Eroğlu, Deniz

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Deniz, Eroglu
Eroğlu, DENIZ
Eroglu, Deniz
Eroglu D.
Eroğlu, D.
Eroğlu, Deniz
Deniz Eroğlu
E., Deniz
D. Eroğlu
Eroğlu, Deniz
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Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Article
    Holocene Climate Forcings and Lacustrine Regime Shifts in the Indian Summer Monsoon Realm
    (Wıley, 2020) Prasad, Sushma; Eroğlu, Deniz; Marwan, Norbert; Eroğlu, Deniz; Goswami, Bedartha; Mishra, Praveen Kuma; Gaye, Birgit; Anoop, Akhil; Stebich, Martina; Jehangir, Arshid; Basavaiah, Nathani
    Extreme climate events have been identified both in meteorological and long-term proxy records from the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) realm. However, the potential of palaeoclimate data for understanding mechanisms triggering climate extremes over long time scales has not been fully exploited. A distinction between proxies indicating climate change, environment, and ecosystem shift is crucial for enabling a comparison with forcing mechanisms (e.g. El-Nino Southern Oscillation). In this study we decouple these factors using data analysis techniques [multiplex recurrence network (MRN) and principal component analyses (PCA)] on multiproxy data from two lakes located in different climate regions - Lonar Lake (ISM dominated) and the high-altitude Tso Moriri Lake (ISM and westerlies influenced). Our results indicate that (i) MRN analysis, an indicator of changing environmental conditions, is associated with droughts in regions with a single climate driver but provides ambiguous results in regions with multiple climate/environmental drivers; (ii) the lacustrine ecosystem was 'less sensitive' to forcings during the early Holocene wetter periods; (iii) archives in climate zones with a single climate driver were most sensitive to regime shifts; (iv) data analyses are successful in identifying the timing of onset of climate change, and distinguishing between extrinsic and intrinsic (lacustrine) regime shifts by comparison with forcing mechanisms. Our results enable development of conceptual models to explain links between forcings and regional climate change that can be tested in climate models to provide an improved understanding of the ISM dynamics and their impact on ecosystems. (c) 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Article
    Sampling Rate-Corrected Analysis of Irregularly Sampled Time Series
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2022) Braun, Tobias; Eroğlu, Deniz; Fernandez, Cinthya N.; Eroglu, Deniz; Hartland, Adam; Breitenbach, Sebastian F. M.; Marwan, Norbert
    The analysis of irregularly sampled time series remains a challenging task requiring methods that account for continuous and abrupt changes of sampling resolution without introducing additional biases. The edit distance is an effective metric to quantitatively compare time series segments of unequal length by computing the cost of transforming one segment into the other. We show that transformation costs generally exhibit a nontrivial relationship with local sampling rate. If the sampling resolution undergoes strong variations, this effect impedes unbiased comparison between different time episodes. We study the impact of this effect on recurrence quantification analysis, a framework that is well suited for identifying regime shifts in nonlinear time series. A constrained randomization approach is put forward to correct for the biased recurrence quantification measures. This strategy involves the generation of a type of time series and time axis surrogates which we call sampling-rate-constrained (SRC) surrogates. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with a synthetic example and an irregularly sampled speleothem proxy record from Niue island in the central tropical Pacific. Application of the proposed correction scheme identifies a spurious transition that is solely imposed by an abrupt shift in sampling rate and uncovers periods of reduced seasonal rainfall predictability associated with enhanced El Nino-Southern Oscillation and tropical cyclone activity.
  • Article
    Collective dynamics of random Janus oscillator networks
    (AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2020) Eroğlu, Deniz; Eroğlu, Deniz; Rodrigues, Francisco A.; Moreno, Yamir
    Janus oscillators have been recently introduced as a remarkably simple phase oscillator model that exhibits nontrivial dynamical patterns-such as chimeras, explosive transitions, and asymmetry-induced synchronization-that were once observed only in specifically tailored models. Here we study ensembles of Janus oscillators coupled on large homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. By virtue of the Ott-Antonsen reduction scheme, we find that the rich dynamics of Janus oscillators persists in the thermodynamic limit of random regular, Erdos-Renyi, and scale-free random networks. We uncover for all these networks the coexistence between partially synchronized states and a multitude of solutions of a collective state we denominate as a breathing standing wave, which displays global oscillations. Furthermore, abrupt transitions of the global and local order parameters are observed for all topologies considered. Interestingly, only for scale-free networks, it is found that states displaying global oscillations vanish in the thermodynamic limit.
  • Article
    Collective Dynamics of Random Janus Oscillator Networks
    (American Physical Society, 2020) Peron,T.; Eroğlu, Deniz; Eroglu,D.; Rodrigues,F.A.; Moreno,Y.
    Janus oscillators have been recently introduced as a remarkably simple phase oscillator model that exhibits nontrivial dynamical patterns-such as chimeras, explosive transitions, and asymmetry-induced synchronization-that were once observed only in specifically tailored models. Here we study ensembles of Janus oscillators coupled on large homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. By virtue of the Ott-Antonsen reduction scheme, we find that the rich dynamics of Janus oscillators persists in the thermodynamic limit of random regular, Erdos-Rényi, and scale-free random networks. We uncover for all these networks the coexistence between partially synchronized states and a multitude of solutions of a collective state we denominate as a breathing standing wave, which displays global oscillations. Furthermore, abrupt transitions of the global and local order parameters are observed for all topologies considered. Interestingly, only for scale-free networks, it is found that states displaying global oscillations vanish in the thermodynamic limit. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.
  • Article
    First-Principle Validation of Fourier's Law in D=1, 2, 3 Classical Systems
    (Elsevier, 2023) Tsallis, Constantino; Eroğlu, Deniz; Lima, Henrique Santos; Tirnakli, Ugur; Eroglu, Deniz
    We numerically study the thermal transport in the classical inertial nearest-neighbor XY ferromagnet in d = 1, 2, 3, the total number of sites being given by N = Ld, where L is the linear size of the system. For the thermal conductance sigma, we obtain sigma(T, L)L delta(d)= A(d) e-B(d) [L gamma (d)T ]eta(d) (with ez q(d) q equivalent to [1+(1-q)z]1/(1-q); ez1 = ez; A(d) > 0; B(d) > 0; q(d) > 1; eta(d) > 2; delta >= 0; gamma(d) > 0), for all values of L gamma(d)T for d = 1, 2, 3. In the L -> infinity limit, we have sigma proportional to 1/L rho sigma(d) with rho sigma(d) = delta(d)+gamma(d)eta(d)/[q(d)-1]. The material conductivity is given by kappa = sigma Ld proportional to 1/L rho kappa(d) (L -> infinity) with rho kappa(d) = rho sigma(d) - d. Our numerical results are consistent with 'conspiratory' d-dependences of (q, eta, delta, gamma), which comply with normal thermal conductivity (Fourier law) for all dimensions.(c) 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Article
    Network Structural Origin of Instabilities in Large Complex Systems
    (Amer Assoc Advancement Science, 2022) Duan, Chao; Eroğlu, Deniz; Nishikawa, Takashi; Eroglu, Deniz; Motter, Adilson E.
    A central issue in the study of large complex network systems, such as power grids, financial networks, and ecological systems, is to understand their response to dynamical perturbations. Recent studies recognize that many real networks show nonnormality and that nonnormality can give rise to reactivity-the capacity of a linearly stable system to amplify its response to perturbations, oftentimes exciting nonlinear instabilities. Here, we identify network structural properties underlying the pervasiveness of nonnormality and reactivity in real directed networks, which we establish using the most extensive dataset of such networks studied in this context to date. The identified properties are imbalances between incoming and outgoing network links and paths at each node. On the basis of this characterization, we develop a theory that quantitatively predicts nonnormality and reactivity and explains the observed pervasiveness. We suggest that these results can be used to design, upgrade, control, and manage networks to avoid or promote network instabilities.
  • Article
    Network Dynamics Reconstruction From Data
    (Scıentıfıc Technıcal Research Councıl Turkey-Tubıtak, 2020) Eroğlu, Deniz; Eroğlu, Deniz
    We consider the problem of recovering the model of a complex network of interacting dynamical units from time series of observations. We focus on typical networks which exhibit heterogeneous degrees, i.e. where the number of connections varies widely across the network, and the coupling strength for a single interaction is small. In these networks, the behavior of each unit varies according to their connectivity. Under these mild assumptions, our method provides an effective network reconstruction of the network dynamics. The method is robust to a certain size of noise and only requires relatively short time series on the state variable of most nodes to determine: how well-connected a particular node is, the distribution of the nodes' degrees in the network, and the underlying dynamics.
  • Article
    Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Palaeoclimate Proxy Records
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021) Marwan, Norbert; Eroğlu, Deniz; Donges, Jonathan F.; Donner, Reik, V; Eroglu, Deniz
    Identifying and characterising dynamical regime shifts, critical transitions or potential tipping points in palaeoclimate time series is relevant for improving the understanding of often highly nonlinear Earth system dynamics. Beyond linear changes in time series properties such as mean, variance, or trend, these nonlinear regime shifts can manifest as changes in signal predictability, regularity, complexity, or higher-order stochastic properties such as multi-stability. In recent years, several classes of methods have been put forward to study these critical transitions in time series data that are based on concepts from nonlinear dynamics, complex systems science, information theory, and stochastic analysis. These include approaches such as phase space-based recurrence plots and recurrence networks, visibility graphs, order pattern-based entropies, and stochastic modelling. Here, we review and compare in detail several prominent methods from these fields by applying them to the same set of marine palaeoclimate proxy records of African climate variations during the past 5 million years. Applying these methods, we observe notable nonlinear transitions in palaeoclimate dynamics in these marine proxy records and discuss them in the context of important climate events and regimes such as phases of intensified Walker circulation, marine isotope stage M2, the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation and the mid-Pleistocene transition. We find that the studied approaches complement each other by allowing us to point out distinct aspects of dynamical regime shifts in palaeoclimate time series. We also detect significant correlations of these nonlinear regime shift indicators with variations of Earth's orbit, suggesting the latter as potential triggers of nonlinear transitions in palaeoclimate. Overall, the presented study underlines the potentials of nonlinear time series analysis approaches to provide complementary information on dynamical regime shifts in palaeoclimate and their driving processes that cannot be revealed by linear statistics or eyeball inspection of the data alone. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Article
    Reconstructing Network Dynamics of Coupled Discrete Chaotic Units From Data
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2023) Topal, Irem; Eroğlu, Deniz; Eroglu, Deniz
    Reconstructing network dynamics from data is crucial for predicting the changes in the dynamics of complex systems such as neuron networks; however, previous research has shown that the reconstruction is possible under strong constraints such as the need for lengthy data or small system size. Here, we present a recovery scheme blending theoretical model reduction and sparse recovery to identify the governing equations and the interactions of weakly coupled chaotic maps on complex networks, easing unrealistic constraints for real-world applications. Learning dynamics and connectivity lead to detecting critical transitions for parameter changes. We apply our technique to realistic neuronal systems with and without noise on a real mouse neocortex and artificial networks.
  • Article
    Multifaceted Dynamics of Janus Oscillator Networks
    (Amer Physical Soc., 2019) Eroğlu, Deniz; Eroğlu, Deniz; Motter, Adilson E.
    Recent research has led to the discovery of fundamental new phenomena in network synchronization including chimera states explosive synchronization and asymmetry-induced synchronization. Each of these phenomena has thus far been observed only in systems designed to exhibit that one phenomenon which raises the questions of whether they are mutually compatible and if so under what conditions they co-occur. Here we introduce a class of remarkably simple oscillator networks that concurrently exhibit all of these phenomena. The dynamical units consist of pairs of nonidentical phase oscillators which we refer to as Janus oscillators by analogy with Janus particles and the mythological figure from which their name is derived. In contrast to previous studies these networks exhibit (i) explosive synchronization with identical oscillators, (ii) extreme multistability of chimera states including traveling intermittent and bouncing chimeras, and (iii) asymmetry-induced synchronization in which synchronization is promoted by random oscillator heterogeneity. These networks also exhibit the previously unobserved possibility of inverted synchronization transitions in which a transition to a more synchronous state is induced by a reduction rather than an increase in the coupling strength. These various phenomena are shown to emerge under rather parsimonious conditions and even in locally connected ring topologies which has the potential to facilitate their use to control and manipulate synchronization in experiments.