Toplumsal Eleştiri Olarak Sinema ve Mizah
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Bu tez, mizahın bir toplumsal eleştiri yöntemi olarak sinemada nasıl kullanılabileceğini araştırıyor. Aynı zamanda, uygulamalı bir tez olarak bu yöntemleri yazdığım ve yönettiğim Sinek Gibi adlı kısa film üzerinden tartışıyor. Bu tartışmalar, şu sorular üzerinden yürütülüyor: (1) mizah teorileri nelerdir; (2) mizaha ideolojik yaklaşımlar nelerdir; ve (3) bu teoriler ve yaklaşımlar nasıl uygulanabilir? Bu sorulardan hareketle mizahın üç teorisi olarak üstünlük, uyumsuzluk ve rahatlama teorileri, seçili filmler aracılığıyla açıklanmış ve tartışılmıştır. Kısaca, üstünlük teorisi, insanların başkalarından üstün hissettiklerinde ortaya çıkan bir mizah çeşididir. Uyumsuzluk teorisi, beklenmedik veya çarpıcı olanla ilgilidir. Rahatlama teorisine göre ise, mizah, gerilimin serbest bırakılmasından kaynaklanır. Bu genellikle, kutsal veya tabu konuları içerir. Bunlarla beraber, yıkıcı, muhafazakar ve gayriihtiyari muhafazakar olarak kavramsallaştırılan üç ideolojik yaklaşım, filmler aracılığıyla açıklanmış ve tartışılmıştır. Kısaca, yıkıcı mizah, hegemonik güç ilişkilerine içkin olan kalıpları, normları ve değerleri sorgulamayı ve değiştirmeyi amaçlarken muhafazakar mizah, bunları korumayı hedefler. Gayriihtiyari muhafazakar mizah ise, aslında onları sorgulama niyeti taşısa da varolan güç ilişkilerini pekiştirir. Son olarak, kısa filmim 'Sinek Gibi' tezde tanıtılır ve bu mizah teorileri ve ideolojik yaklaşımlar, filmin bazı sahneleri aracılığıyla tartışılır. Tezin teorik ve pratik bileşenleri, toplumsal yapıları ve normları sorgulamak için mizahın uygun şekilde kullanmanın ne kadar önemli olduğunu vurgular. Anahtar Sözcükler: komedi, mizah, sinema, üstünlük, uyumsuzluk, rahatlama, muhafazakar, yıkıcı, gayriihtiyari muhafazakar
This thesis researches how humour can be employed for social criticism in cinema. As an applied thesis, it also tests these methods through a short film named Sinek Gibi (Squashed in English) which I wrote and directed. The research questions are (1) what the theories of humour are; (2) what are the ideological approaches to humour; and (3) how can these theories and approaches be employed in an applied filming. Accordingly, superiority, incongruity, and relief theories are explained and discussed through films as the three theories of humour. Briefly, it is argued that superiority theory concerns the type of humour when people develop a sense of humour when they feel superior to others. Incongruity theory concerns the improbable or outrageous. According to the relief theory, humour results from the release of tension. This usually concerns the holy, sacred, or taboo themes. Subversive, conservative, and unintentionally conservative categories are explained and discussed through films as the three ideological approaches to humour. Briefly, it is argued that subversive comedy strives to question and modify the stereotypes, power relations, norms that are embedded in hegemonic power relations. Conservative comedy aims to uphold the established social norms, values and power structures. Unintentionally conservative humour also reinforces the oppressive power structures while it originally carries the aim to challenge them. Finally, my short- film Sinek Gibi is introduced in the thesis. And these theories of humour and ideological approaches to humour are discussed through some of the scenes of the film. The theoretical and practical components of the thesis highlight how crucial it is to properly use comedy to question societal structures and norms. Keywords: Humour, superiority, incongruity, relief, conservative, unintentionally conservative comedy, subversive comedy
This thesis researches how humour can be employed for social criticism in cinema. As an applied thesis, it also tests these methods through a short film named Sinek Gibi (Squashed in English) which I wrote and directed. The research questions are (1) what the theories of humour are; (2) what are the ideological approaches to humour; and (3) how can these theories and approaches be employed in an applied filming. Accordingly, superiority, incongruity, and relief theories are explained and discussed through films as the three theories of humour. Briefly, it is argued that superiority theory concerns the type of humour when people develop a sense of humour when they feel superior to others. Incongruity theory concerns the improbable or outrageous. According to the relief theory, humour results from the release of tension. This usually concerns the holy, sacred, or taboo themes. Subversive, conservative, and unintentionally conservative categories are explained and discussed through films as the three ideological approaches to humour. Briefly, it is argued that subversive comedy strives to question and modify the stereotypes, power relations, norms that are embedded in hegemonic power relations. Conservative comedy aims to uphold the established social norms, values and power structures. Unintentionally conservative humour also reinforces the oppressive power structures while it originally carries the aim to challenge them. Finally, my short- film Sinek Gibi is introduced in the thesis. And these theories of humour and ideological approaches to humour are discussed through some of the scenes of the film. The theoretical and practical components of the thesis highlight how crucial it is to properly use comedy to question societal structures and norms. Keywords: Humour, superiority, incongruity, relief, conservative, unintentionally conservative comedy, subversive comedy
Radyo-Televizyon, Radio and Television
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