Kurumsal İletişimde Yeni Bir Platform Olarak Sosyal Medya Kullanımı : Üniversitelere Yönelik Bir Kurumsal İletişim Uygulaması
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Kadir Has Üniversitesi
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Sosyal medyanin son on yillik surecte gunluk hayatta en cok tercih edilen iletisim araclarindan birisi haline gelmesiyle birlikte onemi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Her ne kadar ag tabanli iletisim sistemleri iletisim teknolojilerindeki gelismenin bir yansimasi olarak kurumsal iletisim alaninda uzun yillardir kullanilmaya devam ediliyor olsa da sosyal aglar bazi ozellikleri ile cevrimici sitelerden farkliliklar barindirmaktadir. Bu calismada universitelerin kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinde sosyal medya kullaniminin rolu kullanicilarin algi ve davranislarinin sosyal medya kurumsal iletisiminin verimliligi uzerindeki etkisini performans beklentisi caba beklentisi sosyal etki ve hizlandirici kosullar olmak uzere dort faktor uzerinden degerlendirmekte kullanilan BTKK (UTAUT) modeli uygulanarak analiz edilmektedir. universite ogrencilerinin sosyal medya tabanli kurumsal iletisim davranis ve algilarini degerlendirmek uzere Kadir Has universitesi'nde egitim gormekte olan 188 ogrencinin katilimiyla bir anket calismasi gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calisma ayni zamanda universite tercihi doneminde universiteler tarafindan gerceklestirilen sosyal medya iletisiminin ogrenciler uzerindeki etkisini de arastirmaktadir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki sosyal medya ogrencilerin universiteleri tarafindan yapilan kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerini takip etmeleri ve bu aktivitelere katilimlarini saglama noktasinda olumlu sonuclar dogurmaktayken ote yandan universite oncesi donemde ogrencilerin okul secimi ile ilgili kararlari uzerinde pek etkili olmamaktadir.
The significance of social media in communications has been growing since the social media is one of the main communication tools in daily life within the past ten years. Although the web based information systems have been already used for many years in corporate communications area as a part of firms' adaptation to new developments in communication technologies, however, social media is a specific platform which differs from a web page in some particular aspects. In this study, the role of social media on corporate communications in universities is analyzed with regard to UTAUT model which aims to determine the effects of user's perception and behaviour on the effectiveness of social media corporate communications in terms of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. In order to determine the perceptions and behaviours of university students on social media corporate communications, a survey was conducted with participation of 188 students attending to Kadir Has University. It also aimed to analyze the effects of social media communications made by university authorities on the perceptions of pre university period about the university. Research maintained that social media corporate communications leads students to follow and contribute the university's corporate communications activities nevertheless it does not have a significant impact on the pre university students' decision making about universities.
The significance of social media in communications has been growing since the social media is one of the main communication tools in daily life within the past ten years. Although the web based information systems have been already used for many years in corporate communications area as a part of firms' adaptation to new developments in communication technologies, however, social media is a specific platform which differs from a web page in some particular aspects. In this study, the role of social media on corporate communications in universities is analyzed with regard to UTAUT model which aims to determine the effects of user's perception and behaviour on the effectiveness of social media corporate communications in terms of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. In order to determine the perceptions and behaviours of university students on social media corporate communications, a survey was conducted with participation of 188 students attending to Kadir Has University. It also aimed to analyze the effects of social media communications made by university authorities on the perceptions of pre university period about the university. Research maintained that social media corporate communications leads students to follow and contribute the university's corporate communications activities nevertheless it does not have a significant impact on the pre university students' decision making about universities.
Kurumsal iletisim, Sosyal medya, UTAUT, Corporate communications, Social media