Hastane yönetim süreçleri ve sağlık yönetim bilgi sistemleri

dc.contributor.advisorYener, Mehmet Denizen_US
dc.contributor.authorŞahin, Burcu
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İletişim Çalışmaları Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : Communication Studiesen_US
dc.description.abstractGunumuz dunyasinda hizli teknolojik gelisim sinir tanimayan rekabet ve kuresellesme sonucu bilgi ve bilginin elde edilme hizi isletmeler icin sahip olunmak istenilen en onemli deger haline gelmistir. Bu gelisim 21. Yuzyilin ilk yillarinin bilgi cagi haline gelmesini saglamistir. Ýnternetin de dunya genelinde yayginlasmasi ile birlikte sirketler bilgi teknolojilerini sadece temel isletme proseslerin otomasyona uyarlanmasi amaci ile degil karar destegini ve kontrolunu saglamak amaci ile bilginin elde edilmesi islenmesi depolanmasi ve dagitilmasi icin kullanmaktadirlar. Bilgi sistemleri isletmelerde gorulebilecek her turlu problemin analiz edilmesinde karmasik yapilardaki sorunlarin cozulmesinde ve yeni urun gelistirmede yonetime katki saglamaktadir. --ozet'ten.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the contemporary world, thanks to technological development, violent competition recognizing no limit, and globalization; what mostly matter for companies are knowledge and the rate of knowledge-acquisition. This is what made the early 21st century an epoch of knowledge. Moreover, due to the fact that the internet has become widespread worldwide, companies use IT not only in order to adjust basic management processes to automation, but also for the sake of improving decision-making and decision-control processes; and also for the sake of acquiring, processing, storing, and delivering knowledge. Information technologies provide companies with those means to help management to analyze any problem one may encounter with no matter how complex it is, and to produce new products.It is the hospitals that have the most resistant and complex working-processes to be administered in the contemporary world. For one cannot have the second chance after the first mistake. Therefore, it is necessary for them, during the process of activity-planning, to do those regulations to serve patients most effectively in accordance with the available resources. This is the reason why hospitals and other medical establishments need to be administered according to scientific standards.Thus, in hospital-managements, an efficient use of information technologies paves the way for working-processes to function flawlessly, and medical and executive agencies to give right decisions in a fastest way possible.In this essay, the possible use of ?Management Information Systems? in medical establishments will be analyzed; and it will be determined if the knowledge acquired through processing data within this systems have any effect on decision-making.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.titleHastane yönetim süreçleri ve sağlık yönetim bilgi sistemlerien_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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