Tüketici Davranışlarında Algı Yönetiminin Rolü : Ünlü Algısının Kadın Tüketici Davranışlarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
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Kurumlar urun farklilasmasinin giderek zorlastigi rekabetin arttigi ortamda farkli yontem ve stratejileri uygulamaya baslamistir. Bulunduklari pazar ortaminda kendi urun ya da hizmetlerinin on plana cikmasi fark yaratip tercih edilmesi icin bir takim planli cabalar icine girmektedirler. Yonetilmesi gereken bu surecte varliklarini devam ettirmek isteyen orgutler kurumsal iletisim uygulamalardan algi yonetimine gereksinim duymaktadirlar hedef kitlede olumlu izlenim yaratmak kurumun hedef kitle tarafindan benimsenerek hedefine ulasmasini saglamak amaciyla basvurulan algilama yonetimini uygulamalari daha onceleri askeri bir terim olarak kullanilmaktaydi. 1980’li yillarda isletmelerin de ilgisini cekmeye baslayan algi yonetimi kurumlar tarafindan kullanilarak hedef kitlenin tutumlarini istenilen yonde harekete geciren iletisim disiplinine donusmustur. Bu calismada algi yonetiminin tuketici satin alma davranislari uzerinde nasil bir etki olusturdugu ve bu surecin unsurlari anlatilmaktadir. Dolayisiyla urunun nasil algilandigi kurumsal algi yonetiminin dogru yonetilmesiyle ilgilidir. Bu amacla anket arastirmasi yontemiyle kurumsal iletisim baglaminda algi yonetimi surecine yon verilmis ayni zamanda urunlerde kullanilan unlu algisinin kadin tuketicilerin satin alma davranislari uzerindeki etkisi arastirilmistir. calismada yuz yuze anket yontemi ile 100 kadina ulasilmistir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinin algi yonetimiyle birlikte tuketici davranislari uzerindeki etkisi artmis ote yandan tuketici kararlari uzerinde etkili olmustur.
Organizations began to implement different methods and strategies in an environment of product differentiation difficulty and increased competition. Their products or brand prominence in the market environment, some efforts are being planned to opt for a difference. It must be managed in this process organizations who want to continue their presence requires the perception of management of enterprise communications applications to create a positive impression on the audience, in order to ensure the achievement of adoption targets by the institution's audience began to use the perception management is used as a military term for the first time. In the 1980s, the company began to attract the interest of perception management, the attitude of the target audience by using corporate communications has transformed the discipline into action in the desired direction. This study shows the impact of perception management on brand, how to create a perception on consumer and describes the elements of this process. Thus, the perception of the brand is related to the proper management of organizational perception management. For this purpose, the literature method is used, based on organization theory, directions are given to corporate communications in the context of perception management processes, at the same time the impact on the buying behavior of female consumers of the products used in the famous perception was investigated. In this study, 100 women were reached with face-to-face survey. This research has revealed that, corporate communications activities have increased its influence on consumer behavior with perception management on the other hand have had an effect on consumer decisions.
Organizations began to implement different methods and strategies in an environment of product differentiation difficulty and increased competition. Their products or brand prominence in the market environment, some efforts are being planned to opt for a difference. It must be managed in this process organizations who want to continue their presence requires the perception of management of enterprise communications applications to create a positive impression on the audience, in order to ensure the achievement of adoption targets by the institution's audience began to use the perception management is used as a military term for the first time. In the 1980s, the company began to attract the interest of perception management, the attitude of the target audience by using corporate communications has transformed the discipline into action in the desired direction. This study shows the impact of perception management on brand, how to create a perception on consumer and describes the elements of this process. Thus, the perception of the brand is related to the proper management of organizational perception management. For this purpose, the literature method is used, based on organization theory, directions are given to corporate communications in the context of perception management processes, at the same time the impact on the buying behavior of female consumers of the products used in the famous perception was investigated. In this study, 100 women were reached with face-to-face survey. This research has revealed that, corporate communications activities have increased its influence on consumer behavior with perception management on the other hand have had an effect on consumer decisions.
Kurumsal İletisim, Algı yönetimi, Tüketici davranışları, Tüketici Satın Alma Davranışı, Corporate communication, Perception management, Consumer behavior, Consumer Buying Behavior