Interpolation Based Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation for Stbc Spatial Modulation and Performance Analysis Under Imperfect Csi
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Inst Engineering Technology-IET
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A combination of space-time block coding and spatial modulation (STBC-SM) has been recently proposed for multiple input-multiple output systems to obtain both spatial diversity gain and more capacity simultaneously while assuming the perfect channel state information (P-CSI) was available at the receiver. However in practical scenarios the CSI is unknown to the receiver and should be estimated in order to detect the transmitted data in a reliable way. Therefore channel estimation (CE) is a major challenge in designing the STBC-SM systems. In this study the problem of CE is investigated and a new pilot-aided channel estimation (PA-CE) technique coupled with an interpolation is proposed for the STBC-SM systems operating in the presence of rapidly time-varying mobile channels. Several interpolation schemes such as the linear nearest neighbour piecewise cubic Hermite and the low-pass interpolations are applied and their performances are compared to determine the best suitable interpolation technique to be employed in STBC-SM systems. Bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed CE technique is then investigated in time-varying channels with different modulation. Moreover the pairwise error probability of the STBC-SM scheme is derived and its average bit error probability is evaluated analytically in the presence of CE errors.
Channel Estimation, Space-Time Block Codes, Diversity Reception, MIMO Communication, Interpolation, Mobile Radio, Time-Varying Channels, Error Statistics, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Interpolation-Based Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation, STBC Spatial Modulation, Imperfect CSI, Space-Time Block Coding, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems, Spatial Diversity Gain, Perfect Channel State Information, P-CSI, STBC-SM Systems, PA-CE Technique, Time-Varying Mobile Channels, Linear Nearest Neighbour Piecewise Cubic Hermite, Low-Pass Interpolation, Bit Error Rate Performance, BER Performance, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, QPSK, 16-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, Pairwise Error Probability, Bit Error Probability
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