Gaziantep Lala Mustafa Paşa Hanı ve koruma sorunları

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Gaziantep'te ticari islevlerin yogunlugu acisindan ilk olma ozelligi tasiyan Lala Mustafa Pasa Kulliyesi ve kulliyenin ana yapisi olan Lala Mustafa Pasa Hani kent icerisinde tarihi bilinen en eski ticaret yapisidir. 16.yy sonunda insa edilen han 19'yy da yeniden yapmaya varan buyuk bir onarim gecirmis mevcut durumda ise fiziksel butunlugunu buyuk oranda kaybetmis ve koruma sorunlari bulunmaktadir. Lala Mustafa Pasa Hanindan basladigi kabul edilen tarihi ticari aksta 2008 yilinda tamamlanan pek cok restrorasyon sokak sagliklastirma ve cevre duzenleme calismalari yapilarak bu aksin kent hayatinda aktif olarak kullanilmasi adina girisimlerde bulunulmustur. Kentte ve tarihi ticari aksta olusan tum bu girisimler Lala Mustafa Pasa Hani'nin da koruma sorunlarinin ortaya konmasini zorunlu kilmistir.
The Complex of Lala Mustafa Pasha ( Külliye) and its main building Lala Mustafa Pasha Inn (Han) is the oldest intensive commercial building of the city which its historical background can be known in Gaziantep.It was built at the end of 16 th.century, had a big renovation at 19 th.century and at present time, the building almost lost its physical unity and has conservation problems.On the historical commercial axis which accepted as it begins from the Lala Mustafa Pasha Inn, many restorations, renovations projects, environmental settings has been completed in 2008 and this axis aimed to be use actively in daily urban life in the city.Within the scope of this study, the geographical and historical development of the area that Lala Mustafa Pasha Inn has been placed, the development of the commercial roads and the commercial places in Gaziantep has been examined. An analogical study has been done by surveying the Inn Architecture (Han Buildings) and Han buildings in Gaziantep beginning from the pre-Ottoman Period.Lala Mustafa Paşa Vakfiye(The official papers of the Complex), The Complex(Külliye)and Market Place(Bedesten), small mosque(mescid), the bath(hamam), the kitchen (İmaret) buildings have been examined and the historical survey of the Lala Mustafa Pasha Han are stated with the help of the historical and institutional documents and academic and local studies.The location of Lala Mustafa Paşa Han, the main building of the Complex built in 16th.century, the characteristics of its plan, place, structure, the material used in the building, the technical specifications, the facade and the decorations are stated. The determination of the current situation and conservation problems of Lala Mustafa Pasha Han are stated by analyzing the material, the period and the damages. Theoretical suggestions have been developed for restitution and restoration and the results of the study are explained.



Ayıntab, Gaziantep, Lala Mustafa Paşa, Külliye, Han, Hışva, Koruma Sorunları, Lala Mustafa Pasha, Complex, Inn, Conservation Problems

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