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Conference Object Citation Count: 0Assessing changes in Turkish public opinion: Current trends and future prospects(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2017) Baybars Hawks, BanuIt would be unfair underestimating the accumulated knowledge and efforts which target to assess public opinion on certain issues and put forward effective plans. However many of the research aiming to analyze public opinion handle the issue mostly during political election periods and they do not have much idea about the different actors and factors that would be effective in the formation of public opinion. There is only a few research done in Turkey that measures public opinion regularly. Therefore this study aims to bring together different variables who address different aspects of the issue. This research will reveal what the public thinks about current issues in Turkey and whether the recent trends have any reflections on social political and cultural structure of the country. The data collected with this research may not only provide important insights into public's opinion regarding current and potential issues in Turkey but could also guide policymakers in shaping the public policies. By doing this study regularly the author intents to contribute to social sciences literature and argues that increasing the frequency and quality of academic exchange on public opinion research would be a vital part of wider actions that could be taken on different policy measures. The outputs of this study may also encourage scholars and researchers from different fields and backgrounds to study and discuss public opinion with its complex dynamics and milieu of dimensions.Conference Object Citation Count: 0A Country Under Siege: Reflection of Identity Crisis on the Formation of Public Opinion in Turkey(Int Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2016) Baybars Hawks, BanuTo date academic attention in social sciences remains inadequate with regard to research and analysis of public opinion in Turkey. Most of the existing research has assessed the public opinion during political election periods. Therefore it is of great interest to find out what the public thinks about current issues in the country and how to interpret the results to be able to reveal whether they may have any reflections on social political and cultural structure of the country. The current study aims to fill this gap. The research on political and social trends in Turkish public opinion has been conducted since 2010 by Kadir Has University Turkey Research Center. The survey's objective is to reveal public opinion on the most important current issues in the country the economy terror the Kurdish Issue domestic and foreign policies the judicial system democracy and the media and social relations/life in Turkey. The data was collected via face to face interviews. The sample included 1000 respondents representative of the country's population aged 18 and above residing in the city centers of 26 cities in Turkey.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Digital Citizenship from Below: Turkish State versus Youtube(Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, MuratThis study aims to give a historically situated analysis of the YouTube ban as seen by Turkish internet users during the first YouTube ban period between 2007-10. The content is used from online Turkish anonymous user platform, eksi sozluk, (sour dictionary). The aim is to test whether there is a civil society response to the ban which political elites and ordinary citizens contest the necessity of access to global social media networks. The main focus of this research paper is the kinds of discourse the Turkish online community used to protest the ban during the first YouTube ban. Through a combination content analysis and discourse analysis the bloggers reactions are coded and indexed to decipher the discourse produced as an active resistance/criticism against the YouTube. The response to YouTube ban that come from Turkish internet users (from below) and was critical in times of global events effecting the usage of internet and was not silenced between these events. As long as they remained anonymous (not organized action) Turkish bloggers utilized their rights for online expression. Frequency of critical blog entries increase in times of events critical of government's YouTube ban. The response to the ban is either based on condemning it or offering ways around the ban; but not calling for united action. Anonymity of the user increases the level of criticism and participation. Finally, both the government authorities and NGOs expect individual action but demand organized corporate actionConference Object Citation Count: 0Digital crime and punishment: Turkish online journalism under siege(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2012) Baybars Hawks, BanuTurkish mass media since its beginnings in late 19th century has aimed to gain its role as the fourth estate in Turkish political scene. The freedom of press has been at the paramount of discussions since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Between 1980 and 2000 Turkish media grew more and more liberal and was able to express discontent publicly exercising its checks and balances function. On the other hand the conservative majority of AKP government the governing party in Turkey brought back pressures on the Turkish media since the 2000s. Digital media as the new developing platform in Turkey for expressing rights and freedoms is under siege by government as well. The government's definition of digital crime and punishment is mostly unnoticed by the average citizen but despised by the young population. This paper intends to show the invalidity of disproportionate use of punishment and illegitimate definition of cybercrime in contemporary democratic systems that target online media professionals and outline how Turkish authorities can reverse the process by adopting alternative strategies of prevention. Under this perspective it also assesses the compliance of Internet legislation and practices in Turkey with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.Conference Object Citation Count: 0The Effect of Geographical Indications over Tourism Marketing: Case of Turkey(Int Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Kirgiz, Ayca CanIn changing and developing world conjunction competition is not only among products services or companies but also between countries and cities. We can list many traditional methods that increase competitive power in tourism and destination marketing. Countries that are looking for new ways to differentiate themselves from traditional methods have found that they should not look too far away. Today geographical indications are used as effective tools in nation-branding and in creating awareness in tourism industry. Geographical indications are marks indicating the origin of a product. These marks symbolize that a product is identified with a locality area region or country of origin with a distinctive characteristic feature reputation or other qualities. For exampleArticle Framing the Russian aircraft crisis: News discourse in Turkey’s polarized media environment(Forsnet, 2018) Özçetin, Burak; Baybars Hawks, BanuThis article analyzes the way in which the downing of a Russian aircraft by a Turkish F-16 jet on 24 November 2015 was framed by pro-government (Türkiye, Yeni Akit, Yeni Şafak) and anti-government (Cumhuriyet) newspapers. Framing means selecting some aspects of a perceived reality and making them more salient in a communicating text. News frames give us definitions and identify those responsible for an event; make moral judgements; and propose solutions to problems. The analysis of the news frames utilized by four newspapers underlines the fact that in a polarized media environment news frames are highly politicized and the distinction between news frames and official discourse is frequently blurred.Article Citation Count: 4Framing the Russian Aircraft Crisis: News Discourse in Turkey's Polarized Media Environment(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2018) Özçetin, Burak; Baybars Hawks, BanuThis article analyzes the way in which the downing of a Russian aircraft by a Turkish F-16 jet on 24 November 2015 was framed by pro-government (Turkiye Yeni Akit Yeni Safak) and anti-government (Cumhuriyet) newspapers. Framing means selecting some aspects of a perceived reality and making them more salient in a communicating text. News frames give us definitions and identify those responsible for an event make moral judgements, and propose solutions to problems. The analysis of the news frames utilized by four newspapers underlines the fact that in a polarized media environment news frames are highly politicized and the distinction between news frames and official discourse is frequently blurred.Book Part Citation Count: 0Illusion or reality? The balance between security and freedom of expression in the United States and Turkey(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2016) Baybars Hawks, BanuCensorship is no longer limited to traditional media such as print media and TV. With the invention of Internet, the impact of censorship is felt much more strongly with regard to new media related resources of information and communication. With the escalation of terrorism in the 21stcentury, the governments all around the world have begun to use terrorist incidents as the main justification in their efforts to curb freedoms. Within this context, the primary argument of the governments in regulating the media is to prevent negative effect of certain speech or expression, including the ones threatening national security. On the other hand, the counter arguments states that freedom of speech and expressions are the fundamental rights of all citizens, and therefore, people have the right to be free from governmental control that inhibits thoughts, ideas, and free expression. This paper argues that the media freedom to report on news without restriction or censorship is one of the defining qualities of a liberal democratic system and proposes to examine the restrictions on media as a form of censorship; this hence is the violation of media freedom.Review Citation Count: 1Is the press really free?: The recent conflict between the government and media in Turkey(2011) Baybars Hawks, BanuThe history of the relationship between the press and the government dates back to the period of Ottoman Empire but became significantly strained after the foundation of the Turkish Republic. A historical and political economic analysis shows that successive governments in Turkey have found new methods to censor the media as the country's democracy moves towards consolidation. Since 2000 a familiar pressure has been brought to bear on the Turkish media from the conservative majority AKP government which has used legal economic and political-discursive means to control the flow of information thereby favoring a neo-conservative controlled and censored view of news media. This paper takes the recent cases of censorship by the Turkish government on the media as examples to argue governments in Turkey invented new methods of suppressing the press in this more liberal economic and political environment. To that end the method of inquiry includes a certain degree of historical analysis on the change in the political economy of the news media and discourse analysis of the most recent encounters between the media and the government. © Common Ground Banu Baybars Hawks All Rights Reserved.Master Thesis Kurumlarda is etigi ilkelerinin calisanlarin gozunde kurumun itibarina etkisi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Baskın, Hazal; Baybars Hawks, BanuBu calismanin amaci is etigi ilkelerinin calisanlarin kurumsal itibar algisi uzerindeki etkisinin boyutunun belirlenmesi ve bu konuda kurumlara oneriler sunulmasidir. calismanin evrenini Yapi Merkezi Ýnsaat ve Sanayi A.s. ve SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. sirketi olusturmaktadir. Ýs etigi ve kurumsal itibar iliskisini olcmek amaciyla bu kurumun calisanlari ile anket calismasi yapilmis ve verilen cevaplar degerlendirilerek bir olcum yapilmistir. calisma sonucunda is etigi ve guvenilirlik algisi arasinda pozitif yonlu bir iliski tespit edilmistir. calisanlarin kuruma olan guvenilirlikleri yukseldikce is etigi ilkelerinin isleyisine olan guvenleri de yukselmektedir. Demografik olarak ise gelir duzeyi yuksek olan calisanlar kurum hakkinda daha cok bilgiye sahiptirler. Dolayisiyla gelir durumu ve kurum hakkinda bilgi sahibi olma arasinda pozitif bir iliski mevcuttur.Master Thesis Kurumsal iletişimde yeni bir platform olarak sosyal medya kullanımı : Üniversitelere yönelik bir kurumsal iletişim uygulaması(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Silen, Duygu; Baybars Hawks, BanuSosyal medyanin son on yillik surecte gunluk hayatta en cok tercih edilen iletisim araclarindan birisi haline gelmesiyle birlikte onemi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Her ne kadar ag tabanli iletisim sistemleri iletisim teknolojilerindeki gelismenin bir yansimasi olarak kurumsal iletisim alaninda uzun yillardir kullanilmaya devam ediliyor olsa da sosyal aglar bazi ozellikleri ile cevrimici sitelerden farkliliklar barindirmaktadir. Bu calismada universitelerin kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinde sosyal medya kullaniminin rolu kullanicilarin algi ve davranislarinin sosyal medya kurumsal iletisiminin verimliligi uzerindeki etkisini performans beklentisi caba beklentisi sosyal etki ve hizlandirici kosullar olmak uzere dort faktor uzerinden degerlendirmekte kullanilan BTKK (UTAUT) modeli uygulanarak analiz edilmektedir. universite ogrencilerinin sosyal medya tabanli kurumsal iletisim davranis ve algilarini degerlendirmek uzere Kadir Has universitesi'nde egitim gormekte olan 188 ogrencinin katilimiyla bir anket calismasi gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calisma ayni zamanda universite tercihi doneminde universiteler tarafindan gerceklestirilen sosyal medya iletisiminin ogrenciler uzerindeki etkisini de arastirmaktadir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki sosyal medya ogrencilerin universiteleri tarafindan yapilan kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerini takip etmeleri ve bu aktivitelere katilimlarini saglama noktasinda olumlu sonuclar dogurmaktayken ote yandan universite oncesi donemde ogrencilerin okul secimi ile ilgili kararlari uzerinde pek etkili olmamaktadir.Master Thesis Liderlik iletişimi : 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasım 2015 seçimlerinde Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun değerlendirilmesi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Dalşık, Ceren; Baybars Hawks, BanuGunumuzde iktidarin elde edilebilmesi icin basarili iletisim sureclerinin yurutulmesi gerekmektedir. Siyasi liderin secmen uzerindeki etkisi bu acidan buyuk onem tasimaktadir. ulkemizin 2015 yilinda art arda secime girmesi nedeniyle siyasi arenada yasanan degisimler sureklilik gostermistir. Secim sonuclarinda elde edilen degisiklikler gerek parti basarisi gerekse yeniden tasarlanan iletisim calismalarinin sonucu olarak gorulebilmektedir. Arastirmada Ahmet Davutoglu liderligini temel alinarak 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim 2015 secimlerinde elde edilen sonuclar miting konusmalari uzerinden soylem analizi ile incelenmistir. Bu asamada Ahmet Davutoglu’nun miting konusmalari ve donemin icerisinde bulundugu siyasi atmosferi tanimlamak adina donem oncesi ve esnasinda yasanan siyasi olaylar belirlenmistir. calismanin ilk bolumunde genel anlamda liderlik siyasal iktidar ve Ahmet Davutoglu’nun liderligi tanimlanmistir. Ýkinci bolumunde ise Ahmet Davutoglu liderliginde gerceklesen secimlerin farkliligini ortaya koymak adina detayli incelemelerde bulunulmustur. 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim secim kampanyalari secimlerde kullanilan logo slogan mesaj ve vaatler kampanyanin temasi kampanyanin soylemi hedef kitle secim sarkisi secim beyannamesi siyasal reklamlar ve medya kullanimi basliklariyla incelenmeye calisilmistir. Ýnceleme alani olarak Ahmet Davutoglu’nun Ýstanbul iliyle sinirlandirilan miting soylemlerine yer verilmistir. Buna ek olarak secim doneminde yasanan siyasi olaylara karsi liderin yorumlamalarina yer verilmistir. Arastirma sorusu ise “7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim 2015 secimlerinde sergilenen Ahmet Davutoglu liderligi nasil degisime ugramistir?” seklinde belirlenmistir. calismanin amaci Ahmet Davutoglu’nun liderligini yorumlamak adina bazi alanlarda arastirma yapmak ve bu alanlarda lider olarak nasil bir etki alani yarattigini secim sonuclari uzerinden yorumlamaktir. Bu arastirma farkliliklardan ve soylem degisikliklerinden yola cikarak donem kosullari ekseninde yorumlarda bulunmaktadir. Sonuc bolumunde ise donemin siyasi konjonkturunun liderlik soylemlerine yansimalari incelenmistir.Article Citation Count: 81Media and democracy in Turkey: Toward a model of neoliberal media autocracy(2012) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, MuratThis paper reveals the ways in which media autocracy operates on political, judicial, economic and discursive levels in post-2007 Turkish media. Newsmakers in Turkey currently experience five different systemic kinds of neoliberal government pressures to keep their voice down: conglomerate pressure, judicial suppression, online banishment, surveillance defamation and accreditation discrimination. The progression of restrictions on media freedom has increased in volume annually since 2007; this includes pressure on the Dogan Media Group, the YouTube ban, arrests of journalists in the Ergenekon trials, phone tapping/taping of political figures and the exclusion of all unfriendly reporters from political circles. The levels and tools of this autocracy eventually lead to certain conclusions about the qualities of this media environment: it is a historically conservative, redistributive, panoptic and discriminatory media autocracy.Conference Object Citation Count: 0(Mis)communication across the Borders: Politics media and public opinion in Turkey(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2015) Baybars Hawks, BanuDuring the 1990s advances in statistical and demographic analysis helped the development of an understanding of public opinion as the collective view of a defined population such as a particular demographic or ethnic group. In this view the influence of public opinion is not restricted to politics and elections. Public opinion is considered a powerful force in many other spheres such as culture fashion literature and the arts consumer spending and marketing and public relations. Attitudes and values play a crucial role in the development of public opinion. Different variables embedded in the political social and media structure of the country also have potential to make an impact on public opinion. These dynamics vary from the economics to the judicial system and democratic principles functioning in that country. On the other hand public opinion has a power to shape politics and media's priorities in reporting. The interaction among politics public opinion and media of one country can be better analyzed with the findings of public opinion research administered regularly. In Turkey the research on and analysis of public opinion are most frequent during the election times. Therefore it seems necessary to measure the public opinion more regularly to test the relationships among political public and media agendas. Accordingly the current study seeks to fill this gap. It is argued that in the absence of timely feedback from public surveys decisions and policies for improving different services and institutions functioning in the country might not achieve their expected goal. The findings of surveys may not only yield important insights into public's opinion regarding contemporary agendas of the country but also into the correlates shaping public policies. This article focuses on variables setting the current agenda in Turkey. For that purpose two surveys were carried out in December of 2014 and consecutively in April 2015 to determine the social and political trends and perceptions on gender issues in Turkey.Conference Object Citation Count: 0New Media's Influence on Societies: The Conflict Between Government And Public in Turkey(Int Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2016) Baybars Hawks, BanuThe media in Turkey has long been under the surveillance of government economically and politically. Turkish mass media since its foundation in the late 19th century has aimed to gain its role as the fourth estate in the Turkish political scene. During the period between 1980 and 2000 Turkish media grew more and more liberal and was able to express discontent publicly exercising its checks and balances function. After 2000 under the governance of Justice and Development Party (AKP) the media began to be the subject of widespread pressures. Digital media as a developing platform in Turkey for expressing rights and freedoms got its share by the government's restrictions as well. Since the uncontrollability of the new media posed another threat for the stability of governments attempts on restricting it became a regular practice in many parts of the world. This study claims that the restrictions imposed on new media violate both freedom of expression and free speech and this leads to a weakening of democracy. The banning of social networking sites such as YouTube Google Sites and others raises questions about the functionality of democracy since these platforms provide a venue that is widely used around the world to express alternative and dissenting views. Blocking access to websites also represents a serious infringement on freedom of speech and does not befit a democratic society.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Public Opinion in Turkey: Social and Political Implications of Recent Trends(Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2018) Baybars Hawks, BanuThis study reveals what the public thinks about current issues in Turkey, and whether the recent trends have any reflections on social, political, and cultural structure of the country. The data collected with this research provide important insights into public's opinion regarding current and potential issues in Turkey, and also guide policymakers in shaping the public policies. The outputs of this study may also encourage scholars and researchers from different fields and backgrounds to study and discuss public opinion with its complex dynamics and milieu of dimensions. This research delivers some of the most evocative and current issues in Turkey; the most important current problems, the economy, terror, the Kurdish issue, government and opposition parties' evaluations, political vacuum, institutional evaluations, political polarization/judicial system, democracy and social relations/change in Turkey. According to the survey, the Turkish public views "terrorism" as the most important problem facing the country. The most critical economic issues are determined as unemployment, depreciation of the Turkish lira. In addition to these, foreign policy approval rate and support for EU membership increased. While the media was again the least trusted institution, trust in institutions generally increased.Article Citation Count: 0Publishing leaked information as news: Sabotage or journalistic success?(2013) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Smith, Ayten GorgunThis article aims to analyse the universal news criteria regarding the transformation of information into news. In February 2013 the transcript of a meeting between 3 pro-Kurdish deputies and the jailed leader of the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers Party) was leaked to the Turkish press. This was published in Milliyet a national Turkish newspaper and has been interpreted as a forceful move to sabotage the positive atmosphere surrounding Turkey's latest efforts with the PKK to end a conflict that has lasted more than three decades andresulted in the deaths of almost 36000 people. The rationale for the leak was that although Turkey was going through a delicate time there were questions that needed to be answered but questions still remain: Who leaked the document and why and how? The media has been divided about whether the publishing of the leaked transcript represented an effort to sabotage the peace attempts with the PKK or whether it marked a moment of journalistic success. What ethical stance should be taken about the leak? Should the journalist have reported it in the name of professionalism in terms of 'informing the public' or should he have exercised restraint out of respect for the 'security of the state'? This article will examine those issues through an analytical approach and discuss the related attitudes of the foreign press.Master Thesis Social media and the spectacle of the maternal identity: A research on Instagram(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2023) AKTAŞ, ALİ BAĞDAŞ; Baybars Hawks, Banu; Keleş, Özlem TuğçeSocial roles and judgements influence the way people perceive and spectacle their identities. Social media is a digital space for people's identity spectacle. Instagram is a platform for sharing images more than text sharing. For this reason, Instagram is a convenient platform to examine identity spectacles in the context of the theory of the society of spectacle. Some of the high follower Instagramers represent themselves with maternal identity. In addition, mothers also interact with each other on Instagram. This interaction creates an area for social roles and judgments. Instagram user are women who have children; while spectacle their maternal identity, they can be influenced by accounts with high followers or each other. This research investigated these reflections in the following problematics: whether the identity of maternity is instrumentalized as a spectacle; or provides a field where women can express themselves digitally. This research aims to contribute to the literature and raise awareness about the use of social media. The problem of the research is "How does following maternity-related Instagram accounts influence how women with children perceive and spectacle their identities as mothers?". The study targets Instagram user women with at least one child – children must be under 18 years of age -. The data were obtained from the survey results conducted with random sampling and the in-depth interview with snowball sampling. The data obtained from the in-depth interviews were interpreted with content analysis in the results section. According to the research, it has been determined that social judgments reflected on Instagram create ideal and acceptable mother patterns. As a result, the way mothers perceive and spectacle their maternal identity is shaped in this context. It has been determined that this situation creates a difference between appearance and what is actually experienced, and the maternal identity is instrumentalized as a spectacle.Master Thesis Tüketici algısında kurumsal itibar ile marka değeri arasındaki ilişki(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Tekay, Umut Can; Baybars Hawks, BanuÇalışmamın amacı kurumsal itibar ve marka değeri arasındaki ilişkinin tespit edilmesidir. Araştırmamda uygulama örneği olarak TNT International Express Taşımacılık Tic. Ltd. Şti. seçilmiş ve veri toplama aracı olarak anket uygulanmıştır. Kullanılan anket fonnu üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde demografik bilgilere ilişkin sorular, ikinci bölümde kurumsal itibara yönelik sorular ve son bölümde marka değerine yönelik sorular yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın evrenini TNT firması müşterileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada basit tesadüfi örneklem yöntemiyle ulaşılan 366 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada veri analizi SPSS 16 paket programında yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kurumsal itibar ve marka değeri algısı arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişkiye rastlanmıştır.Master Thesis Tüketici davranışlarında algı yönetiminin rolü : Ünlü algısının kadın tüketici davranışlarına etkisi üzerine bir araştırma(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Demir, Zeliha.; Baybars Hawks, BanuKurumlar urun farklilasmasinin giderek zorlastigi rekabetin arttigi ortamda farkli yontem ve stratejileri uygulamaya baslamistir. Bulunduklari pazar ortaminda kendi urun ya da hizmetlerinin on plana cikmasi fark yaratip tercih edilmesi icin bir takim planli cabalar icine girmektedirler. Yonetilmesi gereken bu surecte varliklarini devam ettirmek isteyen orgutler kurumsal iletisim uygulamalardan algi yonetimine gereksinim duymaktadirlar hedef kitlede olumlu izlenim yaratmak kurumun hedef kitle tarafindan benimsenerek hedefine ulasmasini saglamak amaciyla basvurulan algilama yonetimini uygulamalari daha onceleri askeri bir terim olarak kullanilmaktaydi. 1980’li yillarda isletmelerin de ilgisini cekmeye baslayan algi yonetimi kurumlar tarafindan kullanilarak hedef kitlenin tutumlarini istenilen yonde harekete geciren iletisim disiplinine donusmustur. Bu calismada algi yonetiminin tuketici satin alma davranislari uzerinde nasil bir etki olusturdugu ve bu surecin unsurlari anlatilmaktadir. Dolayisiyla urunun nasil algilandigi kurumsal algi yonetiminin dogru yonetilmesiyle ilgilidir. Bu amacla anket arastirmasi yontemiyle kurumsal iletisim baglaminda algi yonetimi surecine yon verilmis ayni zamanda urunlerde kullanilan unlu algisinin kadin tuketicilerin satin alma davranislari uzerindeki etkisi arastirilmistir. calismada yuz yuze anket yontemi ile 100 kadina ulasilmistir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinin algi yonetimiyle birlikte tuketici davranislari uzerindeki etkisi artmis ote yandan tuketici kararlari uzerinde etkili olmustur.