach targets and avoid unnecessary overuse of material and resources. The method exploits the advantages of population-based optimization algorithms, in particular evolutionary algorithms, to transform the problem from multi-objective into single-objective thanks to an efficient mathematical formulation, the novel rank-partitioning algorithm, and obstacle avoidance integrated within the optimizer operators. The proposed method was tested on different tasks to assess its optimality, which showed significant performance in solving the problem: the retrieved designs are short, smooth, and precise at reaching targets. Finally, comparative experiments show that the proposed method works better than the one existing in the literature in terms of precision (14% higher), resource consumption (2% shorter configurations with 4% fewer links), actuation (85% less wavy and undulated configurations), and run time (13% faster).Conference Object Optimizing Real-Time Decision-Making in Sensor Networks(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023) Yiǧitbaşi,Y.; Stroppa, Fabıo; Stroppa,F.; Badia,L.The rapid integration of digital technologies into physical systems has given rise to cyber-physical systems, where the interaction between the computational and physical components plays a crucial role. This study explores optimal decision-making in event detection and transmission scheduling within cyber-physical systems, emphasizing the crucial aspect of efficient decision-making. We consider the problem of monitoring and reporting about a single event taking place within a finite time window achieving a reward related to the timeliness of the status update. Thus, the objective corresponds to minimizing the age of information between the instant of the event x and the status update time t, with a further penalty for a missed event. The monitoring apparatus decides when to perform the status update without knowing the value of x, but only knowing its statistical distribution. We assume a triangular probability density function for the instant of the event taking place, with a variable average. We provide an analytical derivation of the optimal choice of the status update, highlighting interesting trends, such as the saturation in the value of t as x grows close to the limit of the observation window. This proposed problem and its analytical formalization may serve as a further foundation for the general analysis of optimal monitoring of cyber-physical systems. © 2023 IEEE.Review Optimizing Exoskeleton Design with Evolutionary Computation: An Intensive Survey(Mdpi, 2023) Stroppa, Fabıo; Saraç Stroppa, Mine; Yuksel, Huseyin Taner; Akbas, Baris; Sarac, MineExoskeleton devices are designed for applications such as rehabilitation, assistance, and haptics. Due to the nature of physical human-machine interaction, designing and operating these devices is quite challenging. Optimization methods lessen the severity of these challenges and help designers develop the device they need. In this paper, we present an extensive and systematic literature search on the optimization methods used for the mechanical design of exoskeletons. We completed the search in the IEEE, ACM, and MDPI databases between 2017 and 2023 using the keywords exoskeleton, design, and optimization. We categorized our findings in terms of which limb (i.e., hand, wrist, arm, or leg) and application (assistive, rehabilitation, or haptic) the exoskeleton was designed for, the optimization metrics (force transmission, workspace, size, and adjustability/calibration), and the optimization method (categorized as evolutionary computation or non-evolutionary computation methods). We discuss our observations with respect to how the optimization methods have been implemented based on our findings. We conclude our paper with suggestions for future research.Conference Object The Impact of Evolutionary Computation on Robotic Design: a Case Study With an Underactuated Hand Exoskeleton(Ieee, 2024) Stroppa, Fabıo; Yuksel, Huseyin Taner; Soylemez, Aleyna; Zyada, Mazhar Eid; Sarac, Mine; Stroppa, FabioRobotic exoskeletons can enhance human strength and aid people with physical disabilities. However, designing them to ensure safety and optimal performance presents significant challenges. Developing exoskeletons should incorporate specific optimization algorithms to find the best design. This study investigates the potential of Evolutionary Computation (EC) methods in robotic design optimization, with an underactuated hand exoskeleton (U-HEx) used as a case study. We propose improving the performance and usability of the U-HEx design, which was initially optimized using a naive brute-force approach, by integrating EC techniques such as Genetic Algorithm and Big Bang-Big Crunch Algorithm. Comparative analysis revealed that EC methods consistently yield more precise and optimal solutions than brute force in a significantly shorter time. This allowed us to improve the optimization by increasing the number of variables in the design, which was impossible with naive methods. The results show significant improvements in terms of the torque magnitude the device transfers to the user, enhancing its efficiency. These findings underline the importance of performing proper optimization while designing exoskeletons, as well as providing a significant improvement to this specific robotic design.Article Shared-Control Teleoperation Paradigms on a Soft-Growing Robot Manipulator(Springer, 2023) Stroppa, Fabıo; Selvaggio, Mario; Agharese, Nathaniel; Luo, Ming; Blumenschein, Laura H.; Hawkes, Elliot W.; Okamura, Allison M.Semi-autonomous telerobotic systems allow both humans and robots to exploit their strengths while enabling personalized execution of a remote task. For soft robots with kinematic structures dissimilar to those of human operators, it is unknown how the allocation of control between the human and the robot changes the performance. This work presents a set of interaction paradigms between a human and a remote soft-growing robot manipulator, with demonstrations in both real and simulated scenarios. The soft robot can grow and retract by eversion and inversion of its tubular body, a property we exploit in the interaction paradigms. We implemented and tested six different human-robot interaction paradigms, with full teleoperation at one extreme and gradually adding autonomy to various aspects of the task execution. All paradigms are demonstrated by two experts and two naive operators. Results show that humans and the soft robot manipulator can effectively split their control along different degrees of freedom while acting simultaneously to accomplish a task. In the simple pick-and-place task studied in this work, performance improves as the control is gradually given to the robot's autonomy, especially when the robot can correct certain human errors. However, human engagement is maximized when the control over a task is at least partially shared. Finally, when the human operator is assisted by haptic guidance, which is computed based on soft robot tip position errors, we observed that the improvement in performance is dependent on the expertise of the human operator.Review Optimizing soft robot design and tracking with and without evolutionary computation: an intensive survey(Cambridge Univ Press, 2024) Stroppa, Fabıo; Saraç Stroppa, Mine; Batiya, Jana; Baran, Eray; Sarac, MineSoft robotic devices are designed for applications such as exploration, manipulation, search and rescue, medical surgery, rehabilitation, and assistance. Due to their complex kinematics, various and often hard-to-define degrees of freedom, and nonlinear properties of their material, designing and operating these devices can be quite challenging. Using tools such as optimization methods can improve the efficiency of these devices and help roboticists manufacture the robots they need. In this work, we present an extensive and systematic literature search on the optimization methods used for the mechanical design of soft robots, particularly focusing on literature exploiting evolutionary computation (EC). We completed the search in the IEEE, ACM, Springer, SAGE, Elsevier, MDPI, Scholar, and Scopus databases between 2009 and 2024 using the keywords "soft robot," "design," and "optimization." We categorized our findings in terms of the type of soft robot (i.e., bio-inspired, cable-driven, continuum, fluid-driven, gripper, manipulator, modular), its application (exploration, manipulation, surgery), the optimization metrics (topology, force, locomotion, kinematics, sensors, and energy), and the optimization method (categorized as EC or non-EC methods). After providing a road map of our findings in the state of the art, we offer our observations concerning the implementation of the optimization methods and their advantages. We then conclude our paper with suggestions for future research.Article Shared-Control Teleoperation Paradigms on a Soft-Growing Robot Manipulator(Institute for Ionics, 2023) Stroppa, F.; Stroppa, Fabıo; Selvaggio, M.; Agharese, N.; Luo, M.; Blumenschein, L.H.; Hawkes, E.W.; Okamura, A.M.Semi-autonomous telerobotic systems allow both humans and robots to exploit their strengths while enabling personalized execution of a remote task. For soft robots with kinematic structures dissimilar to those of human operators, it is unknown how the allocation of control between the human and the robot changes the performance. This work presents a set of interaction paradigms between a human and a remote soft-growing robot manipulator, with demonstrations in both real and simulated scenarios. The soft robot can grow and retract by eversion and inversion of its tubular body, a property we exploit in the interaction paradigms. We implemented and tested six different human-robot interaction paradigms, with full teleoperation at one extreme and gradually adding autonomy to various aspects of the task execution. All paradigms are demonstrated by two experts and two naive operators. Results show that humans and the soft robot manipulator can effectively split their control along different degrees of freedom while acting simultaneously to accomplish a task. In the simple pick-and-place task studied in this work, performance improves as the control is gradually given to the robot’s autonomy, especially when the robot can correct certain human errors. However, human engagement is maximized when the control over a task is at least partially shared. Finally, when the human operator is assisted by haptic guidance, which is computed based on soft robot tip position errors, we observed that the improvement in performance is dependent on the expertise of the human operator. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.