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Editorial Capital Markets Trade Openness and Productivity in Emerging Economies Introduction(M.E Sharpe Inc., 2011) Bilgin, Mehmet Hüseyin; Danis, Hakan[Abstract Not Available]Other Faize Dayalı Swap Sözleşmeleri ve Muhasebeleştirilmesi(Kenan ÇELİK, 2016) Tuncay Emir, Ferhan; Tuncay, Ferhan Emir; Cengiz, HülyaVadeli işlem sözleşmeleri, işletmelerin maruz kaldığı riskleri en aza indirmek amacıyla kullanılan finansal araçlardır. Vadeli işlem sözleşmelerinde en çok kullanılanlardan biri faize dayalı swap sözleşmeleridir. Faize dayalı swap sözleşmelerinde taraflar, belirli bir süre boyunca belirli miktarlarda ödeme yükümlülüklerini birbirleriyle takas ederler. Faize dayalı swap sözleşmeleri riskten korunma veya spekülatif amaçlı gerçekleştirilmektedir. Sözleşmeye hangi amaçla taraf olunuyorsa, buna göre bu işlemlerden sağlanan kazanç ya da kaybın muhasebeleştirilmesi ve raporlanması da farklılık gösterecektir. Swap sözleşmesin amacı riskten korunma ise bu durumun finansal tablolara da yansıtılması gerekir. Bu çalışma kapsamında faize dayalı swap işlemlerinin muhasebeleştirilmesi Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları (IAS)/Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları (IFRS) çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Vadeli işlemlerin muhasebeleştirilmesi, uluslararası standartlarda riskten korunma temeline dayanır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada riskten korunma amaçlı bir swap örneği verilip, süreç içindeki yapılması gereken işlemler ve dönem sonunda mali tabloların nasıl etkilendiği anlatılmıştır.working-paper.listelement.badge The Impact of Text Preprocessing on the Prediction of Review Ratings(Tubitak, 2020) Işık, Muhittin; Dağ, Hasan; Dağ, HasanWith the increase of e-commerce platforms and online applications, businessmen are looking to have a rating and review system through which they can easily reveal the feelings of customers related to their products and services. It is undeniable from the statistics that online ratings and reviews attract new customers as well as increase sales by means of providing confidence, ratification, opinions, comparisons, merchant credibility, etc. Although considerable research has been devoted to the sentiment analysis for review classification, rather less attention has been paid to the text preprocessing which is a crucial step in opinion mining especially if convenient preprocessing strategies are found out to increase the classification accuracy. In this paper, we concentrate on the impact of simple text preprocessing decisions in order to predict fine-grained review rating stars whereas the majority of previous work focused on the binary distinction of positive vs. negative. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze preprocessing techniques and their influence, at the same time explain the interesting observations and results on the performance of a five-class-based review rating classifier.Review International Financial Crises and the Political Economy of Financial Reforms in Turkey: 1994-2009(2009) Şakar, BirgülThis study1 holds for the formation of international financial crisis and political factors for economic crisis in Turkey are evaluated in chronological order. The international arena and relevant studies conducted in Turkey work in the literature are assessed. The main purpose of the study is to hold the linkage between the crises and political stability in Turkey in details and to examine the position of Turkey in this regard. The introduction part follows the literature survey on the models explaining causes and results of the crises the second part of the study. In the third part the formations of the world financial crises are studied. The fourth part financial crisis in Turkey in 1994 2000 2001 and 2008 are reviewed and their political reasons are analyzed. In the last part of the study the results and recommendations are held. Political administrations have laid the grounds for an economic crisis in Turkey. In this study the emergence of an economic crisis in Turkey and the developments after the crisis are chronologically examined and an explanation is offered as to the cause and effect relationship between the political administration and economic equilibrium in the country. Economic crises can be characterized as follows: high prices of consumables high interest rates current account deficits budget deficits structural defects in government finance rising inflation and fixed currency applications rising government debt declining savings rates and increased dependency on foreign capital stock. Entering into the conditions of crisis during a time when the exchange value of the country's national currency was rising speculative finance movements and shrinking of foreign currency reserves happened due to expectations for devaluation and because of foreign investors' resistance to financing national debt and a financial risk occurs. During the February 2001 crisis and immediately following devaluation and reduction of value occurred in Turkey's stock market. While changing over to the system of floating exchange rates in the midst of this crisis the effects of the crisis on the real economy are discussed in this study. Administered politics include financial reforms such as the rearrangement of banking systems. These reforms followed with the provision of foreign financial support. There have been winners and losers in the imbalance of income distribution which has recently become more evident in Turkey's fragile economy.Editorial Recent Advances in Applied and Computational Mathematics: Icacm-Iam(Elsevier, 2014) Akyildiz, Ersan; Gebizlioğlu, Ömer Lütfi; Gebizlioğlu, Ömer Lütfi; Karasözen, Bülent; Uğur, Ömür; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm[Abstract Not Available]Review Social Media Adoption: a Process-Based Approach(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016) Toker, Ayşegül; A. Bısson, Chrıstophe Louıs; Seraj, Mina; Kuşçu, Asli; Yavuz, Ramazan; Koch, Stefan; Bisson, ChristopheThis research conceptualizes and measures social media adoption (SMA) of companies with a process-based approach and explains its antecedents of micro- and macro-environment size and ownership as well as its consequence of intention to increase resources dedicated to social media. Based on data from 310 Turkish small and medium enterprises the study first develops a conceptual framework on the pillars of internal and external stakeholder focus as well as relationship and information oriented implementation. Based on these two dimensions it discusses the novel concepts of social customer relations social stakeholder communication social intelligence and social responsiveness related to SMA. The study further indicates that ownership type and micro environment play a role in SMA and that path dependence exists in the interplay of current adoption and future intentions.Other Yeni Keynesci Yaklaşımda Ücret ve İstihdam(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2002) Bilgin, Mehmet HüseyinThe purpose of this paper is to explore the new Keynesian approach on wages and employment relationship. According to new Keynesian school, market clearing mechanism does not exist due to rigidities and stickiness. This situation leads involuntary unemployment. In new Keynesian theory, there are three theories to explain wage rigidities and involuntary unemployment. This paper analyzes these theories in detail and discusses the new Keynesian assumptions from the perspective of Turkish labor market.