Türk Toplumunda Apolipoprotein B Geni Ecorı Polimorfizminin Aterosklerotik Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Kişilerde Araştırılması
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Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) lipid metabolizmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır ve Apo B geninin varyasyonları aterosklerozun gelişimini etkilemektedir. Apo B geni polimorfiktir ve EcoRI kesim yeri kodlama bölgesi içinde bulunur. Çalışmamızın amacı Apo B geni EcoRI polimorfizminin Türk toplumunda ateroskleroz gelişiminde risk faktörü olup olmadığının araştırılması ve lipid parametreleri üzerindeki mevcut etkilerinin saptanmasıdır. Çalışma tedavi görmekte olan 64 aterosklerozlu (48 erkek ve 16 kadın) ve 45 kontrol (1 1 erkek ve 34 kadın) örnek üzerinde yapıldı. Apo B geni EcoRI polimorfizmi, izole edilen DNA örneklerinden polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu ve EcoRI restriksyon izotiplemesi ile tespit edildi. Genotip frekansları EcoRI kesim bölgesi varlığı için homozigot (+/+), EcoRI kesim bölgesi yokluğu için homozigot (-/-), ve heterozigotlar (+/-) için sırasıyla aterosklerotik grupta %73.4, %0, ve %26.6; kontrol grup için ise %75.3, %2.2, %22.2 olarak saptandı. Trigliserid, ve glikoz düzeylerinin ateroskleroz grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı oranda yüksek olduğu saptandı (p<0.001). Apo B geni EcoRI polimorfizminin LDL-kolesterol seviyesini sınırda anlamlı oranda etkilediği bulundu (p=0.074).
Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) gene plays a central role in lipid metabolism, and genetic variations in this gene contribute to atherosclerosis development. Apo B gene is a highly polymorphic gene, and EcoRI cutting site is located in the coding region. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between Apo B gene EcoRI polymorphism and lipid parameters in atherosclerotic and healthy subjects from Turkish population and to evaluate the EcoRI genotype frequencies in these groups. The study was performed on 64 atherosclerotic (48 male and 1 6 female) and 45 control (1 1 male and 34 female) subjects. DNA has been isolated from peripheral blood samples, and part of interest from Apo B gene has been amplified by PCR. The genotype frequencies for the presence of EcoRI restriction site (+/+), absence of EcoRI restriction site (-/-), and heterozygotes (-/+) were found as 73.4%, 0%, and 26.6% for the atherosclerotic group; and 75.3%, 2.2%, 22.2% for the control group, respectively. Triglyceride and glucose levels have been found significantly increased in atherosclerotic group in comparison with controls (p<0.001). Apo B gene EcoRI polymorphism was found to effect LDL-cholesterol concentrations at a borderline significant level (p=0.074).
Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) gene plays a central role in lipid metabolism, and genetic variations in this gene contribute to atherosclerosis development. Apo B gene is a highly polymorphic gene, and EcoRI cutting site is located in the coding region. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between Apo B gene EcoRI polymorphism and lipid parameters in atherosclerotic and healthy subjects from Turkish population and to evaluate the EcoRI genotype frequencies in these groups. The study was performed on 64 atherosclerotic (48 male and 1 6 female) and 45 control (1 1 male and 34 female) subjects. DNA has been isolated from peripheral blood samples, and part of interest from Apo B gene has been amplified by PCR. The genotype frequencies for the presence of EcoRI restriction site (+/+), absence of EcoRI restriction site (-/-), and heterozygotes (-/+) were found as 73.4%, 0%, and 26.6% for the atherosclerotic group; and 75.3%, 2.2%, 22.2% for the control group, respectively. Triglyceride and glucose levels have been found significantly increased in atherosclerotic group in comparison with controls (p<0.001). Apo B gene EcoRI polymorphism was found to effect LDL-cholesterol concentrations at a borderline significant level (p=0.074).
Apo B, EcoRI polimorfizmi, Ateroskleroz, Plazma lipidleri, EcoRI polymorphism, Atherosclerosis, Plasma lipids