Yılmaz, Onurcan
Name Variants
Yılmaz, O.
YILMAZ, Onurcan
Yılmaz, Onurcan
O. Yılmaz
Onurcan Yılmaz
Onurcan, Yilmaz
Yılmaz O.
Yilmaz, Onurcan
Onurcan YILMAZ
Y., Onurcan
Yılmaz, O.
YILMAZ, Onurcan
Yılmaz, Onurcan
O. Yılmaz
Onurcan Yılmaz
Onurcan, Yilmaz
Yılmaz O.
Yilmaz, Onurcan
Onurcan YILMAZ
Y., Onurcan
Job Title
Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
46 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 46
Article How Is the Big Five Related To Moral and Political Convictions: the Moderating Role of the Weirdness of the Culture(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019) Alper, Sinan; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, OnurcanThere has been extensive research on how the Big Five personality traits are related to political orientation and endorsement of moral foundations. However, recent findings suggest that these relationships may not be cross-culturally stable. We argue that how much a culture is WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) could moderate how the Big Five is related to political and moral convictions. In a sample of 7263 participants from 30 countries, our results showed that the level of WEIRDness of the culture moderated (1) the associations of agreeableness and openness with ideology; (2) the associations of extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness with individualizing foundations; and (3) the association of extraversion with binding moral foundations. The results were mixed and some of the interactions were small in magnitude. However, they clearly indicate that the Big Five traits' relationship with moral and political convictions are not cross-culturally stable.Master Thesis Sezgisel ve Mantıksal Düşünmenin Ahlaki Faydacılığın Boyutları Üzerindeki Etkisi(2024) Almaç, Halil; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, OnurcanBu çalışmada, sezgisel ve analitik düşünmenin faydacılığın iki boyutu olan tarafsız fayda ve araçsal zarar üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Ancak, daha sonra yapılan çalışmalar (Isler & Yilmaz, 2023) akıl yürütmeye yönlendirme manipülasyonu olarak kullanılan tekniğin analitik düşünme performansını artırmadığını göstermiştir; bu da Capraro ve arkadaşlarının (2019) bulgularının yalnızca analitik düşünmenin etkilerine atfedilemeyeceğini düşündürmektedir. Ayrıca, çalışmalarında gerçek bir kontrol grubunun bulunmaması gözlemlenen etkilerin yorumlanmasını zorlaştırmaktadır. Capraro ve arkadaşlarının (2019) orijinal deney düzeneğini temel alarak, sadece onların kullandığı duygusal ve analitik düşünmeye yönlendirme manipülasyonlarını değil, aynı zamanda mevcut literatürde etkili olduğu bilinen bilişsel yanlılık eğitimini ve pasif bir kontrol grubunu da dahil ettik. Orijinal çalışmaya benzer şekilde çevrimiçi bir ABD örneklemi (N = 746) ile bir deney gerçekleştirdik. Sonuçlarımız, hem duygusal hem de analitik düşünmeye yönlendirmenin tarafsız fayda puanlarını bilişsel yanlılık eğitimi ve kontrol koşullarına kıyasla artırdığını, sadece analitik düşünmeye yönlendirmenin araçsal zarar puanlarını bu koşullara göre artırdığını ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, bilişsel yanlılık eğitimi kontrole kıyasla anlamlı bir etki göstermemiş, duygusal ve mantıksal düşünmeye yönlendirmenin bilişsel yanlılık eğitimi ve kontrole göre etkileri aynı yönde olmuştur. Analiz, Capraro ve arkadaşlarının (2019) orijinal çalışmasında olduğu gibi, yalnızca duygusal düşünme ve analitik düşünmeye yönlendirme koşullarıyla yapıldığında, ilk bulgular tekrarlanmış ve duygusal düşünmeye yönlendirmeye bağlı olarak araçsal zararda bir azalma olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, iyi yapılandırılmış bir analitik düşünme manipülasyonu olan bilişsel yanlılık eğitiminin benzer bir etkisinin olmaması ve duygusal düşünme ve analitik düşünmeye yönlendirme manipülasyonlarının etkilerinin beklentilerin aksine aynı yönde olması, bu etkilerin yanıt yanlılıkları veya empati gibi diğer mekanizmalardan kaynaklanabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Gelecekteki çalışmalar bu etkilerin arkasındaki mekanizmaları daha kapsamlı deneylerle araştırmalıdır.Master Thesis Meta-etiksel Görüşler Gerçek Ahlaki Davranışı Yordar Mı?(2023) Albayrak, Melike; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, OnurcanLiteratürdeki mevcut çalışmalar meta-etik inançların dini inanç ve ahlaki karar alma dahil pek çok çeşitli tutum ve davranışı etkilediğini gösterse de bu çalışmaların çoğu küçük örneklem büyüklüğünden mustariptir veya kesitsel bir tasarıma sahiptir. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla hiçbir araştırma bu tür inançların insanların gerçek davranışları üzerinde uzun süreler boyunca önemli ve istikrarlı bir etkisi olup olmadığını incelememiştir. Bu çalışmada, nesnel ve öznel ahlak gibi meta-etiksel görüşlerin, ön-seçimle araştırmaya dahil edilmiş inançlı (örneğin Hıristiyanlar) ve inançlı olmayanlar (ateistler ve agnostikler) arasında 7 aylık süre zarfında prososyallik ve cezalandırıcılık gibi çeşitli ahlaki davranışları yordayıp yordamadığını araştırdık. Katılımcılar Prolific'ten seçilmiş ve Prolific tarama bilgileri kullanılarak neredeyse eşit sayıda inançlı ve inançlı olmayanlar şeklinde ayrılmıştır. Bulgular, nesnel ahlakın prososyalliği anlamlı bir şekilde yordamamasına rağmen, bir tür işbirlikçi norm yaptırımı işlevi gören ceza davranışıyla anlamlıya yakın ilişkiler sergilediklerini ortaya koymuştur. Bu etki, inançlılara kıyasla inançlı olmayanlar arasında daha güçlü olma eğilimindedir. Bununla birlikte öznel ahlak, bağımsız bir şekilde prosoyalliği veya cezalandırma davranışını yordamazken, ahlakın ilahi bir otoriteye dayandığı inancı prososyallik ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Ön testte ölçülen bireysel farklılık değişkenlerinin düzenleyici rolüne ilişkin ek testler de anlamlı bir ilişki göstermemiştir. Bu sonuçlar, meta-etiksel inançların, özellikle ceza ile ilgili ahlaki alanlardaki davranışların önemli bir itici gücü olarak hizmet edebileceği fikrini desteklerken, prososyal davranış üzerindeki etkileri nispeten daha az belirgin olabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Gelecekteki araştırmalar, meta-etik inançların intikamcı cezalandırma gibi farklı ceza biçimleri üzerindeki etkilerini incelemelidir.Article Scarcity Improves Economic Valuations When Cognitively Salient(Elsevier, 2023) Isler, Ozan; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yilmaz, Onurcan; Dulleck, UweIn an influential article, Shah et al. (2015) hypothesized that resource scarcity weakens the effect of irrelevant contextual factors on economic valuations. The hypothesis that scarcity frames value qualifies the applicability of standard theories of rational choice and suggests a revised psychological foundation. In support, Shah et al. showed that differences in the willingness to pay for a commodity depending on where it was purchased (a fancy hotel vs. a run-down store) and in the willingness to travel to receive a fixed discount depend-ing on the size of the purchase (a cheap vs. an expensive computer) were smaller among those with low personal incomes. In a large-scale preregistered experiment (N = 3,442), we tested whether scarcity framed value during the COVID-19 pandemic as well. The sam-ple exhibited the canonical context effects overall. Consistent with the hypothesis, these effects tended to be smaller among those facing higher scarcity of personal income. Ex-tending the original findings, economic valuations of low-income earners improved, partic-ularly when scarcity was on the minds of the participants, as those with high financial and other resource scarcity concerns were less susceptible to the context effects. Our findings indicate that scarcity frames value, especially when it is cognitively salient, and emphasize the importance of considering contextual factors when attempting replications.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )Article Multidimensional Intuitive–analytic Thinking Style and Its Relation To Moral Concerns, Epistemically Suspect Beliefs, and Ideology(Society for Judgment and Decision making, 2023) Bayrak,F.; Doğruyol, Burak; Dogruyol,B.; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Alper,S.; Yilmaz,O.Literature highlights the distinction between intuitive and analytic thinking as a prominent cognitive style distinction, leading to the proposal of various theories within the framework of the dual process model. However, it remains unclear whether individuals differ in their thinking styles along a single dimension, from intuitive to analytic, or if other dimensions are at play. Moreover, the presence of numerous thinking style measures, employing different terminology but conceptually overlapping, leads to confusion. To address these complexities, Newton et al. suggested the idea that individuals vary across multiple dimensions of intuitive–analytic thinking styles and distinguished thinking styles between 4 distinct types: Actively open-minded thinking, close-minded thinking, preference for effortful thinking, and preference for intuitive thinking. They proposed a new measure for this 4-factor disposition, The 4-Component Thinking Styles Questionnaire (4-CTSQ), to comprehensively capture the psychological outcomes related to thinking styles; however, no independent test exists. In the current pre-registered studies, we test the validity of 4-CTSQ for the first time beyond the original study and examine the association of the proposed measure with various factors, including morality, conspiracy beliefs, paranormal and religious beliefs, vaccine hesitancy, and ideology in an underrepresented culture, Türkiye. We found that the correlated 4-factor model of 4-CTSQ is an appropriate measure to capture individual differences based on cognitive style. The results endorse the notion that cognitive style differences are characterized by distinct structures rather than being confined to two ends of a single continuum. © The Author(s), 2023.Master Thesis The Effect of Type of Threat on Political Ideology(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) Aktar, Bengi; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, OnurcanThere is currently no consensus about the relationship between threat and political ideology in the literature. While conservatism as motivated social cognition account (MSC) suggests that when people are under threat, they become more politically conservative, the Terror Management Theory (TMT) argues that threat leads people to support their existing worldviews. On the other hand, the Issue Ownership Model suggests that some parties or leaders might seem more compatible in solving certain problems. Therefore, different types of threats might result in various types of shifts in political ideology. To clarify the controversy, in this research, we examined the relationship between the type of threat and political ideology in a Turkish context. We investigated whether the type of threat might produce different effects on political ideology. Participants read one of the three articles, and then responded to the political ideology measures. Two articles (terror threat – climate threat) served as manipulations (intended to elicit a conservative shift or liberal shift) while the other one served as a control condition. Our main hypotheses were that (1) participants in the terror threat condition would score higher on the conservatism scale compared to other conditions, (2) participants in the climate threat condition would score lower on the conservatism scale compared to other conditions, and (3) participants in the threat conditions will display more negative mood assessment compared to control conditions. We found no support for our main hypotheses; on the other hand, our exploratory analyses yield significant results for future studies to take into account.Book Part Intuition and Deliberation in Morality and Cooperation: an Overview of the Literature(CRC Press, 2019) İşler, Ozan; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, OnurcanThis chapter focuses on a question that remains in relative neglect in the management literature-whether intuitions support ethical and cooperative behavior. It provides an overview of the literature and discuses the emerging picture on dual-process accounts of morality and cooperation. Despite the growing scholarship on the pros and cons of intuitive managerial decision-making, the literature understandably prioritizes the aspects of strategic business decisions and consequent corporate financial performance. A comparison of the heuristics-and-biases, simple-heuristics, and naturalistic decision-making accounts indicated that expertise is built on regular feedback from a learning-friendly environment and that intuitions tend to be reliable when expertise matches the decision environment. Evidence on the dual-process accounts of cooperation indicates that both social heuristics and self-control may regulate intuitive cooperation to an extent dependent on the problem at hand and on the associations it may induce.Article Validation of Morality as Cooperation Questionnaire in Turkey, and Its Relation to Prosociality, Ideology, and Resource Scarcity(Hogrefe Publishing GmbH, 2021) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Doğruyol, Burak; Harma, MehmetThe theory of morality as cooperation (MAC) argues that there are seven distinct and evolved universal moral foundations. Curry, Chesters, and Van Lissa (2019) developed a scale to test this theoretical approach and showed that the Relevance subscale of the MAC questionnaire (MAC-Q) fits data well, unlike the Judgment and full-form. However, an independent test of the validity of this questionnaire has not been hitherto conducted, and its relation with ideology is unknown. In the first study, we attempted to validate the Turkish form of MAC-Q and then examined the relationship with prosociality and political ideology. The results showed that the fit indices of MAC-Q Relevance are above the standard criteria, unlike the Judgment and full form (n = 445), and significant relationships with prosociality and political ideology provided additional evidence for the validity. We used the MAC-Q Relevance in Study 2 (n = 576, Turkey) and Study 3 (n = 921, US), and investigated whether manipulating resource scarcity influences the endorsement of MAC. Although there was no effect of the manipulation, correlational findings provided some support for the predictive validity of MAC-Q. Overall, MAC-Q Relevance performs well in representing the lay notions of morality in both Turkey and the US, unlike full-form.Article Religion, parochialism and intuitive cooperation(NATURE RESEARCH, 2021-01) İşler, Ozan; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Yılmaz, Onurcan; Maule, A. JohnReligions promote cooperation, but they can also be divisive. Is religious cooperation intuitively parochial against atheists? Evidence supporting the social heuristics hypothesis (SHH) suggests that cooperation is intuitive, independent of religious group identity. We tested this prediction in a one-shot prisoner's dilemma game, where 1,280 practising Christian believers were paired with either a coreligionist or an atheist and where time limits were used to increase reliance on either intuitive or deliberated decisions. We explored another dual-process account of cooperation, the self-control account (SCA), which suggests that visceral reactions tend to be selfish and that cooperation requires deliberation. We found evidence for religious parochialism but no support for SHH's prediction of intuitive cooperation. Consistent with SCA but requiring confirmation in future studies, exploratory analyses showed that religious parochialism involves decision conflict and concern for strong reciprocity and that deliberation promotes cooperation independent of religious group identity.Article Inferring political and religious attitudes from composite faces perceived to be related to the dark triad personality traits(Elsevier Ltd, 2021) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Fatih, Bayrak; Yılmaz, OnurcanWe used composite face images perceived to have different levels of Dark Triad personality traits (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and asked participants to predict these target individuals' religious and political identities. In Study 1 (N = 550), Turkish participants rated faces with higher levels of perceived Dark Triad traits as less likely to be religious, to believe in God, and more likely to be left-winger, and to vote for a left-leaning party in all categories except for male narcissism. In a pre-registered follow-up study (N = 1001), we recruited a nationally representative US sample and replicated the same results with minor differences regarding male and female narcissism, and voting preferences. Participants' own political and ideological identities and their stereotypical evaluation of the target groups were mostly ineffective in explaining their predictions. The results suggest that people can perceive faces with higher levels of Dark Triad traits as less religious and less conservative.