Gizlilik Sözleşmesi
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Gizlilik sözleşmesi temel olarak, tarafların gizlilik beklentilerinin sözleşme ile hüküm altına alındığı ve gizlilik ihlali halinde uygulanacak hukuki sonuçların öngörüldüğü sözleşmedir. Sözleşme özgürlüğü çerçevesinde taraflar; 'diğer tarafla paylaşılacak bilgileri, tarafların gizlilik yükümlülüklerini, bilgilerin korunması için uygulanacak tedbirlerini, gizlilik ihlali sayılan halleri, sözleşmenin sona erdiren sebepleri' bu sözleşmede serbestçe belirleyebilirler. Gizlilik sözleşmesi; 'Ticaret Hukuku, İş Hukuku, Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Hukuku, Sınai Mülkiyet Hukuku, Rekabet Hukuku ve Bankacılık Mevzuatı' gibi pek çok farklı alanda ihtiyaç duyulan ve bunun karşılanmasına yönelik geliştirilmiş bir sözleşmedir. Gizlilik sözleşmesinin; uygulamada yoğun olarak kullanıldığını ancak konuyla ilgili akademik çalışmanın çok sınırlı olduğunu ve bu sözleşmenin kanunda düzenlenen sözleşmelerden olmadığını belirmemiz gerekir. Buradan hareketle gizlilik sözleşmesi çalışma konumuz olarak belirlenmiştir. Gizlilik sözleşmesinin; unsurları, kapsamı, hukuki niteliği ve tarafların sözleşmeden kaynaklanan sorumlulukları akademik düzeyde tartışılmıştır. Çalışmamızda; çeşitli hukuk alanlarında ve özel mevzuatta adı geçen gizlilik sözleşmesinin, bir bütünlük ve sentez meydana getiren biçimde teorik olarak değerlendirilmesi ile doktrine katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır.
Non-disclosure agreement is basically a contract in which the confidentiality expectations of the parties are stipulated by the contract and the legal consequences that will be applied in case of breach of confidentiality are foreseen. The parties; can freely specify 'the information to be shared with the other party, the confidentiality obligations of the parties, the measures to be implemented to protect the information, the situations considered as a violation of confidentiality, the reasons for terminating the contract' in non-disclosure agreement within the framework of freedom of contract. Non-disclosure agreement is a contract developed to meet the needs in many different fields such as 'Commercial Law, Labor Law, Data Protection Law, Industrial Property Law, Competition Law and Banking Legislation'. It should be stated that non-disclosure agreement studies in doctrine are very limited and there is no separate regulation in law regarding this agreement. Based on this, the non-disclosure agreement was determined as the subject of our study. Its elements, scope and professional confidentiality obligations arising from specific legislation of the parties, were discussed at the academic level in our study. In our study; it is aimed to contribute to the doctrine by theoretically evaluating the non-disclosure agreement, which is mentioned in various legal fields and specific legislation, in a way that creates a certain integrity and a synthesis.
Non-disclosure agreement is basically a contract in which the confidentiality expectations of the parties are stipulated by the contract and the legal consequences that will be applied in case of breach of confidentiality are foreseen. The parties; can freely specify 'the information to be shared with the other party, the confidentiality obligations of the parties, the measures to be implemented to protect the information, the situations considered as a violation of confidentiality, the reasons for terminating the contract' in non-disclosure agreement within the framework of freedom of contract. Non-disclosure agreement is a contract developed to meet the needs in many different fields such as 'Commercial Law, Labor Law, Data Protection Law, Industrial Property Law, Competition Law and Banking Legislation'. It should be stated that non-disclosure agreement studies in doctrine are very limited and there is no separate regulation in law regarding this agreement. Based on this, the non-disclosure agreement was determined as the subject of our study. Its elements, scope and professional confidentiality obligations arising from specific legislation of the parties, were discussed at the academic level in our study. In our study; it is aimed to contribute to the doctrine by theoretically evaluating the non-disclosure agreement, which is mentioned in various legal fields and specific legislation, in a way that creates a certain integrity and a synthesis.
Hukuk, Law
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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