Avrupa Birligi'ne uyum surecinin Turkiye'de yerel yonetimlere yansimasi

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Tum dunyayi ve tum alanlari etkileyen kuresellesme sureci yerel yonetimlerin yapisini da etkilemistir. Avrupa Birligi'ne tam uye olma yolunda ilerleyen Turkiye Avrupa Birligi tarafindan benimsenen ve uygulanan kurallara uyum saglamak zorundadir. Demokrasinin ve halkin katilimin saglandigi birinci basamak yerel yonetimlerdir. Avrupa Birligi de yerel yonetimlerle ilgili daha saglikli politikalar gelistirebilmek amaciyla uluslar arasi konjonkturde yer alan gelismelere uymustur. Tum demokratik ulkelerde oldugu gibi Avrupa Birligi ulkelerinde de daha demokratik ve daha katilimci yerel yonetimler kurmak onemli bir amac haline gelmistir. Birlige uye olma yolunda onemli adimlar atan Turkiye.de bu amaclari benimsemistir.
Globalization which effects whole world and all of the areas,effects local managements too.Turkey that gets forward with being a full member of European Union have to accomodate to the rules which have been adopted and applied.First step of democracy and participation of society is local management.European Union has acted in accordance with the improvements in international conjuncture to improve healthy politics about local management.It is an important aim for all democratic countries,like European Union countries to build more democratic and more participant local managements.Turkey which takes important steps about being a member of Union,has adopted these aims.Turkey renew her own organizations with the effect of globalization and democracy.EU?s directives are important for Turkey to reach the level of modern civilization.In our study,it will be stand on the effects of one of the most important reform Public Administration Reform.



Yerel Yönetim, Avrupa Birliği, Kamu Yönetimi Reformu, Local Management, European Union, Public Administration Reform

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