İzmir-halkapınar Tarihi Su Yapıları
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Bu tezde İzmir ilinin Halkapinar mahallesinde İzmir Su ve Kanalizasyon idaresi (İZSU) Tesisleri'nde bulunan Tarihi Su Fabrikasi ve Tarihi Su Dagitim Yapisi'nin tarihsel surecleri mimari ozellikleri ve bozulma sorunlari incelenmistir. ozet'ten
This study examines the historical process, architectural features and their deterioration problems of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası and Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı, located in Izmir Su ve Kanalizasyon (IZSU) facilities in Halkapınar neighborhood, Izmir province.In introduction, aim this research, its scope and used are explained.The second part of the thesis studies the geographic position and the geological features of İzmir. Afterwards, the geographic position of the Halkapınar neighborhood has been included.Thirdly the thesis studies the Halkapınar neighborhoods place in the historical process. Especially the ?Diana Bathhouses? which is tough to be the Halkapınar Springs and the Meles Flood which is discussed to be the Halkapınar Flood, the knowledge that indicates that, has been utilized from antic sources and stories of travelers. The subject of Homer descending from İzmir is also included. The importance of the Meles Flood has been pointed.At the fourth part the thesis explains the industrialization of İzmir in the nineteenth century generally.Fifth part of the study tells the founding and historical process of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası. There is no historical knowledge of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı. Only some few postcards from the nineteenth century and some basic and short writings are found. Afterwards the architectural features of the two structures are chiefly analyzed. Also the architectural features of the service and sub buildings of the Factory have been lightly analyzed.In the sixth part the protection issues of historical buildings, Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası and Halkapınar Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı has been discussed.
This study examines the historical process, architectural features and their deterioration problems of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası and Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı, located in Izmir Su ve Kanalizasyon (IZSU) facilities in Halkapınar neighborhood, Izmir province.In introduction, aim this research, its scope and used are explained.The second part of the thesis studies the geographic position and the geological features of İzmir. Afterwards, the geographic position of the Halkapınar neighborhood has been included.Thirdly the thesis studies the Halkapınar neighborhoods place in the historical process. Especially the ?Diana Bathhouses? which is tough to be the Halkapınar Springs and the Meles Flood which is discussed to be the Halkapınar Flood, the knowledge that indicates that, has been utilized from antic sources and stories of travelers. The subject of Homer descending from İzmir is also included. The importance of the Meles Flood has been pointed.At the fourth part the thesis explains the industrialization of İzmir in the nineteenth century generally.Fifth part of the study tells the founding and historical process of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası. There is no historical knowledge of Halkapınar Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı. Only some few postcards from the nineteenth century and some basic and short writings are found. Afterwards the architectural features of the two structures are chiefly analyzed. Also the architectural features of the service and sub buildings of the Factory have been lightly analyzed.In the sixth part the protection issues of historical buildings, Halkapınar Tarihi Su Fabrikası and Halkapınar Tarihi Su Dağıtım Yapısı has been discussed.