Load flow based electrical system design and short circuit analysis

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Load flow and short circuit behaviour of electrical energy systems are investigated. The system to be investigated, is designed based on a 230kVA power grid analytical model. Load flow analysis is crucial for the design of electrial power systems where tests related to load flow are indispensible. This work includes modelling of several electrical power components (transformer, power grid, bus bar, circuit breakers, etc. ) to highlight the methods in the study of the system behaviour. Faults may occur in different scenarios, and all of the components have to be designed to withstand the worst case conditions based on the standards. Load flow and short circuit analysis are performed by variations of the load. Multiple design parameters are discussed and problems such as power factor correction, under voltages and over voltages are investigated.
Elektrik enerjisi dagitm sistemlerindeki yuk akis ve kisa devre davranslar incelenmistir. Incelenecek sistem 230kVA guc sebekesi analitik modeline dayandrlarak tasarlanmistir. Elektrik guc sistemlerinin tasarminda guc akisi analizleri cok onemlidir ve yuk akisina iliskin testler vazge cilmez durumdadir. Bu calismada, sistem davransiniinceleme yontemlerini vurgulamak icin farkli elektrik guc bilesenleri (transformat or, guc sebekesi, bara, devre kesici vb.) de modellenmektedir. Farkli senaryolarda arzalar olusabilir ve tum bileisenler standartlarda tanmlanmis en kotu durum kosullarina bile dayanakl olacak sekilde tasarlanmaldr. Yuk akis ve ksa devre analizleri yukun farkli seviyeleri icin yaplmistir. Farkli tasarm parametreleri ele alnmis ve g u c faktoru duzeltme, yetersiz gerilim, asiri gerilim gibi sorunlar incelenmistir.



Load flow analysis, Short circuit analysis, Under voltage, Over voltage, Electrical equipment, Power system behaviour, Yük akışı analizi, kısa devre analizi, Yetersiz gerilim, Aşırı gerilim, Elektrik güç elemanları, Güç sistemi davranışı

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