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Other Citation Count: 0Avrupalı İkinci Nesil Türk Göçmenlerin Okul Başarısı(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2014) Baysu, Gülseli; Phalet, KarenAvrupa’daki okulların en büyük sorunlarından biri göçmenlerin yerlilere kıyasla okulda daha başarısız olmasıdır. Bu derleme makalesinin amacı İsveç, Belçika, Avusturya ve Almanya’da büyük şehirlerde yaşayan yerli ve ikinci nesil Türk göçmenlere odaklanarak, okul başarıları arasındaki farkı betimlemek ve sosyal psikolojik bir bakış açısıyla açıklamaktır. Bulgular beş ana başlık altında toplanmıştır. (1) İlk olarak okul başarısını betimleme amacı doğrultusunda dört Avrupa ülkesinde de göçmen ve yerli öğrencilerin okul hayatları boyunca başarılarında gitgide artan bir fark bulunmuştur. Bu farkı açıklamak için, sosyal kimlik kuramına ve sosyal kimlik tehdit algısına yönelik araştırmalardan yararlanılmıştır. (2) Gruplar arası ilişkilere bakıldığında, arkadaşlıklar ve öğretmen desteği, göçmenlerin okulda kendini güvende ve kabul görmüş hissetmesine yol açarak okul başarısını artırmaktadır. Öte yandan, ayrımcılık okula adaptasyonu zorlaştırmaktadır. (3) Sosyal kimlik stratejileri okul başarısını ve adaptasyonunu belirlemektedir. Çiftkültürlü öğrenciler (hem Türk hem Belçikalı hissetmek) okulda ayrımcılığa veya olumsuz kalıpyargılara maruz kaldıklarında bundan daha fazla zarar görmekte, bu da okul başarılarını ve test performanslarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. (4) Segregasyon, gruplar arası arkadaşlıkları azaltıp ayrımcılık algısını artırarak, okul başarısı ve adaptasyonu üzerinde olumsuz bir etkiye yol açmaktadır. Ancak göçmenlerin çoğunluğu oluşturduğu okullar onları ayrımcılıktan korumaktadır. (5) Göçmenler, Almanya gibi hiyerarşik olarak yapılandırılmış eğitim sistemlerinde (akademik ve meslek odaklı ortaöğretim gibi) daha başarısız olmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bu derlemede sosyal psikolojik yaklaşımın, özellikle sosyal kimlik tehdit algısı ve gruplar arası ilişkilerin, göçmenlerin okul başarısını belirlemekte önemli bir rol oynadığı ifade edilmektedir.Article Citation Count: 2Comparison of Earliest and Later Autobiographical Memories in Young and Middle-Aged Adults(Istanbul Univ, 2019) Ece, Berivan; Demiray, Burcu; Öner, Sezin; Gülgöz, SamiThe current study examined earliest memories of young and middle-aged adults in comparison to a recent autobiographical memory and a free-report one from any life phase. These three types of memories were compared in terms of their memory characteristics such as vividness, emotionality. importance, confidence, and rehearsal frequency. A total of 319 young (18-30 years) and 112 middle-aged (40-65 years) adults completed the online survey. Results showed that earliest memories were rated either similar to or lower than later memories in their memory characteristics. More specifically. they received lower ratings than free-report memories in all memory characteristics whereas they did not significantly differ from recent memories only in importance and emotionality. In addition, free-report memories were highest in emotionality, importance and rehearsal frequency whereas recent memories were highest in vividness and confidence ratings. Compared to young adults, middle-aged adults provided higher ratings for all memory characteristics in general, and they further recalled earliest memories from an older age. Finally, the order of reporting the three types of memories (earliest memory first versus recent memory first) was examined with respect to its potential influence on memory characteristics and dating of the recalled memories. Results displayed no significant effect of the reporting order on memory characteristics. Dating of the earliest and free-report memories, however, was significantly affected by the reporting order. The mean age for earliest memories was higher when it was retrieved following the recent memory compared to the reporting order in which earliest memories are retrieved and reported first. Overall, results indicated that earliest memories arc not particularly special compared to later memories (e.g.. free-report memories) in terms of their memory characteristics, and they are vulnerable to experimental manipulation such as changing the reporting order just like other types of autobiographical memories.Article Citation Count: 0Effects of Second Language Acquisition on Narrative Structure and Linguistic Processes in Preschool and School-Aged Children(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019) Aktan-Erciyes, AslıThis research examines the effects of second language acquisition in early childhood on the structural and linguistic properties of narrative skills in the child's native language. To investigate these questions, narrative and vocabulary skills in monolingual and bilingual children (Frog story) were evaluated. One hundred and twelve five- and seven-year-old monolingual (Language 1 [L1]: Mother tongue, Turkish) (N = 61) and bilingual (L1, Turkish; Language 2 [L2]: Second language, English) (N = 51) children participated in the study. Narrative skills were evaluated only for Turkish for monolingual children, whereas bilingual children were tested in English as well, the latter test taking place on a separate day. For the structural evaluation of narrative discourse, a schema is used to evaluate the narrative skills of bilingual children. The elements in the schema are: Frog story elements, sequence, perspective / emotion and affect, and finally engagement. In order to evaluate the linguistic complexity simple and complex clauses were coded. The percentage of complex clauses with respect to total clauses was used as an indication of linguistic complexity. There were two age groups in the monolingual and bilingual groups. The findings revealed that in L1: Turkish, bilingual and monolingual children differed for narrative structure components regardless of age group. Monolinguals outperformed their bilingual peers for frog story elements, sequence, perspective affect, and engagement. Age differences indicated that for five-year-olds there were no differences between monolinguals and bilinguals for perspective affect and engagement which were difficult skills to display at that age. Monolingual children were better at incorporating more complex structures into their narratives compared to bilinguals. It was found that bilingual and monolingual children did not differ in L1 vocabulary skills. The results showed that early exposure to L2 might result in negative outcomes for L1 narrative development.Article Citation Count: 8Effects of second language on motion event lexicalization: Comparison of bilingual and monolingual children's frog story narratives(Selcuk University, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, AslıThis study investigates how children lexicalize motion event patterns in their first and second languages, L1-Turkish and L2-English. English is a satellite-framed language that conflates motion with manner expressed in the main verb and path in a non-verbal element, whereas Turkish is a verb-framed language that conflates motion with path in the main verb and expresses manner in a subordinated verb. We asked whether (1) learning a second language had an effect on children's event descriptions in their first language and (2) the effects were bidirectional. One-hundred-and-twelve 5- and 7-year-old monolingual (L1-Turkish) and bilingual (L1-Turkish; L2-English) children participated. Participants produced narratives for wordless picture book, Frog, where are you? Six scenes of the book were selected for coding purposes as they represented motion events: (1) Frog's exit from the jar, (2) Dog's fall from the window, (3) Gopher popping out of the hole, (4) Owl's exit from a nest, (5) Boy and dog falling down and (6) Boy and dog landing in a pond. For L1 descriptions, 5-year-old bilinguals used more manner-only and less path-only descriptions than monolinguals; no difference was found for 7-year-olds. For L2 descriptions, bilingual children used less Manner-only and more Path-only expressions in their L2 narratives compared to L1 narratives. These findings suggest that for 5-year-olds, exposure to second language had an impact on how motion events are encoded. Results inform us about the early interactions between L1 and L2 in motion event lexicalization.Article Citation Count: 0Gezi Protestolarına Katılanların Politik Profilleri ve Demokratik Tutumları(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2017) Baysu, GülseliGezi Parkı protestoları uluslararası medyada çoğunluğu Müslüman olan bir ülkedeki laik ve İslamcı gruplar arasındaki bir çatışma olarak görülmüş ve Türkiye’deki demokrasinin geleceği hakkında şüpheler uyandırmıştır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın sosyal kimlik ve kolektif eylem kuramları temelinde iki amacı vardır: (1) ortak politik kaygıya, yani protestoya katılım nedenlerine, ve katılım biçimlerine, yani gerçekleştirdikleri eylemlere, göre katılımcıların politik profillerini tanımlamak ve (2) bu profildeki kişilerin farklı demokratik tutumları ne derece benimsediklerini araştırmak. Protestolar devam ederken internet üzerinden yürütülen araştırmaya 645 eğitimli, şehirli genç-yetişkin katılımcı katılmıştır. Katılımcıların politik kaygılarının ve farklı katılım türlerinin örtük sınıf analizi yöntemi ile analizi sonucunda dört farklı politik profil ortaya çıkmaktadır. Özgürlükçüler ve laikler demokrasi, kadın hakları ve çevre gibi konularda ortak kaygılarını dile getirmektedir. Ancak özgürlükçüler azınlık hakları, laikler ise daha çok etnik ve (laikliğe yönelik) dini tehdit konularında kaygılanmaktadır. Her iki grup da protestoya katılmış olmakla beraber, özgürlükçüler doğrudan katılım, laikler ise (tencere ve tava ile ses çıkarmak gibi) dolaylı katılım yollarını tercih etmişlerdir. Ortayolcular (veya muhafazakar laikler) de demokrasi, kadın hakları ve çevre konusunda kaygı duymaktadır. Protestolara tutum olarak destek verseler de doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak katılımları sınırlıdır. Son olarak, muhafazakarlar, diğer konularda daha az kaygı duysalar da, protesto-temelli polis şiddeti gibi konularda kaygılarını dile getirmiş; doğrudan değil sosyal medya üzerinden politik katılımı tercih etmişlerdir. Ayrıca, politik profillerin demokratik tutumlarına bakıldığında, özgürlükçülerin kapsayıcı ve çok kültürlü bir demokrasiyi en çok benimseyen grup olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmanın sonuçları günümüz protestoları ve katılımcılarına olduğu kadar, bunların demokrasi ile ilişkisine de ışık tutmaktadır.Article Citation Count: 2Longitudinal effects of second language on first language narrative skills and executive functions of preschool children(Selcuk University, 2020) Aktan Erciyes, AslıThe present study investigated the longitudinal effects of early exposure to L2-English on L1-Turkish language competence, narrative skills and executive functioning. We asked whether early immersion-like exposure to L2, starting around 3 years of age, would have reflections on L1 competence, L1 narrative skills and gains in cognitive flexibility. Thirty 4-year-olds attending two types of preschools participated in the study: L1-preschools (N=12) with Turkish instruction and L2-preschools (N=18) where children were exposed only to English (6 hrs) throughout the day. Children were initially tested at time 1 (T1) at age 4 and at time 2 (T2), a year later when they were 5. At T1, results revealed that children attending L2-preschools displayed no differences in executive functions performance compared to children in L1-preschools. Likewise, there were no differences for L1 competence as well as L1 narrative skills. At T2, however, for L1 narrative skills, children attending L1-preschools displayed significantly higher performance compared to peers in L2-preschools. For executive functioning again there were no differences between the participants. The differences in narrative competence at T2 might indicate that children in L2-preschools lack sufficient input in story telling in L1 to support narrative competence. For future consideration how literacy acquisition would interact with the effects of L2 exposure should also be investigated.Review Citation Count: 0Rethinking the Golden Age of Social Psychology(Istanbul Univ, 2019) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Bahçekapılı, Hasan G.It is tragic yet curious to realize that a historical period of great human misery can motivate great scientific endeavour. This paper argues that the "golden age" of social psychology was driven by the traumas of fascism. We first trace the roots of the World War II to modernism. We then compare the social psychological studies conducted before and after the World War II in relation to this historical background and the rationality-irrationality debate. Overall, we present a series of examples which purport to show that the "golden age" of social psychology emerged as a response to humans' violation of different rationality norms. We conclude with a set of proposals for the amelioration of irrationality derived again from social psychological studies.Review Citation Count: 0Shift in paradigm: understanding adjustment of dialysis patients(Cumhuriyet Univ Tip Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, 2017) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit RitaEnd stage renal failure (ESRF) and its treatment can lead to adjustment difficulties. However the extent of these difficulties is not known. Adjustment is a complex and multidimensional construct. In general beliefs about illness and its treatment influence adjustment but the findings are inconsistent. This is probably because adjustment and beliefs have been defined in a variety of ways based on professional or theoretical views. One possible way of establishing a standard approach to defining adjustment and beliefs is to be guided by patients' own views. Qualitative studies identify ways of evaluation of life and beliefs about ESRF and its treatment that have not been identified by quantitative studies. These findings can be considered as patient-derived targets for psychoeducational programs or clinical practice for ESRF patients. However qualitative research cannot provide evidence about the frequency of patients' beliefs and ways of evaluation of life. Therefore questionnaires have been developed on the basis of qualitative findings. These helped to examine the utility of the findings for clinical practice and understand the relationship of quality of life with beliefs. More research is needed to investigate how the findings on these questionnaires converge and diverge with those on existing generic and/or ESRF specific quality of life and beliefs measures.Article Citation Count: 1Toplumsal Olaylara Dair Episodik ve Semantik Bellek Süreçlerinin Heyecanlanma Düzeyi ile İlişkisinin Yaş ve Heyecanın Ölçüm Türü Açısından İncelenmesi(Istanbul Univ, 2020) Ece, Berivan; Öner, Sezin; Gulgoz, SamiThe major aims of the study were to investigate (1) the potential differences in arousal levels for episodic (EM) and semantic memory (SM) processes regarding public events and the comparison of these differences for different age groups, (2) the consistency of self-report versus objective measures of arousal, and (3) phenomenological characteristics of the events as function of memory type and arousal level. The sample consisted of 32 young adults whose ages ranged between 18 and 25 years (M = 20.60, SD = 2.22), 33 middle-aged adults aged between 40 and 55 years (M = 47.32, SD = 6.60), and 30 elderly people aged between 60 and 75 years (M = 69.97, SD = 6.16). Participants were asked to make a remember/know judgment for the 10 public events presented to them. They further answered event-related questions (SM) and questions regarding the context of hearing about the event (EM). Moreover, they reported their arousal level during recall and evaluated each event in terms of phenomenological characteristics such as importance, emotional intensity, and valence. Arousal level was also measured using physiological measurements with the GSR device. Based on self-reports, EM processes were associated with higher arousal levels compared to SM processes whereas the five physiological indicators of arousal displayed different patterns. Both EM and SM performance displayed an increase together with the increasing arousal levels, and young participants displayed higher levels of arousal and faster physiological responses than both middle-aged and elderly adults. When phenomenological characteristics were examined, remembered public events were rated more important, emotionally more intense and more negative than known events. Furthermore, higher arousal levels were associated with higher ratings of emotional intensity, importance and negativity. The reliability of self-reports and the critical role of applying objective measures were discussed together with the findings. Finally, some suggestions were proposed for future research on the basis of the current limitations and results.