Reklamlarda Karikatür Kullanımı: Piyale Örneği
Binay Kurultay, Ayşe
Pekseven Sabuncuoğlu, Burcu
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Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Bir mizah sanatı olan karikatürün, eğlendirmenin yanı sıra düşündürmek, öğretmek
ve ikna etmek gibi özellikleri karikatürü reklamcılar için cazip hale getirmiştir. Anlatmak
istediğini sade bir dille çarpıcı bir biçimde anlatan karikatür, sıralanan tüm bu özellikleriyle
tüketicide davranış değiştirmekte önemli bir araç olabilmektedir. Karikatürlü reklamların
hedefleri arasında olan ürün satmanın dışında bilinirlik arttırmak da vardır. Karikatürlü
reklamlar da tüm reklamlar gibi bunu kimi zaman bir sloganla kimi zamanda zihinlerde
markaya özgü bir konum yaratıp, markaya bir karakter ve kimlik kazandırarak yapmaktadır.
Türkiye’de 1960’lı yıllarda karikatür, başta banka ve makarna reklamlarında olmak üzere
sektördeki birçok markanın reklamlarında etkin olarak kullanılmıştır.
Bu çalışmada örnek olarak karikatürün, bir pazarlama yöntemi olan reklamla
ilişkisi, “Türkiye’yi makarna ile tanıştıran marka” olarak bilinen Piyale Makarnaları’nın
1960’lı yıllardaki on karikatürlü reklamı esas alınarak incelenmiştir. Piyale markasının
1960’lı yıllarda karikatürlü reklam kullanan markaların başında gelmesi ve markanın
sadece karikatürlü reklamlardan oluşan kampanyalar düzenlemiş olması, bu markanın
örneklem olarak seçilmesinde etkili olmuştur.
Karikatürün resme dayalı mesajlarla örülü olması nedeniyle yöntem olarak postyapısalcı göstergebilimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Dolayısıyla karikatürün metin evreni
olduğu kadar sembolik evreni de tarihsel dönem aralığının göstergeleri anlamlandırmadaki
önemi dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda karikatürlü reklamların yayınlandığı
yıllarda karikatürlere konu olması dolayısıyla Türkiye’de kadın, aile, sağlık, güven gibi
temalar dönemsellik gözetilerek gösterge bilimsel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
As a satirical art form with a mission to make the audience think, to teach something and to persuade, cartoons have become attractive visuals for advertisers. Cartoons express an idea in a simple yet effective manner which is the reason for being the choice of brands for their of advertisements that aim to create a behavioral change in the consumer and sell their products as well as increasing brand awareness. Advertisements using cartoons achieve this as all other advertisements do, sometimes through a slogan and other times through creating a position, a character and an identity for the brand. Cartoons have been used in advertisements for major brands in the 1960’s in Turkey, primarily for the banking industry and spaghetti. In this study the advertisements for Piyale Spaghetti, known as “the brand that introduced spaghetti to Turkey” that use cartoons as visuals in the 1960’s were investigated. The relationship of cartoons as a form of communication and advertisements as a form of marketing was evaluated using semiotic analysis. As cartoons are woven with messages based on drawings and visuals, poststructuralist semiotic analysis was chosen as the methodology. As it is necessary for this methodology, cartoons’ symbolic universe as well as the textual universe was investigated for the importance historical period has over meaning making of signs. In this direction, in the years advertisements including cartoons, themes such as women, family, health, trust have been semiotically evaluated with periodicity in mind.
As a satirical art form with a mission to make the audience think, to teach something and to persuade, cartoons have become attractive visuals for advertisers. Cartoons express an idea in a simple yet effective manner which is the reason for being the choice of brands for their of advertisements that aim to create a behavioral change in the consumer and sell their products as well as increasing brand awareness. Advertisements using cartoons achieve this as all other advertisements do, sometimes through a slogan and other times through creating a position, a character and an identity for the brand. Cartoons have been used in advertisements for major brands in the 1960’s in Turkey, primarily for the banking industry and spaghetti. In this study the advertisements for Piyale Spaghetti, known as “the brand that introduced spaghetti to Turkey” that use cartoons as visuals in the 1960’s were investigated. The relationship of cartoons as a form of communication and advertisements as a form of marketing was evaluated using semiotic analysis. As cartoons are woven with messages based on drawings and visuals, poststructuralist semiotic analysis was chosen as the methodology. As it is necessary for this methodology, cartoons’ symbolic universe as well as the textual universe was investigated for the importance historical period has over meaning making of signs. In this direction, in the years advertisements including cartoons, themes such as women, family, health, trust have been semiotically evaluated with periodicity in mind.
Karikatür, Reklam, Piyale, Caricature, Cartoon, Advertising
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