Feminist Kuramların Çağdaş Sanat Pratiğinde İfade Bulması
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Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları ve Eğitimi Merkezi
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Çağdaş feminist sanatçılar, 1960’lardan itibaren kadını “izlenen nesne”
algısından kurtarmak ve kadının toplum içinde özne olarak varlığını
göstermek amacıyla eserler üretmekte ve performanslar
gerçekleştirmektedirler. Bu eserlerin ve performansların Freud ve
Lacan’ın fallus merkezci psikanalist yaklaşımları ve Butler, Kristeva,
Irigaray gibi feminist kuramcıların metinleri ile bağlantı kurularak
yorumlandığı makale dört bölüme ayrılmıştır. Nesnellik Meselesi
bölümünde, Butler ve Kristeva’nın beden ve aklın birlikte
değerlendirilmesi görüşlerine ve Irigaray’ın kadının çoğul karakterinin
kuramlaştırılması önerisine yer verilmiştir. Louise Bourgeois ile Füsun
Onur nesnel eserleriyle kadının nesne olmadığını göstermiş, K8 Hardy,
Emily Roysdon, Ginger Brooks Takahashi penis kıskançlığına ironik
gönderme yapmıştır. Sarah Lucas kadının çoğul karakterini mizahi bir
şekilde kurgulamıştır. Varlık Meselesi bölümünde, babasoylu kimlik
sistemi tartışılmıştır. Her türlü cinsel kategorileşmeye karşı çıkan
feministler, sisteme kadın diye bir varlık eklemenin adil olmayacağı
görüşündedir. Kadının tarihini yazmanın mümkün olabileceğini gösteren
sanat eserlerine örnek olarak Mary Beth Edelson, Judy Chicago ve
Carolee Schneemann’ın çalışmaları bu bölümde ele alınmıştır. “Dile
Gelmeyen Bellek” isimli çalışmam, toplumun kadından beklentilerinden
dolayı, toplumda insan olarak yapmak istediklerimin baskılanmış
olmasıyla ilgilidir. Kadının annelikle özdeşleştirilmiş olmasına karşı çıkan
ve anne çocuk ilişkilerini yeniden tanımlamak isteyen feminist kuramlar
ve eserler Annelik Meselesi bölümünde ele alınmıştır. Elinor Carucci ve
Mary Kelly’nin çalışmaları anne ile çocuk arasındaki duygusal bağın
önemini vurgularken, Nil Yalter’in performans videosu, kadına yüklenen
anlamları bir arada sergilemektedir. “Ayrılık Öncesi Bağlılık” isimli
eserim kadını doğurgan bir nesne olarak dar bir çerçevede sunar.
Öznellik Meselesi bölümünde, öznenin eril olarak kuruluşu
tartışılmaktadır. Li Wei ve Valie Export’un performansları kadını erkeğin
yanında iktidar sahibi olarak gösterirken, Charles Ray ile Laurie
Simmons’un eserleri gücün kadın bedeninde de olabileceğini
Contemporary feminist artists have been performing and producing Works of art for the purpose of recovering the woman the perception of “the monitoring object” and showing the presence of the woman as a subject in society since 1960s. The article that interpreted the Works of art and performances related with phallocentric psychoanalytic approach of Freud and Lacan, the texts of feminist theorists like Butler, Kristeva, Irigaray, divided into four sections. In the section of The Matter of Objectivity, included the view of Butler and Kristeva that evaluation of the body and mind together and the theory recommends the woman’s plural character by Irigaray. Louise Bourgeois and Füsun Onur showed that the woman is not an object with their objects of art form. K8 Hardy, Emily Roysdon, Ginger Brooks Takahashi made ironic references to penis envy. Sarah Lucas manipulated the woman’s plural character in a humorous manner. In the section of The Matter of The Presence, patrilineal identification system discussed. The feminists who are opposed to all forms of sexual categorization, are of the opinion will not be fair adding the woman as a category to the system. Showing that it can be possible to write the history of woman’s, Mary Beth Edelson, Carolee Schneemann and Judy Chicago’s Works of art discussed in this section. My work of art named “Memory Without Language” is related to what I want to do as a human being suppressed in society because of expectations from women. In the section of The Matter of The Maternity, discussed the Works of art and feminist theories that oppose to identify the woman in maternity and seeking to define the motherchild relationship again. The Works of Elinor Carucci and Mary Kelly emphasize the importance of the emotional connection between mother and child, the video art performance of Nil Yalter shows the meanings of the woman in combination. My work of art named “Maternal-Fetal Conflict Before Separation” shows the woman as a fertile object in a narrow frame. In the section of The Matter of Subjectivity, discussed the establishment of the subject as a masculine. The performances of Li Wei and Valie Export show the woman as a power in comparison with man, the Works of art of Charles Ray and Laurie Simmons prove that the woman’s body also has a power.
Contemporary feminist artists have been performing and producing Works of art for the purpose of recovering the woman the perception of “the monitoring object” and showing the presence of the woman as a subject in society since 1960s. The article that interpreted the Works of art and performances related with phallocentric psychoanalytic approach of Freud and Lacan, the texts of feminist theorists like Butler, Kristeva, Irigaray, divided into four sections. In the section of The Matter of Objectivity, included the view of Butler and Kristeva that evaluation of the body and mind together and the theory recommends the woman’s plural character by Irigaray. Louise Bourgeois and Füsun Onur showed that the woman is not an object with their objects of art form. K8 Hardy, Emily Roysdon, Ginger Brooks Takahashi made ironic references to penis envy. Sarah Lucas manipulated the woman’s plural character in a humorous manner. In the section of The Matter of The Presence, patrilineal identification system discussed. The feminists who are opposed to all forms of sexual categorization, are of the opinion will not be fair adding the woman as a category to the system. Showing that it can be possible to write the history of woman’s, Mary Beth Edelson, Carolee Schneemann and Judy Chicago’s Works of art discussed in this section. My work of art named “Memory Without Language” is related to what I want to do as a human being suppressed in society because of expectations from women. In the section of The Matter of The Maternity, discussed the Works of art and feminist theories that oppose to identify the woman in maternity and seeking to define the motherchild relationship again. The Works of Elinor Carucci and Mary Kelly emphasize the importance of the emotional connection between mother and child, the video art performance of Nil Yalter shows the meanings of the woman in combination. My work of art named “Maternal-Fetal Conflict Before Separation” shows the woman as a fertile object in a narrow frame. In the section of The Matter of Subjectivity, discussed the establishment of the subject as a masculine. The performances of Li Wei and Valie Export show the woman as a power in comparison with man, the Works of art of Charles Ray and Laurie Simmons prove that the woman’s body also has a power.
Kadın, Kimlik, Özne, İktidar, Feminizm, Çağdaş sanat, Woman, Identity, Subject, Power, Feminism, Contemporary Art
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