12 Eylul 1980 Askeri Darbesi'nin Memet Baydur oyunlarına/karakterlerine etkisi

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Çalismada oncelikle tiyatro siyaset politik ortam iliskisi incelenmistir. 12 Eylul1980 askeri darbesinin yarattigi siyasi ekonomik kulturel ortam ve ortaya cikan olumsuz degisikliklerinin ele alindigi ikinci bolumde askeri darbenin yarattigi degisimler birey eksenli irdelenmistir. Yapilan tespitler sonucunda Memet Baydur.un yazdigi oyunlar dikkate alinarak olusturulan siniflandirmada askeri darbenin izleri yazarin oyunlarinda takip edilmeye calisilmistir. Arastirma darbe aydin birey oyun kisileri ve oyunlarda gorulen izlekler uzerine yapilan analizlerle tamamlanmistir.
Memet Baydur wrote his works during 1980s and `90s, a period which the coup d?état influenced Turkey most deeply. In the plays and characters of the writer, who penned his plays when Turkey was undergoing hard times, it is possible to find the traces of military coup of 12 September 1980. This study aims at investigating on the effects of 1980 coup d?étaton theatre through Memet Baydur?s plays.This thesis firstly deals with the relations between theatre, politics and political environment. The second chapter discusses the negative changes caused by 12 September 1980 military coup in political, economic and cultural environment, and scrutinizes these changes around the axis of the Individual. Having established the relevant facts, study makes a classification based on Memet Baydur?s plays and attempts to follow the traces of military coup on the plays written. The study is finalized with analysis of themes of coup d?etat, intellectual individual and traces of the military coup in the characters and plays.



1980 Askeri Darbesi, Memet Baydur, 1980 CoupD’etat

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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